Thursday, June 17, 2021



When the bad luck day came to be

The clouds with darkness cover the skies

It was a bad feeling that  day I cannot harvest my labor.


When the paper was not process

My world turn upside down

When nothing left in your wallet

Only angry and sorrow appear in you


I pray to God, he will bless me that day

A good friend leads her helping hand

Even her whole family was suffering

From a virus of imagination


The day full of a bad experience

 laying down in my body of negativity

I feel evil and savage heart

My naked soul and confuse heart bring me to wonder

Thinking of ending my life to end my agony


When a woman with a map in her face

Slow doing her job, and I can only think of bad things

I want to slap on her face a million times


I lost hope and take a day to day as a challenge

The lockdown made me so sad and lonely

I lost a man who knows me and cares for me

I will be missing  you eternally

Til we meet again in a perfect time 

Lockdown June 15,2021

Penn Tulabing Larena 



    The poem by Mr. Penn is all about the things the he have experienced during the lockdown and that includes having no enough money for his needs, losing a loved ones, and attempting to kill himself that we all know that is not good thing to do. The poem also talk about how someone helped him even if she also experiencing a bad situation.
    The poem is indeed very relatable as we also experienced almost everything that the author experienced but life must go on so we need to keep going and life our lives nicely. Killing ourselves isn’t and will never be a solution to our problems and struggles because we all know that it is a sin. Some people really do have a good heart for they still helped those in need even if they are experiencing bas things in their lives and that one thing would be a big help to anyone around you specially in this time of pandemic. Losing someone is painful but we need to let them rest as what God wants, because dying is not within our control it is God.
    I have learned in this poem that there will be time that we really wanted to cry ourself out loud for we really don’t know what to do anymore, but we should never ever do the thing that will make our family’s life more harder and that is to kill ourselves. We all know that it is a sin so we should always remember to never do that. I also learned that when you are facing difficulties God will really make a way to help and guide you all the way, because God will never give a problem that He knows we can’t overcome, so we just need to keep going and do our best to live our life peacefully and beautifully.
    Lockdown turns our life upside down but at least we’re still alive, we’re still breathing and we’re still with our family and that’s all we need to be thankful for. Everything happens for a reason, just do your part and everything would be well.
    Life is important so take good care of it because it is God’s gift to us.


    As I saw the title, it already give a hint of what will be the story behind of this poem. The word "lockdown", I am already familiar with it, since I experienced it. The lockdown makes our life miserable (there might some people disagree with my statement, but it is my personal perspective) because it made people's life hard, some people lose their job that led to cause depression, stress, and etc to people. Losing their source of income is their nightmare, especially if you are a parent/s or have a family that need to feed. If I put myself into the shoes of the author, I would say that I understand his pain, I may not be the one who's looking a money to feed into my family but I witnessed how the people around me having a hard time because of lockdown, I witnessed how they became problematic because there are no foods to eat in the next day, there are no money that left in their wallet, they are worried where they can get those necessities. Lockdown really test our faith and hope to God, it test us that during in our hardest time and hopelessness in our life, were we still able to have faith and hope to God? Did we remember that there is God? or did we JUST remember Him because we have something to ask? My point is, no matter what problem we experience during those time we should always remember the there is God who always there for us, never lose a single strand of hope, trust, and faith to God because He always have his ways to resolve it for us. FIGHTING author. FIGHTING EVERYONE. ALWAYS KEEP SAFE KASI MAY COVID.

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  4. Ma. Katrina C. Sapida
    Grade 12- Our lady of Miraculous Medal

    Lockdown reflection

    The poem is about the horrid way of life that was brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. The horrors, the extreme boredom, and a horrible way of living with no end in sight. The author was able to describe how its like in a pandemic, though concisely. The lockdown has restricted our essential way of life and turned most of our social activities online. Our daily human functions has been supressed by the lockdown, which can make some of us lose our sanity.

    The lockdown has destroyed not only people themselves, but the people’s lives as well. It took away many opportunities, and our social lives as well. It has been two years since the start of the pandemic, and despite the increasing number of vaccinated people, the pandemic itself is still at full swing, ruining people’s lives left and right. It will be a long time until things become normal again; the day when we no longer need to wear masks, face shields, the use of apps to indicate whether or not we’re infected, among other things. Socialization is an integral part of the human instinct, and we are longing for its return to physically interact with people like we used to two years ago.

    Based on my experiences, Life during the pandemic was proven difficult, especially in the beginning. Things happened so abruptly and was too quick to even think about what is actually going on. I never expected a virus to spread at a rapid rate in the modern times of medicine. When the lockdown was enforced, i thought it will be easy, comfortable and temporary as well. But it took longer than i expected. As a result, life was getting miserable by the day, hoping for it to end. I am already vaccinated a few weeks ago, but i dont see a difference when being vaccinated or not: i am treated the same way. I still follow the public guidelines, social distancing, and the wearing of face masks. It is ironically tiring to stay home for weeks on end, and i only go out when i need to. For two years i have only went out with my friends four times, and it happened every after a few months. This lockdown is certainly tiring. I dont think i can handle this for long. I only want things to go back to normal as mentioned previously.

  5. As I first read the word lockdown, I know already that this poem is very relatable to me since we all are experiencing this until now. This poem literally explains how lockdown has affected all of us making us feel bad and lonely. In the first stanza, it mentioned a bad luck day where darkness covers the skies and it was a bad feeling. It obviously means that as the pandemic started, we all know that things will get worse especially that this is not just a normal virus. This pandemic made our colorful life be in loneliness where it makes us feel sad and miserable. In the second stanza, it states that the papers which are not processed making our world turn upside down and there is nothing left in your pocket but only anger and sorrow. This reffered to the jobs and bussinesses that were turned down causing poverty to people especially that in this pandemic we need a lot of supplies in order for us to stay at home most of the time. This makes most of the adults feel hopeless in making more money for the family especially that they also need to balance their safety against Covid thinking about not having to spread it especially in your household. The third stanza was all about hope and asking for forgiveness. We all need to pray everyday that graces will come into our life but not having to think about giving back our appreciation and thanks to the Lord. We always complain about having natural disasters making us suffer without thinking that we are the ones making God and His family suffer also. It is us making our lives miserable so it is our duty to have each others hands holding together and end this Covid and other bad habits we do affecting our mother nature. The fourth stanza talks about how people feel hopeless because of this never ending cases in our country. People would've think of ending their lives in order not to suffer more. Bad feeling came into us missing all the things we love to do. Anger came into us for being too tired without having to think of any things to do to make this end already. Lastly, the fifth and sixth stanza talks about how this pandemic breaks our hearts making us feel angry, sad, and lonely. This pandemic took our loved ones too fast that made us more hopeless to this. I just hope people will not be thinking of the money they can have but the lives they can save helping each others. All we need to do is Pray, and do the actions in order to help ourselves and others overcome this situation and do the things we love again and again without hurting anyone especially our mother earth.

    1. Sean Mark D. Adlao
      12- Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

  6. Jacinta Ruth O'Regan
    12- Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The title kind of explained most of what the poem would be about. The poem wasn't one that I could relate to, I understand that because of the lockdown a lot of people lost their jobs, businesses are closing, and it doesn't look like its going to get better unless of course we change our ways. It also sucks for my family too, but instead of complaining about it, we do our best to change and adapt. It's either you adapt to your environment, or you continue on with the old ways and fall deeper and deeper into complaining. If you are stressed, and having a hard time at what you are doing, then what you are doing is wrong. Change instead of giving up. People who give up are not 'relatable', they are lazy, and those who relate are the same. Take away the things that are hindering you and making a mess out of your life. Save money and invest in things that you think will benefit you. That is all.

  7. The poem is all about the things we are experiencing during this lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, the agony that we are continuously facing. It is a very heart-melting poem that everyone of us could relate to. The times when we have nothing left but sadness and pain. The times when we only have nothing. The times when we can do nothing but to mourn. Every human being during the lockdown is experiencing difficult situation and this has to end.
    The author states about losing his hope and ending his life was his only resort to end his suffering. We all know, that this lockdown becomes very crucial to us, giving us no money, sending our loved ones away, and imprisoning us from darkness and sorrows. But these things that are happening to us are not worthy for us to give up in despair. These are not worthy to lose hope in God. In fact, this lockdown should be the time when we hold on tightly to God. The moment where God gives us the chance to surrender ourselves to Him.
    The poem releases strong emotion towards how the author feels in this pandemic, lockdown. Life is hard indeed. And this lockdown, just makes our life harder and miserable. I can say, it is okay not to be okay now. It is okay to cry, to rest and to be tired. But after these, we need to stand up and have a fresh start.
    Remember, God has plans for us. Things that are happening now have a purpose in the end. God will never give us trials that we cannot handle. Just trust the process, and one day we will open our eyes raining with blessings.

  8. Name:Kathlea F. Bendaño
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem is all about the things we are experiencing during this lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, the agony that we are continuously facing. It is a very heart-melting poem that everyone of us could relate to. The times when we have nothing left but sadness and pain. The times when we only have nothing. The times when we can do nothing but to mourn. Every human being during the lockdown is experiencing difficult situation and this has to end.
    The author states about losing his hope and ending his life was his only resort to end his suffering. We all know, that this lockdown becomes very crucial to us, giving us no money, sending our loved ones away, and imprisoning us from darkness and sorrows. But these things that are happening to us are not worthy for us to give up in despair. These are not worthy to lose hope in God. In fact, this lockdown should be the time when we hold on tightly to God. The moment where God gives us the chance to surrender ourselves to Him.
    The poem releases strong emotion towards how the author feels in this pandemic, lockdown. Life is hard indeed. And this lockdown, just makes our life harder and miserable. I can say, it is okay not to be okay now. It is okay to cry, to rest and to be tired. But after these, we need to stand up and have a fresh start.
    Remember, God has plans for us. Things that are happening now have a purpose in the end. God will never give us trials that we cannot handle. Just trust the process, and one day we will open our eyes raining with blessings.

  9. Marianne Joy F. Hassaram
    Gr. 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Reading the poem, I felt the author's frustration over the pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns. This poem speaks to all who have gone through difficult experiences due to COVID-19. We're missing out on important events like graduations, weddings, birthdays, christmas celebrations, even simple outings with friends and family. Not only that, the stresses of everyday life have tripled as they are coupled with loss, loneliness, grief, and fear for our safety. None of us imagined that our lives would turn out like this.

    The author details his experiences and expresses how he felt. In one stanza, he expresses his frustartion towards a woman who worked slowly. This really resonated with me as I often express my anger through my irritability. Anger is a result of other negative emotions so it is very important to be able to understand ourselves in order to avoid harming others. In addition, there is a mention of loss and grief for a dear friend. I myself have gone through the loss of uncle. It is a confusing feeling and I wish nothing more but to see them again in the far future. At one point there is even a mention of suicidal thoughts as the author endures his agony. This goes to show how the pandemic has affected our mental well-being.

    You can tell that the author is religious as he calls for God. There is a sense of desperation as he asks for His blessing. By the end of the poem I felt as if he resigned everything to God. There is acceptance and peace within this resignation. Maybe this is what God intended. Just like many of us, we have no choice but to accept our situation. As the saying goes, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Let’s take each day one by one and not let our emotions overwhelm us. Every generation had to deal with their share of historic events and here we are with ours. Let’s do what we can to cope with what we have.

  10. Wilmel B. Frejoles
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    Thereafter I've read Mr. Penn's meaningful poem, a lot of recognitions pop out of my mind. Based on the first stanza, the pandemic is like a vigorous force making it difficult for us to go on. It is like we are sailing our boat to the wind and see if we could overcome. Our future was left unseen as the clouds made by challenges in this pandemic were gloomy and dark which unable the visibility of our imagination about the outcomes of our existence.

    The limitations and adjustments brought by the pandemic greatly affect us not just physically but also mentally. In the second stanza the line "the paper was not process", this pandemic caused a lot of of things postponed. Flights, celebrations and even student's graduations were left just planned but never did happened as what it was expected to be. The 'ECQ' wasn't just about staying in our home but also in majority of lives have brought hunger and frustrations on how to survive. Wallets were empty as well as the stomach.

    At the darkest times of our lives, where all we can do is just bend our knees cry to our God for help, wishing someone would lift us up. A moment where we felt a chain of negativity locking us up and gave us the thought of holding our breath and ending our lives. The hopeful thoughts run out and got covered by loneliness and sorrow. We have lost connection to people and things we once loved, wishing it would come back on how it was before.

    My interpretation of Mr. Penn's poem is that the pandemic maybe hard and devastating where we gain thoughts on cutting our wrist but we must remember hope is always there. Hope shows up to those who believe, there will always be light to every darkness.

  11. Harvey T. Miral
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    I think this all about the experiences of a person with so much bad happenings in his life. As I read this poem, I immediately conclude that this person suffers big deal. Like on the first stanza I already felt his sadness because of the sudden break-out of Covid19 virus. We are all affected, and we can totally relate to his feelings in this poem. It also affects jobs to all people. We did get to the point that we don’t have nothing to eat, because we have no money left. It is really frustrating to think and see that, we don’t have enough money for everyday usage. In those darkest times, we always have that one friend that can always have our back, but you know it is also sad to think that he/she is willing to help you, but he/she is also suffering from the pandemic. You will feel pity to yourself. When pandemic strikes us, we all froze. Our normal every day, turns into a nightmare in a blink of an eye. Our classes can be resumed in our gadgets. And we did come to the point in our life where we feel bored and think of all the good or bad things. Thinking bad things never done good to any person. You will only feel much angrier in yourself and be ashamed. That’s when people think of that “thing”. The thing that we are worried about.

    We are all have different nightmares in life. Ending your life doesn’t end your sufferings. Most of us have a hard time during this pandemic, even me. We lost so much of our time, we lost experiences, we lost dozens of celebrations and we lost some loved ones. This made me even more realized that, love the persons today. Why are you hesitating to show your feelings to them? We don’t know how long he/she will stay by our side. Appreciating and loving them is how we made them feel our outmost love for them. But when I finished reading this wonderful poem, I come to think that this happenings in our lives. We only have one person to lean on. That’s God. No matter how heavy we are feeling today, we should always thank him, for here we are still surviving in the midst of chaotic world. We are very lucky to still alive. It made me realize that we all have different nightmares in life, but we will soon understand that, this was a challenge for us. Challenge to know that we can do this, that we can get through this, because we have God. So to sum up, this poem is very touching, and full of relatable events and feelings to me. Kudos to the writer, I really love your story, so brave of you to share with many people.


    The poem Lockdown by Mr. Penn Larena Tulabing evokes a wide range of feelings. It makes us experience pain, anguish, fury, sadness, and torment. The author experienced all of these emotions in a single day. The lockdown came on so suddenly and without warning. When the lockdown occurred, the author encountered obstacles and hurdles he hadn't planned for or expected. His painful day came and his world turned upside down. It was completely a bad day wherein he thought he can't take it anymore. But that wasn't the worst part of the day. He also lost someone who meant a lot to him. Every day, he began to lose hope. To the point, he wanted to take his life to alleviate the pain he was experiencing.

    There are times where we all experience bad days, days where we all feel like we want to give up and like the world is against us. In the poem, I learned a lesson that I could apply to my life problems. One of the lessons I got from the poem is to not forget to pray to God. God will never disappoint us. For as long as we need his help, he'll make it happen, even if it seems impossible to us. When you feel like falling apart just keep striving, for God gives His toughest battle to His strongest soldier. Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life. Life might be difficult sometimes but we need to keep fighting and win this battle with God.


    The poem is about the experienced of the author wherein when the lockdown started, the man worries about the things happening around him, he can also see the life with sorrow and irate. He lost hope and a lot negativity that pops out of his mind. At that moment he lost himself, he wanted to end things that makes him suffer. Fortunately, a friend held a hand to help despite her personal issue. In the end, he mentioned that he had lost a friend that cares for her deeply and stated that she will miss him eternally.

    This poem gives a lot of realization especially those person that are affected by the situation. Since they implement lockdown a lot of work got delayed and by that they don’t have a salary. That’s the one reason why people people get depressed, how can they provide their families needs and wants by that they tend to end their life as if it’s easy to do so. All of us has a cross to carry and it up to you how you handle those problems that you’ve encountered in your lives, ending your lives is not the solution of everything yet I can’t blame them for being a coward or they just lost hope in life and not face life beautifully. As a teenager I know I have a lot of struggles will be facing in the near future but as of now I’ll try being optimistic at all cost. In our lives where people leave or just pass through. Losing someone that we loved is normal because that how life is, people go and people come. And yes, this pandemic I’ve lost my grandmother she passed away at home and we couldn’t get her to the hospital and the most painful part is that I was not there in her last breath. At that point I wanted to cursed the universe why this things happened but I keep telling myself, maybe things happened the way they’re supposed to be. So to all people out-there who are suffering in life, it is not only you all of us do we may be have different stories but we shared the same pain.” It’s ok to shed tears but don’t tear yourself”. We may be stumble many times but don’t forget to stand up and move on. In every sorrow there’s always a joy, in every rain there’s always a rainbow, in every darkness there’s always a light and it is for you to look and see the beauty that the world have given in.


    Reflection about the poem entitled "Lockdown"

    The pandemic lockdown really brought changes to our society. In the poem, Mr. Penn experienced different struggles while he's seeing the world starting to fall apart and the humanity fighting against this crisis. We are not just suffering from the global crisis for health but also to the other aspects in our lives. Being isolated for months, limited jobs and means for the workers, financial worries, a lot of people lost their sources of living, and feeling lonely, sad and other negative thoughts that may crossed to our minds because of frustration and agony. Going through these things is not easy, and never been easy to anyone else's too. However, in this trying times we should not forget to seek help to our Almighty and Savior, we should have a strong faith in facing this adversity because with God nothing is impossible, "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    Based on the line in the poem, "a good friend leads her helping hand", in my perspective it means that she's an instrument sent from above to lead the person in the poem who is suffering hardships to a right track for survival even though this woman is also in a difficult road of her life. We are in the same storm but not in the same boat, we didn't know what the others are going through and their inside struggles, so we should be gentle to each other and be kind to all, and maybe like the woman in the poem we could be their hope in the midst of their battles. I know that when we lose someone we love we simply can't get over it but we should still learn how to accept and go on with our lives like nothing happened, but keeping our loved ones alive forever in our hearts. Mr. Penn have lost his track with his own identity, he used to be someone who believes within himself but through struggles, he have forgotten the man who truly trust his capability, and maybe when the right time comes he would be able to meet his true self and he may be able to commit serenity. Thus, I've learned from this poem that we must not just go with the flow and let that extremity sink us, fight the currents and swim for ourselves. Life isn't just rainbows and butterflies, there are times we might get lost on our way but if we are not willing to give up easily and rise up against the odds, we can still find the right path which is the light.


    Mr. Penn Larena Tulabing's poem Lockdown describes the author's experiences and struggles during the lockdown, including a lack of funds, the loss of a loved one, how someone supported him, and how he is contemplating suicide. What I like about the poetry is that it's incredibly realistic, because almost everyone went through a horrible time during the pandemic, and it had a big impact on our life during the lockdown. Some of us lost family members, others were unable to see their loved ones, and many people lost their jobs.

    This pandemic has been extremely difficult for us; it has forced us to experience a wide range of emotions and to lose hope in everything. It made us feel isolated and miserable. What I learned about reading this poem is that it is very important for us to keep fighting and reminding ourselves that while it is natural to feel this way, especially during difficult times, it is not right to stay that way. We must see the brightness despite the darkness. Despite the fact that our lives are filled with loss and pain, we can overcome adversity by remaining optimistic. During this pandemic, we may feel hopeless, but remember that hope begins in the dark, with the constant idea that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.


    This poem which was created by Mr. Penn Tulabing Larena entitled as “Lockdown”, showcases real and occuring events to the many lives of thousands of Filipinos. It portrays the hardships and difficulties that most of us have encountered during the lockdown and even now.
    When the Covid-19 pandemic started, major lockdowns were given unto various towns and municipalities to avoid any further spread of the virus. We were stuck on each of our homes, wherein countless individuals have lost their jobs, loosing the ability to provide for the essential necessities of one’s own family, and even worse, losing the people they love. With consideration to the great impact it has left to all of us, it is only understandable that we get raging emotions of anger and sorrow. When sanity is lost, negativity is bound to control us. The struggles we are currently facing, clouds our ability to think rationally especially when we get overpowered by our emotions. We may think of stuff that we would later on regret. However , inspite all of the negativities and obstacles life brings upon us, we must never forget that God would never ever give us something that we can’t overcome. To always bear in mind that he has plans for us, and that we should always have faith that these storms would pass by one day. Let us learn to think of these struggles not as a burden but rather as a challenge to become better, a challenge to rise up .
    Another thing that was also revealed in the poem was that, it is usually during the toughest times of our lives, when would be the time when we meet people with the kindest and purest hearts , and find the truest friends, who would never leave you hanging, people who are ready to help you without asking anything in return. Truly I can say that goodness and kindness from others will never fade, and I think that if the world would have more of these types of people , who are the our heroes in their simple ways, I think the world could become an even more beautiful place than it already is.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.



    There are a number of things that come to mind after reading Mr. Penn's wonderful poem. A virulent force, the pandemic, is depicted in the first line of the poem. Like sailing our boat against the wind to see if we can conquer. As a result of the dismal and dark clouds created by this pandemic, we were unable to glimpse into the future and imagine what our lives would be like. During the lockdown, Mr. Penn had to deal with a number of hardships, including a lack of money, the loss of a loved one, and a plot to kill himself, which we all truly understand that it’s not and would never be a good thing to do. Someone assisted him even though they were both in difficult situations. Indeed, the poem is highly relevant, as many of us can relate to virtually everything that the author has gone through, but we must keep moving forward and live our lives well. Being able to kill oneself has never and will never really be a remedy to our issues and challenges since we all know it is wrong to do so. While they may be going through tough times, some individuals have a decent soul and still serve others in need, which is a huge benefit to everyone around you, especially at this time of scourge.

    As a result of the pandemic, we've been forced to make a lot of modifications both psychologically and physically. The statement "the paper was not process" in the second stanza indicates that this pandemic caused a lot of tasks to be put off. There were flights, festivities, and even student graduations that were still to be organized, but they never came to fruition. To survive, most people had to deal with hunger and disappointments as they tried to figure out how to make ends meet. The wallets and stomachs were both empty. However, we must let them rest in peace as God would have it, for death is not in our hands, but rather God's. There will be times when we want to weep ourselves to sleep because we are at a loss, but we must never do the thing that would make our family's life more difficult, which is to commit suicide and end our own lives. All of us know that it's a sin, therefore we should constantly remember not to do it.

    I further learned that when you are experiencing problems, God will truly create a way to assist and lead you along the road, since God will never present us with a situation that we cannot conquer, so all we have to do is keep going and try our best to live our lives calmly and wonderfully. Even if lockdown throws our lives into disarray, the fact that we're still here, still breathing, and still with our families is all we need to be grateful for. You only need to do your part to ensure that everything goes well. There are moments when all we can do is fall on our knees and beg for guidance from God in the hopes of being lifted up. One of those times when we sensed a loop of negativity around us that made us want to hold our breath and terminate our life. Loneliness and despair engulfed the hopeful ideas as they ran out of steam. We've lost touch with people and things we once cherished, and we hope they'd return to the way they were. Always remember that, the light at the end of the tunnel may seem hard to find right now, but despite the darkness, we still choose to get up every day. That alone is a sign that we haven't given up hope, and that we believe that better things are on their way. Hold on to hope no matter what it looks like to you – because on most days, it's all you need to get by.


    The emergence of Covid-19 and the pandemic that started made a big impact to a lot of people. It changes the way we live, work, learn, and even when interacting with others. The pandemic has also triggered a wave of mental issue. A lot of people lost their loved ones and a lot of opportunities has been missed that resulted in frustration, stress, anxiety, and even depression. This poem entitled "Lockdown" is about Mr. Penny Larena's traumatic experience during the pandemic.

    The author have gone through a lot of things that day. In one of his line, he expresses his anger and frustration when his papers was not processed that resulted in the delay of his salary. In addition to that, the author also mentioned the loss of a very good friend. Losing a loved ones and having an own personal problem at the same time is very frustrating and hard to handle. All of this made him think of ending his life to end his agony. The isolation really test our faith in God. I was delighted to see how the author seek God in his hardest time and was amazed when God responded to him. He was really there for us during our hardest time.

    This poem made me realize that we should take things easy and we should never let our emotions control us. Things was never perfect to begin with, but we are able to get to it as time goes by. We should take things not as a problem but rather a challenge that gives an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. We don't know what life brings us but with God beside us, nothing is impossible.

  20. Diana Rose Valencia Fortit
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The Poem entitled “Lockdown” by Mr. Penn Larena, clarifies what lockdown has meant for us, all causing us to feel awful and brings loneliness. The poem is about the things that the author encountered during the lockdown and that incorporates having no enough money for his necessities, losing a job and friend, and endeavoring to commit suicide.
    Pandemic has a major effect on our lives. Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong. The current situation that were facing brings a huge problem to each of us but committing suicide is not a solution to every problem, Suicide is not an option. It will be worst if we’re killing ourselves. We all know that life has a lot of trials and challenges but it doesn’t mean that we will remove the existence that God has given to us. This is one of the challenges that God offered us to test how solid we are and how strong is our faith to him. Life can be tough but no matter where we are or what tough time were facing right now, God wants to help us and see us through. We may feel bad today, but it won’t last forever. We should consistently think that we are fortunate in light of the fact that we have family, friends to lean on and especially God. We should not consider negative things, let us additionally feel that this pandemic gives motivation to be strong. Continuously think positive, appreciate life, don’t generally consider problems yet consider happiness. Just embrace life. Find out what it is about life that makes it worth living. This is a live long process. Don’t give up and never ever give up because life has a purpose.

  21. Lance Rochelle Binondo
    Grade-12 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    After reading the poem that was written by Mr.Penn Larena, ito It has already come up to my mind that he already deals with many hardships in his life, including poverty, the loss of loved ones, and the plot of ending his life. The poem is indeed relatable to me since all of us experience this lockdown. This pandemic has affected many people including myself. Right now in the world, we are in a fight of our lives against the coronavirus. the pandemic brought changes to our life, and we are living through a crisis together. because of the pandemic that is happening in our country today, many businesses have been temporarily shuttered. Lockdowns and curfews to contain the spread of the virus impacted the way children learn, the way their families earn a living. We are restricted to meet our friends, family, and relatives physically and turned most of our social activities online, we can't even go out freely, we need to always stay at home to avoid infection of coronavirus. Even our OFW families can no longer return to the Philippines because of covid-19.

    What is happening in our country today is like a nightmare for me, I can’t escape from fear, It seems to like I lose the right to enjoy myself, it's like my whole life turned into darkness, I want to cry, but even if I cry nothing will change the fact that we are facing in this difficult situations. The pandemic brought us suffering and sorrow in our lives, we also complain to ourselves that we are tired of living in this world.

    And this coronavirus has had a unique impact and on how it's changed our lives, Things are much different than we used to be before. Heavenly shaken by the coronavirus many of us are currently thinking about how we could contribute to overcoming this unprecedented situation. As we question whether we will ever go back to what we once knew to be “normal”.

    And all I can say is that no matter how many severe hardships we are experiencing right now, we always believed that God is always there for us, always pray and fall our knees and ask for guidance. Always have faith in him, because God would not give us what we want in instant. Don’t lose hope and We need to put in our mind that this coronavirus will end and it will turn back into normal. Don't forget that we have our family we have to be grateful, it's enough for us to make us happy to spend our time with them and talk with them virtually. we need to do our best and keep going living without negative thoughts and live our lives full of positivity because we know that one day we will overcome this situation.

  22. Mecaila E. Orlina
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    "Lockdown" by Mr. Jose Tulabing Larena is a poem which uses metaphors to make its point. The poem talks about our life during the Lockdown. It shows the hardships, pain and experience of most us during the lockdown. What it does and what it brings to us. We are currently facing a health crisis or fight against an enemy that the naked eye can’t see. As a result of this, precautionary methods must be taken to stop the spread of the virus, and one of these precautionary methods is the lockdown. In the poem, this lockdown makes people angry, in pain, and it enables people to think beyond their capabilities. We are all new to this kind of life or set-up, so that's why we can think of crazy and inappropriate things. Especially if you don’t have the means to provide your family in this lockdown, your mind would probably go crazy. The poem also talks about suicidal thoughts, which are very prominent at this time. It makes people think about ending their lives in order to end their suffering and pain. In this time of pandemic, we are all experiencing different problems and challenges in life that make us do and think crazy things, and while you’re thinking these kinds of thoughts, you don’t notice that you’re slowly losing yourself in the process. You don’t know yourself anymore, and you’re not the usual "you" who is optimistic and cares a lot. You may not find yourself now, but you will find it soon. We may be in our darkest days now, but fear not, for the light will soon shine over us. We can’t prevent circumstance and challenges trying to drag us down, but it will be your will and strength that would bring you up in your better self. Just don’t lose hope.

  23. Johanna R. Quirim
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem "Lockdown" by Mr. Penn Tulabing Larena allowed us to discern the reality during the pandemic . Never did we envisioned to encounter such a distressing situation that would actually change the lives of everyone. The author revealed the bitterness of living a life during the lockdown and how his emptiness brought him to do irrational deeds. Dark clouds covered the author's mind wholely and because of his pessimisms, he pondered on the most debarred idea. The frustrations he felt allowed him to seek on decisions which are all unpleasant. However, despite the agony he experiences, he called for God.

    We are all facing different challenges in life and in this phase of life, it only made everything harder. Yet, even with discouraging events encountered, we must not forget to call the Lord. This is the moment where everyone must realize that a prayer is the weapon. It is a shield against all the darkness in this world. May people find in their hearts to fulfill this challenge with positivity, empathy, generosity, safety, and serenity.

  24. Brenda Marie L. Iligan
    12- Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    The poem is all about what we've been though in the time of lockdown and how we handle our emotions during that time because we all know that many people got affected during the lockdown, many people lost their job. So although lockdown has been boring at time, without playing with our friends and it makes you sad that you don't know anymore what to do in you life because the cycle keeps on repeating in your everyday life.

    I realised that lockdown gave me more time to the things I loved, hobbies that had been previously swamped by schoolwork. I started baking, drawing and writing again, and felt free for the first time in months. I had forgotten how good it felt to be creative. I started spending more time with my family. I hadn't realised how much I had missed them. . I understand how difficult this must be, but it's important to remember that none of us is alone. No matter how scared, or trapped, or alone you feel, things can only get better. Take time to revisit the things you love, and remember that all of this will eventually pass. All we can do right now is stay at home, look after ourselves and our loved ones, and look forward to a better future.

  25. Bryan Tim Z. Malahay
    Grade-12 Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    When the unfortunate day arrived, the skies are obscured by gloomy clouds. This poem entitled Lockdown generally talks about the agony that most of us experience amid this pandemic. During this past few days I’ve been thinking about what would happen to us, a couple of days from now. Perhaps the clouds with darkness that covers the skies, would fly away or possibly, the accumulated clouds would drop heavy rain which can cause another tragedy in this world. A tragedy that can hinder our day-to-day activities. This poem serves as a reminder of the negativities that occurred when the lockdown was implemented. During that time, lockdown life was indeed difficult since some people cannot go to their offices to work, that would be the reason why they will not be paid by their employer. We were unable to travel outside to purchase essential products and we’re forced to rely on relief commodities provided by our local government. We were suffering not just financially, but also emotionally and spiritually at that moment, making our lives more challenging. As the pandemic continues, no one knows if things will go back to the old normal. One thing is for sure, tough days will come and perhaps it will crush your mentality a thousand times. Nonetheless, since we cannot escape problems in life, we must resolve those.


    Seeing the title "Lockdown" reminded me of all the things that happened the past year and in this present time. The lockdown was an eye opener for all of us. Before this pandemic started, we all took everything for granted, from going to school, hanging out with our friends, doing adventures, and most especially, spending time with our loved ones. I can hardly believe that it seems like just a week ago everything was normal. I can't even imagine what was life before this pandemic, when everything was still normal. Now, all our lives are being altered, we are all put into pause and confined into our homes. A lot of us are being separated with our families and friends. I relate to the poem written by Mr. Penn because last february my Mom's sister ( my tita ) died because of covid, and some members of our family also tested positive for covid, all of us were in quarantine and we were all so confused and devastated about what happened, we didn't know what to do during that time. My tita was alone at the hospital when she died, we only knew she already passed away because the doctor called us. It broke my heart knowing that a member of our family died due to covid, it made me so mad because I couldn't accept the fact that Nana died already. She wasn't the type to go out and wander around, but still she got the virus. During those times when we were in quarantine I always thought of ending my life, I wanted to end everything, I wanted to make the pain stop, my faith was nowhere to be found and I stopped praying. But then I dreamt of Nana 2 days after she died, when I woke up I started praying again, I read the bible and kept on listening to worship songs, I brought myself back to God and it made me feel at ease and safe. I realized that problems have solutions, even in the darkest days the Lord will find a way to make you see the bigger picture in life, He will help you become a better version of you each day, and He will help you bring back your faith. Ending your life might be at the back of your mind but I hope you'll always remember that even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again. When times are tough, always be strong. Life can be better. Ask for help whenever you feel like ending your life. Continue your story.


    The poem is all about the things we encounter during lockdown. In 2021, a big deluge came. COVID 19 brings us to poverty. Many have died, some of us lost loved ones, some of us suffered, many have lost their jobs, and some of us lost our families. Even our officials in our barangay are also struggling how they provide us the one that fits our daily lives.

    Our life will not always be easy. we experience or encounter many challenges. Some of this will test our strengths weaknesses and faith.We must overcome this challenges. We know its hard but we have to be strong and have Faith that we will overcome this challenges. Sometimes we really can't help but think that I'm tired, I can't help but want to give up. We become depressed and think of committing suicide just to finish and there is no problem. Suicide is not a solution to our problems, so we have to ask god for more strength, guidance and have Faith in god. GOD will provide us.

  28. Gerilyn Myls G. Sy
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem is something most of us can relate to since we all experienced this because of the pandemic. The poem talks about the distress that the author felt. This pandemic was so unexpected that no one was prepared for it. There were so many adjustments made and honestly it was frustrating. The lockdown has brought many families, including the author's, in agony. Some lost their jobs, so many changes have happened in order to keep up with life in the midst of the pandemic, and what's worse is losing someone. Due to the loss of job, many people struggled just to feed their family and provide themselves with their daily needs. Being in that situation can just make us feel so hopeless and angry. In the second stanza, we can see how the author prayed to God which shows that despite of the sorrow he felt, he still trusts Him. I think it is important to trust Him and be hopeful that things will get better again since hope will let us keep on fighting. His friend lends a helping hand despite of her family suffering too. I think this is what's important right now, helping each other as we face this pandemic. I think that we really have to be there for each other and share what we have. The author expresses his struggles and agony and I can understand why he feels that way. I can't blame him since the lockdown has affected many people, including me, in a negative way. Every day was difficult and a challenge for it seemed so repetitive as we seemingly isolate ourselves because of the lockdown. It did feel lonely as we were unable to see our friends, some of our family members, and we get to spend holidays without them. My heart aches for the people whom have lost someone they love. I can’t even imagine the pain they have to carry as they move forward. I understand why some people would feel like ending their life but there’s so much more in life than the challenges we face. It is a time of loss and misery but this isn’t permanent. We need to keep moving forward despite of the difficulty we face every day. This shows that we should cherish every moment with people we love, appreciate every single thing that we have, help each other, and trust God.

  29. Jernilyn B. Vicente
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Immaculate Conception
    After reading the poem of Sir Penn Tulabing Larena named “ LOCKDOWN” it makes me sad because this pandemic change the way we live and it will change our world forever. When COVID-19 first identified last December 31, 2019 it resulted in a mass unemployment, depleted social safety nets and starvation. The author of this poem express what he experience during this time of pandemic were most people can relate to it, especially those who suffer financially to buy their needs, people who lost their jobs and those who have lost loved ones and those who are fighting on the front line. No matter what we experience right now, still we have our friends, sisters and brothers who are willing to help and give their support to those who are need them most.

    People now a days are facing challenges that can be stressful and can cause strong emotions especially does who lost their loved ones away from them because of Covid-19, and it can result to suicide for those who can’t handle their stress. We all know that in life not all the times is good and when the time comes that we experience bad days, we think that we want to give up and disappear in this word. In the poem, it says that no matter how difficult the time or days we experience always think for a positive result. Just pray to God, maybe a lot of things seems so impossible for us but with God nothing is impossible just believe and trust him. Soon everything will be okay, soon everything will be back to normal. To the author just keep fighting and praying better days are coming soon, wait and believe to the power of prayers.

  30. Yasmine Sedillo
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    This beautifully made poem which is entitled “Lockdown” is written by Mr. Penn Larena. Seeing the title “Lockdown” gave me a hint that this poem is going to be very relatable since we all experienced this and it reminded me of the things that happened to the people I know because of this pandemic.

    This poem is about what the author has encountered during this lockdown. While reading the poem, I can tell that he is really suffering due to this COVID-19. I can acknowledge that the author had lost a loved one and is currently in pain, angered and mourning over that person as I assume this sentence refers to his father “I lost a man who knows me and cares for me”. He seeks for a helping hand to get through his suffering and hardship in the pandemic. His prayers are answered and received a helping hand of a woman whose whole family is also suffering. He lost hope in everything that made him lose the desire to live.

    Due to this pandemic, a lot of plans have been cancelled. We can’t do the things we want freely and we’ve lost our will to live, it seems like every effort does not make sense anymore. I’ve witnessed a lot of people who have lost their loved ones unexpectedly and it hurts me seeing them miserable and I can’t imagine myself in their shoe. I learned that we should cherish our love ones because we wouldn’t know when will their time come. All the hidden unsaid words, speak of it now before regret consumes you when the time is over. What we can do right now is pray always and don’t lose hope because the time where everything will go back to normal will come. Remember, there is always light after darkness.

  31. Angel Mae Y. Perater
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal


    This is one of the most sorrowful things that I've ever read about the current situation of our country. From losing a love one to the pain and loneliness being experienced by the persona in the poem. Losing a job results to no more money that eventually leads to the struggle of putting food on the table.
    Yes even in this bad times our faith must remain strong, that even a struggling fellow would still lend a hand in these hard times. To lose someone somehow leads to lost of all hope. Taking his own life seem to be the only escape to all the pain of suffering and hardships being faced.
    I sadly relate to the sadness being experienced by the persona. I've seen people go because of this virus. The struggles that my family is going through just to get by the day. The hardships us students are facing because of this new mode of learning. Strengthening our faith should be a priority for hope would never be lost once we have His guidance. This will be over soon so let's put our faith in Him.

  32. Kimberly Balahan

    12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem is all about the challenges we have faced during the times of lockdown and how we overcome the sudden life-changing aspect our our lives,pandemic has been a formidable event so far; we can’t deny that besides who would have thought the world would come to this. Airports and borders closing, cities going on lockdown and the number of infected increasing everyday are just a few of the key events that make the COVID-19 pandemic a fearful event. Like most people, I have also been staying at home to try and stop the spread of COVID-19. While staying at home, I came to a few realizations about myself and what my life means at this very moment. After journaling my thoughts over the past few months, I realized that this pandemic may have provided the time and environment where one could analyze their life and self-reflect on what they have done and are planning to do with their life. I dissected many aspects of my life, mostly pertaining to all the things I haven’t done in hopes of doing them at the "right time". I’m sure many other people have thought about similar things when staying at home and this article is meant as a reminder that you’re not alone in feeling this way and hopefully after this pandemic is over, we all come out stronger than before.I can relate to the author about his life during this life-changing scenario.Suffering is the result of a fallen world and COVID-19 is a part of it. Instead of blaming others for allowing such an unfortunate reality we should be more sensible to find concrete ways of facing it. We are all called to live an authentic life. It is a life that, despite being amid of suffering, we remain composed for it and will bring out the best in us. After all, we are created in God’s image and likeness, capable of goodness and love.This pandemic presents our community of faith with an opportunity to witness how the spirit works, no matter what else is falling apart around us.

    Overall, I took advantage of my self-isolation to reflect on my life and hope to come out of this with a much clearer picture of who I am and what I want to accomplish in my life. This pandemic has rocked the world, and no one could have imagined that this year would turn out like this. But as the world recovers, I think it’s important to take a step back and give yourself the time and space to reflect on your goals and accomplishments. We owe it to ourselves to take care of our mental and physical health while also helping others survive this time. I reflected on my mortality and routines, but there are many things that deserve to be pondered upon, such as how privileged we are to be living in a country that is helping out its citizens every step of the way, or how interdependent the world really is and even how societies have a long ways to go in regards to social inequalities. We need to take care of ourselves through this time and be hopeful for the future so we can bring positive change to the world and live meaningful lives.

    Be safe!

    GR-12 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Billions of people are in lockdown, unable to visit one another, unable go to work, unable to attend school, unable to meet one another in public places. People around the world are in desperate straights, struggling at home, in care homes and intensive care units, dying of the same cause, separated from their loved ones in their hours of need. At times of existential danger, we instinctively desire to be close to our family and friends, hold their hands and embrace them – but now we are forbidden to do so, for every act of physical contact – every expression of physical loving-kindness and compassion – could bring illness and death.We are confronted with the true uncertainty of human existence and the true vulnerability of human life. How often have so many of us believed that we are supreme masters of the world around us.

    The worst effect of this lockdown on a student's mental health and happiness is that he or she is unable to meet his or her friends and enjoy what they used to do before COVID. The enormous potential that they used in their daily lives is now blocked; we are continuing the study with the help of various digital learning platforms.
    When the novelty of being at home wore off, I began to struggle. I had panic attacks on a regular basis, freezing on the floor of my room, unable to move or speak. Most nights, I couldn't sleep because I was having nightmares. It was as if I were trapped, both in my house and in my own mind. I didn't know what to do.However, I learned to deal with the stress over time. 

    I realized that lockdown gave me more time to do things I enjoyed, hobbies that had previously been overshadowed by schoolwork. I resumed baking, drawing, and writing, and for the first time in months, I felt liberated. I had forgotten how satisfying it was to be creative. I began to spend more time with my family. I had forgotten how much I had missed them. This is the lesson that we must take into the post-Covid-19 world: The time has come to mobilize this goodness in our midst, rather than drive it to the sidelines through institutions and incentive systems that reward selfishness and predatory competitiveness. The time has come to re-evaluate the appropriate goal of business; the goal of our economic activities; the goal of our ideologies and social conventions; and the goal of our local, national and international governance structures. The pandemic shows us that the goals of all these domains must always the same: contributing to the fulfillment of human needs and purposes. This requires us to cooperate locally when we face local challenges, nationally when we face national challenges, and globally when we face global challenges.

    Thank you!

  34. Ana Marie Jane Raga
    12-Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    When the pandemic started, I was just in 10th grade soon welcoming a new segment of my life. It was unexexpected and I was just as disappointed because we could not hold a formal graduation.I was naive at that time. Soon after, the news flood in with reports about covid, the impact in our society and the people who lost their loved ones. I remembered I felt scared and sympathy for those people. At that time, time just stood still. Life was just unexpected. It felt like a door just closed. Admist ths chaos that insued whithin the society, I didn't expect that there would be another door waiting to be opened. An opportunity. I took the negative experience to a positive one. I learned so much whithin the closed walls of our home, something my old self wouldn't understand. The world is just beginning to heal itself and we should take this opportunity to do the same. Whatever hurt the pandemic has brought us, we should never lose faith and gather support from people close to us. It's difficult but we all have to believe that it will all get better and that we are strong and that we will all break through this.

  35. Aaron Huck C. Baldivino
    Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The author of the poem talks about her experiences during the lockdown. This pandemic brought her sufferings and pain. She even lost someone she loves and made her lost hope in life.

    The time when first strike of Covid-19, the first lockdown, it feels like a new world. This pandemic is a challenging time in many ways, a time when it is easy to think and fear for others. I worry for my parents, my brother, relatives, and friends, and even think of what would be our future. But I believe, together we can overcome this crisis.

    I believe this is the moment that all of us should do what we can to help each other, locally and globally. As individuals we have a new shared experience that we should learn from in new ways. We should help each one of us even in any simple way. A simple "hi" and a little conversation to someone experiencing a truama beacause of this pandemic would mean a lot. We should not lose hope and faith because of this pandemic.

  36. Zaira Mher P. Siglos
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Miraculous Medal


    While reading the poem from the title to the last part, I realized many things. First is the title which is lockdown, there are many changes that happened during the lockdown due to the pandemic that we are facing right now and some of this changes affected the lives of all. In the first stanza of the poem it talks about bad luck and sadness that the author felt. The author expresses his sadness using words, like dark clouds that covers the skies, and for me this means sadness is covering the happiness of the people around.

    In the next stanzas it talks more about the happenings during the lockdown that affect the lives of all. Just like the jobs of the people that are affected and some are loosing their money due to less income and this is really bad and this is the reason why people are suffering. The author also talks about thinking negatively, lost of hope and missing the old times.

    And based on the poem, all I can say is we are in this situation for a long time now, we already know what are the good things and the bad things that happened, we need to follow the rules to lessen the problem in the society. The first thing to do in order to help the people around is to have hope and always stay positive in every problems that comes in our life, this pandemic is a lesson to us all and even if this is very hard for us we can conquer this together as one with a help from God we will be back to normal.

  37. Ciarra Kim Z. Dipaling

    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal.

    The poem is all about the bad experiences of the author during lockdown. His feelings of sorrow, anger, and loneliness. During the lockdown, all of us indeed are scared and sad because we cannot go out. We cannot even go to school and work. Buying groceries and other necessities is very difficult. We all have mixed emotions that time. We really cannot predict what will happen next. Feelings like depression and anxiety attacks. Schools are suspended and works too. Some people lost their jobs and are really having a hard time providing the needs of their families especially their daily consumption. The lockdown made a very large impact to us people. Mostly the indigent people are in need. That is why it is important to share and be thankful always for the blessings that we received each day. Indigent people are suffering and barely eat three times a day. They are also struggling on finding other jobs and take their child/children to school now that it is new normal. So, some children stopped studying. This issue has not been also new to us because since before pandemic began, it is a problem that students are experiencing. Yet, they are fighting to survive the situation we are in now and it is a motivation for us to also continue to move on and be grateful for what we have right now.

    We really are surprised and shocked by the sudden lockdown and pandemic. Often times, we feel disappointed and think negatively because the virus has not yet ended. But still, we do not lose hope because we have a God that we can turn to. Praying has always been a good thing to relieve ourselves and lessen our worries in minds. That is why prayer is the most important thing we need to do especially on our trying and hard times. Some people that have a severe depression and anxiety attempt to lose their life and some of that are students that are struggling with their online classes and modules on the very first part of online learning. That is why we really need to cheer ourselves up and always think on the bright and positive side of life.

    Lastly, losing someone dearly is such a hard, heartbreaking, and mournful feeling and experience. Especially the virus that continued to spread all over the world. It really took so much lives and much more worse is that their families cannot visit their bodies when it is time for the burial. It is a really painful and heart-rending feeling to see people struggling on that situation. But still, we cannot lose hope, we need to be strong in order for us to survive this pandemic. We also need to share even just a few money or resources for the people that are in super needs. We need to stay safe and healthy as always so we should wear a masks, face shields, and sanitize when leaving or arriving in our homes. Again, we should always pray and thank God for everything that he has done to us in every single day of our life.

  38. Hans William Joe Tuballa
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem is very timely since we are experiencing it at the moment. The word lockdown became viral since 2020. We often heard this word. For others it may sound ordinary but for many this sounds depressiing because lockdown means no work, no food, no meeting of friends, no party and the like.

    Covid 19 made me realized that we are all equal. There's no rich or poor and that each one of us can get infected and die in an instant. No amount of money can extend your life once you got hit by the virus.

    During lockdown, i felt so depressed since I can no longer meet my friends or learn in school where teacher will discuss the lesson. But I found an antidote to find my boredome and depression. I submit myself to God and have strong faith in Him.Now that i have found Him, I realized that nothing in this world that matter than my family. I became more closer to them, we get a chance to bond each other since we cant go out. I decided to make my days to become productive. I started learning household chores, help my grandma in his gardening, made up my bed everyday.

    As we continue to combat this pandemic, we should continue to cherish even a small things while we still can because we never know what tomorrow brings.

    Let us all have faith in God that this too shall pass.

    God bless and keep safe everyone!

  39. Izax Keanna Añosa
    Grade 12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    Lockdown is a poet written by Mr. Penn Tulabing Larena. It talks about what he faced during this time of the pandemic. He also expresses his feelings and frustrations during the pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis has shocked and scared us. We as a humanity, have experienced such shared horror. I believe he doesn’t like the idea of online classes because the lack of social interaction in online learning leads to feelings of loneliness, lack of motivation, and isolation. Whenever they can’t pass their work early or they don’t have any money, they get sad and angry. The author now prays to God to bless them and give them a friend that can save them from their mental health. He is now losing this patience and whenever they lose their patience they think of something bad to happen to the person. The creator of the poem now thinks of killing themself and because they lost someone. They are now depressed and sad.

  40. Ashly V. Pyponco
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    In the poem of Mr. Penn Tulabing Larena entitled "Lockdown", as I read the title, I thought to myself that this poem was timely and relevant to what's happening in the whole world and anyone could somewhat relate or be connected to the poem with their own stories to tell.
    The poem have 6 stanzas; these stanzas radiates the real life complicated experiences and difficult sudden changes of people's lives and living due to the lockdown brought by COVID-19 pandemic. In the poem situations of job disruption, financial problems, suicidal thoughts, hopelessness, confusion, dejection and losing loved ones were expressed. Readers could really relate and understand the author's life challenges amidst the lockdown. As I reflect on the poem, I, personally experienced some of these difficult changes. I witnessed my mom struggled in sustaining our daily needs, added by our educational needs, tuition fees to be payed, I witnessed my dad, a private employee, being jobless for their company closed the establishment he's working at. Me as a daughter, who's still studying, who's not yet have the capability to help in supporting my family and who's only witnessing my parents struggled was so heart breaking, if only I can finish my studies and have a job so quickly, but reality really slaps me that there's no such an easy way. Like what the author felt, I drowned in sadness, pressure, doubts and tears. The phrase "ending my life" also hit me for I thought about it too, due to the extreme downcast and self-disappointment, I feel like I'm such a failure that I've got no productive actions, I felt so ashame of myself. But then, I realize that it was such an unworthy and worse decision to do, I need to live and strive for my family needs me, I need them, I want to be with them ti'll I can. The pandemic truly caused such a massive plot twist and unapologizing mourn and death to billions of people, internationally. We must surrender every doubts or problems we have to God, with Him there will always be a way for He is the Way. He who saved us, will save us forever if we'll tighten our grip to Him, surrender every bit of ourselves to Him for He would never surrender on us.

    A short reflection:

    This poem not only fore tells the agony of Mr. Larena but it also embodies what the feelings and experiences of many people. We don't know what the future contains, and we don't know what will happen to us and our loved ones; some fighters have perished as a result of this massive battle with the invincible enemy, and many have lost their jobs and their means of subsistence, as Mr. Larena pointed out in his poetry. We, like Mr. Larena, had lost hope; yet look at us today. We continue to fight and strive. Even with all of these unanticipated situations crushing us down, we haven't relinquished. We are still a fighting force. It's acceptable to have a terrible day, period, or season - it's normal to cry and experience grief from time to time, but it's never acceptable to give up and be devoured by it; our life is valuable, therefore we should cherish it. We should all remember that this will soon be over, and we will be able to resume our "regular" lives. Keep praying and strive. Have faith in God and his plans. Allow God to restore the faith you once had and to assist you on your quest to overcome life's adversities.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Jim Philip S. Pis-an
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    While reading the poem that is written by Mr. Penn Larena, I can sense how sad he is while writing his poem. I can feel how frustrated he is when the lockdown happens back then. He experiences many struggles and challenges wherein he is on a point of tending to cut his life, but through the guidance of God he didn’t do that. Despite those challenges that he encountered, he still fighting. The passage of the Poem is somewhat like telling how sad the lives of every individual are, back when the lockdown happens.

    The word “Pandemic” really scares us the most because of its savage effects in our individual lives since last year and even until this time. Every family was experiencing problems such as mental health and financial problems, and in that financial problem, the word “Labor” was built. We, our family have experienced a lot of struggles when talking about food and money since our breadwinner’s work is being scheduled. As Sir Penn written in his Poem, “ When nothing left on your wallet, only angry and sorrow appear in you”. From the line itself, I agree with it because back when the lockdown happens, Money is very valuable and it is so very important for us because it supplies our daily needs. And through the presence of money, it can make us feel at ease. But if you’re the breadwinner of the family and your labor isn’t enough to feed them, then sorrow and anger will appear in you. That’s what we experience back then, but thanks to God, He still gave us wonderful news about my brother because he was accepted to the new Company that he requested to join. Despite the struggle that Our family experience during the lockdown, God didn’t leave us along our journey of solving it. He still gives us a piece of good news that can make us feel happy. We’re so very lucky because we are still alive and enjoying every precious moment in this time. We’re so very thankful because we succeeded in the chaos battle back then.

    And do you know the reason why are we still alive? Well, it is because of God. He always keeps guiding us despite we tend to forget him. So always bear in mind that you should not give up even though you are in a critical situation, just always think positive and think that everything you experience is just a challenge that God made. You must focus on solving it and giving it an amazing outcome.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Merry Jel Ambrona
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life, loss of jobs, income and many others. All of us are affected due to this situation that we're facing today. As what the author experienced during the "lockdown," he suffered breakdowns and that’s the most difficult moment that even each individual can sympathize with his struggles. We know how challenging our life could be when we are in the toughest moment especially in a midst of the pandemic. Nobody can even approach you or listen to your thoughts and emotions. Even the most valuable person you know, who takes good care of you will also be that someone who can’t stay on your worst days. There are times that we felt like we are alone, surrounded by negativities, trying to give-up, and everything feels too hard to understand things in life. We always keep on questioning ourselves "Why do these things happen to me?”

    Well, we all know that each of us are facing our own battles. Sometimes we admit that we aren’t as strong enough to deal with our own problems that is why we seek help from others. But as this pandemic happened, expected lockdowns are implemented. Although there are social media platforms that can be used in order to communicate with our families and friends or to those people who are always there for us whenever we need help or support but not all the time, they are always there to help us, and with that, no one can help us during our breakdowns but just only ourselves. Sometimes, the most dominant feelings we've always feel are the negatives. That's why we tend to give-up our life instead of suffering. But you are still wondering if you end up your life, you cannot able to witness yourself after dealing those hard moments you've faced. But what I've learned to this meaningful poem is all about the acceptance of problems that we are dealing. We may encountered a lot of circumstances in life but we must learned to cope with it because it's our ability to deal with it. As what the author did, the most powerful weapon in facing problems are prayers. Always put God at the center of everything and always pray even at your best or at your worst days. Because God never abandoned us, he's the only person who always dwells in us. This poem reminds us that it's normal to have life problems because there is no normal life that is free of pain. It's part of our growth as a human being.

  46. Ed Ryan C. Decena
    Gr. 12 – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    In the first stanza, the writer seems to have a unsettling feeling about the day that is about to come. Referring it with “bad luck” and “darkness” that is about to cover the skies.

    This part can be easily described as everyone of us has experienced it at least once in our lives. In our current time with Covid and lockdowns, the mental health of people are now in danger due to the fact that we, as humans, yearn for connections. Even without the presence of Covid back then, there are still people who are struggling mentally and emotionally. We don’t even need to imagine what would happen if they were locked up in a room with no direct connection with the outside world.

    He then talks about what would happen if you were to have no money. Describing that anger and sorrow would come upon you and the world will turn upside down.

    With the advent of work from home, people who really need money are already feeling the change. Cruel change. Teachers, office workers, pedicab drivers, street vendors; everyone is affected financially due to Covid.

    The writer then prays to God asking for help that day. He then mentions about a good friend lending him a helping hand, even if her whole family was suffering from a virus of imagination.

    This stanza, especially the latter half, could mean that the family of the good friend wasn’t grasping the reality of the situation. A situation in which a pandemic is about to affect everyone’s lives.

    The fourth stanza went a bit darker, talking about depression and negativity. Both of which are becoming a pandemic in of itself just from the fact that the number of people suffering is now rising and doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.

    When I read “a woman with a map in her face,” I can only think about how the government and the people are handling the situation poorly. To just hopelessly see the things, unfold in front of our eyes. To painfully witness the death and chaos this virus has caused us.

    And in the last part, the writer seems to have lost two things, a friend and hope. Losing hope and just living for the sake of, just living.

    The poem talks about how a pandemic, how a virus, has affected a person. It shows the negativity and the sadness it causes unto someone. And while reading the poem I can mirror myself from the writer’s perspective. Loneliness, sadness, depression, the feeling you get from losing someone, grief, guilt, this feeling of not being able to do anything; all of it I felt in just a matter of hours. The pandemic surely didn’t help my case and only made it worse over time. One can only hope everything will go smoothly.

  47. Joanne Jamaro
    Grade 12 – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception


    Lockdown, an eight-letter word that has changed the lives of so many individuals. Some lost their closest families and friends and some lost their livelihood. Reading the poem, I can empathize with the author’s frustration. Trying to beat and invisible foe is hard and it seemed impossible. We all experienced many misfortunes in our lives but nothing beats the ones we are experienced during lockdown. It seemed as though our lives was surrounded by a cloud of negativity that keeps attracting misfortunes to happen. Negative news keeps piling up and when it seemed that the situation got better, our joy got immediately broken like a pane of glass shattering to millions of pieces.

    The author mentions giving up and ending his life in order to end his sufferings, this part stood out to me the most. During lockdown some of us have mentally grown weak and I applaud him for not giving up and turning to God for help. All of us may not feel it but God is and will always be there for us. God has plans for us and in order for us to achieve what he planned; we have to face many challenges to help mold us in becoming a strong and better person.

  48. an Vincent B. Pialago
    Gr. 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Mr. Penn's poem clearly defined the pandemic's lockdown. The title, "lockdown," already summed up the whole meaning of the poem that everyone can comprehend. Financial problems, losing a loved one, holding a grudge, and suicidal thoughts badly contributed to the pandemic. There's no better way of defining it even if we sugarcoat such a crisis because sorrow and anger will always be evident in each one of us.

    We have our challenges in life, but the lockdown was a storm that all of us faced. The only different thing was that we were not in the same boat. In the last part of the poem, when Mr. Penn stated,
    "lost hope and take a day to day as a challenge
    The lockdown made me so sad and lonely
    I lost a man who knows me and cares for me
    I will be missing you eternally
    Till we meet again in a perfect time."

    I assumed a double meaning of the text where it could be a loved one that he lost, or it could be himself that he lost as he lost hope of facing the challenge brought by the lockdown. Some of us lost our loved ones, but most of us lost ourselves. And, we may have lost the courage to continue, but life must go on. Let's adapt to the new environment and change for the better. If we won't adapt, then undoubtedly, we will remain hopeless.

  49. Jan Vincent B. Pialago
    Gr. 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Mr. Penn's poem clearly defined the pandemic's lockdown. The title, "lockdown," already summed up the whole meaning of the poem that everyone can comprehend. Financial problems, losing a loved one, holding a grudge, and suicidal thoughts badly contributed to the pandemic. There's no better way of defining it even if we sugarcoat such a crisis because sorrow and anger will always be evident in each one of us.

    We have our challenges in life, but the lockdown was a storm that all of us faced. The only different thing was that we were not in the same boat. In the last part of the poem, when Mr. Penn stated,
    "lost hope and take a day to day as a challenge
    The lockdown made me so sad and lonely
    I lost a man who knows me and cares for me
    I will be missing you eternally
    Till we meet again in a perfect time."

    I assumed a double meaning of the text where it could be a loved one that he lost, or it could be himself that he lost as he lost hope of facing the challenge brought by the lockdown. Some of us lost our loved ones, but most of us lost ourselves. And, we may have lost the courage to continue, but life must go on. Let's adapt to the new environment and change for the better. If we won't adapt, then undoubtedly, we will remain hopeless.

  50. Allynn Cate C. Fernandez
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    When an unknown foe has ravaged in the vast areas of our surrounding, spreading its menacing threat to the societal economy and its people, everyone was taken aback by the changes we need to bring about to fight against Covid-19. The government imposed a strict lockdown at the very beginning of this pandemic or what we know as Enhanced Community Quarantine which reinforces strict regulations needed to be followed to stop the virus from reaching its peak. In a blink of an eye, the world stopped moving. People are forced to stay at their dwellings, with no idea how to get through this storm that has left them penniless. A series of frustration, worry, melancholy has encircled our thoughts as we are in the midst of isolation. This is what the author of the poem, "Lockdown", written by Penn Tulabing Larena, is all about.

    It is with a tight and horrendous realization by the author whose heart is at demise during the time of the lockdown. Everything inside him was empty. He was preoccupied by the occuring challenges he has to face every single minute of the day. His emotions were as gloomy as the color of the skies as he was thriving to survive each day, but for how long?How long can he hold on? Things were on its baffling state. None of our affirmative emotions were visible, only of those on the contrary. We were told to stay rigid, but the havoc brought by the storm is enough for us to not stay still. Despite all these things, the author continued to cling to his faith. He never stopped for how much his knees trembled by the cross behind him, God will provide a way to carry it with him, leading for a mind and soul in peace. Someone will be an array of light, no matter how much we think of fate's wicked scheme. A saviour brought by his faith. How he wishes.

    Laying flat on the surface that once seemed so smooth, the author has been holding it too long and for once, he thought of ending his life. To contradict, committing a treacherous self-threat wouldn't replenish the agony ingrained in our soul. It would still be there, it won't go along as to how a balloon disappears in a white sky. The fact is when we're alive, it's an agony, an agony that can still be fixed and can be turned into happiness. When our pulse stopped beating, still, it's an agony, but will forever remain an agony we are too coward to put an end to. In the entirety of our existence, we sometimes are overwhelmed by the tedious obstructions that hinder our way. We feel envy, a bloodlust emotion that wraps the colour of the person inside us. All because of this inevitable lockdown.

    Everyone of us are heavily affected to how things are turning out. Fortunately, the privileged are living their best lives. On the other side of the picture, some are living in utmost affliction and disquietude. The author is in the latter. He was bombarded by life situations he never expected to be involved into and probably lost his dearest whom he put closest in his heart. This lockdown maybe unfortunate for some, but let's bear in mind the wander of what's on the other side when we will finally get through this. Sadness, unfulfilled desire to embrace the goodness of life, that's how the author thought of his experience during the lockdown. Hang in there, for what's bothering us yesterday will no longer be present if we strive to see what's beyond tomorrow.

  51. Darius Lloyd A. Tubo
    STEM Grade 12- Our lady of the Immaculate Conception

    Lockdown by Sir Penn Tulabing Penn Larena.

    We've all experience this when the virus started to spread all over the country. Same as the author experience, were also having a hard time to adopt to this situation. Some of us haven't enough Money to buy financial needs. Also, no works/jobs available because of the lockdown. And lastly, some of us lose their loved ones that is one of the reasons why some people today losing hope. It’s hard to accept that we had this biggest nightmare that we've never expected to happen, a life where is full of uncertainty. So going back to the author's experience, he almost attempts to kill himself because of the situation he has. But that is not the solution to overcome problems. Sometimes, we don't know what's God purpose in our lives, we encounter challenges to know how strong we are to face this difficulty in life. God will not bring you in a situation that you can't handle. Just focus on God's power rather than on the size of your problem. No matter how big your “wall” seems as it looms over your life, be assured that you can shrink it down until it falls completely when you trust God to help you overcome it. God is much larger than any obstacle you’ll ever face. So rather than look at the wall that’s standing in your way right now, look at God, who stands ready to help you overcome that obstacle. When you focus on how great God’s power is, you’ll be able to see your problem from the right perspective and gain the confidence to know that you can handle it with God’s help. Keep in mind that God – your Creator – knows every detail about what you’re going through, cares deeply about it, wants to help you, and can do anything to help. Choose to see your obstacle as an opportunity to cultivate your character and increase your faith while you trust God to lead you through the process of overcoming it.

  52. Tsix G. Bacara
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    The poem focuses on the struggles the persona experiences in the poem. A lot of things didn't go in their way, financial problems, and confused about what to do. All this negativities later pushed the persona into giving up.
    The lockdown really challenged our capacity to live and to not give up in life . As I continue to read the poem , i can really empathize with the author's difficulties and frustration. We definitely faced a lot of problems and obstacles and successfully overcame them but during the lockdown we did all kinds of things overcome this new obstacle. We did everything , we said everything , we did all sort of things to the point that it looks like that we are already crawling through life . However instead of overcoming the obstacles, misfortunes and bad news keep flowing in drowning and suffocating us until we run out of breath and give up.

    But , there's always someone who will surely pull you up and give life into you again . As the author stated in his poem, there's also a someone who helped him to be able to live again and carry on through life. We should also pray to god everyday , for His guidance and protection.  God will always be there for us no matter what .
    The poem made me realize that it is ok to rely on someone sometimes . A someone who got your back , as someone you can lean on , and a someone who can give life to you again . Play we should not forget to pray and go to god . God will always be there to answer our prayers and provide us some guiding light for us to overcome the challenges and obstacles we face throughout our lives.

  53. Gie Myles H. Zamora
    Gr.12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    Lockdown by Mr. Penn Tulabing Larena talks about the hardships we experienced during the pandemic. We were unarmed when this battle began. No one predicted and no one was ready. It came like a flash ready to ruin our lives. We are all familiar and we relate to the title of this poem. We are still stuck in our home, repeating the same routine everyday. It feels like we were deprived of freedom and happiness when this pandemic happened. A lot of people lost someone dear to them due to the virus. All of our lives and jobs were affected. We were so lost in the first few months, not knowing what will happen.
    In the first stanza of the poem it talks about the poet’s feeling that day. He felt like it was a bad day and how nothing goes his way. He felt frustrated about what’s happening when a friend came over and lend him a helping hand. This show that during our bad times, there are people sent by God who will lift the heavy feeling off of our chest. It may be our friend, family or even a stranger. It may be because we share the same sentiments and burden. We can make each other’s day better by comforting and sending positive words.
    This lockdown made us realized so many things. Like how precious our life is and how we should treasure every moment with our loved ones. We should live our lives to the fullest and enjoy every bit because we will never know what will happen in the future. And also it made us realized that health is really wealth. It is important to take care of ourselves and our family to be able to live long and make good memories.

  54. Lieca Jean A. Cunanan
    STEM Grade 12- Our lady of the Immaculate Conception

    During lockdown, the author narrates a series of personal struggles in the poem. During the lockdown, the author felt as if his world was crumbling around him; he did not harvest his labor with his hard work, and there is nothing left in his wallet to sustain his family or himself; he also felt frustrated and angry by the situation he was in, which caused his heart to become dark and think of bad things; and he also lost someone he truly loved. Even though the author faced numerous trials that tested his faith in God, he was unaffected. He continues to pray, pleading with God to help him get out of the storm and see the rainbows again. God heard his prayer and sent him a friend who would assist him, even though that friend was also experiencing difficulties.
    This poem has made me realize how much has changed since the pandemic's arrival. It makes our lives more difficult and puts our will to live to the test. The poem made me reflect on some things, such as how, during the pandemic, I felt like the world was crumbling around me, making me feel lonely, as if something had died inside of me. There have been times when I've wondered if I'm really in a bad situation, if God will help me, and then I read this poem and realized that God was helping me during those difficult times.
    This poem reflects that, even if we are all affected by the pandemic and the lockdown, there are still people who will assist us in getting back on our knees; all we need to do is trust and hold on. We must not do anything that will pull us deeper into the dark hole. We have every right to be frustrated with our situation, but we must not give up and must pull ourselves together. God will always be there to help us before, during, and after the Lockdown.

  55. Samantha Claire Tindoc
    STEM 12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
    The poem of Mr. Penn Tulabing Larena is all about the things that he have experienced during the lockdown. The pandemic affected our society in various ways. It changed how we looked at the world. It affected our relationships with others, and it caused us to become more focused on our financial worries and feelings of loneliness. Being isolated for a long period of time also affected our physical health. Based on the line "a friend leads her helping hand" in the poem, it means that she/he is an instrument sent from above to help a fellow human being who is going through a difficult road.
    When we lose someone we love, we can't get over it, but we should learn how to accept and keep our loved ones alive in our hearts. In order to get through life, we must not just follow the flow of the world around us but swim for ourselves. This poem has taught me that we must not allow ourselves to get lost and give up on our journey.

  56. Myanmar M. Gonzaga
    Gr. 12 - Our Lady of the Immaculate conception

    Mr. Penn Larena's poem elicited a wide range of emotions. Sadness and anger were the emotions that resurfaced inside of me as I read. These are just a few of the feelings that people who are discovering about your story may experience, as well as those who are experiencing difficulties in their own lives. We can't be safe as long as this deadly virus is invading and destroying our lives. Something could happen to someone or even us at any time, not only physically but also mentally and financially. For me, the lockdown has resulted in such drastic changes.
    I'd like to start with the negative. Many workers were forced to stop working for months and others were forced to return home to their families as a result of the lockdown, but what about those who do not have stable jobs or, worse, no job at all? This is where financial problems arise, and once they do, they inflict damage on our mental health. Furthermore, we keep hearing the news, and it is heartbreaking to hear that many people are being hospitalized, and that others do not even make it to health care facilities. Consider the loss and grief that these family members are experiencing. There are times when you feel as if there is no hope because negativity surrounds you. I acknowledge that it does not begin with a single problem, but it has happened to others that they are confronted with more problems than they can handle. These are the times when we need a strong support system. It does help at times when we are ready to be with others to revert back to being positive and finding hope, even if it is only a tiny percentage. Until now, we have been battling COVID-19 on a daily basis, as well as other obstacles. I truly applaud each and every one of us for clinging to that glimmer of hope, for being brave, and for believing in ourselves. I just know that we're doing our best to balance everything out, and I'd like to remind anyone reading this to go at with there own pace. You don't have to be on the same page as everyone else, but when you reach the finish line of achieving something in life, I am truly proud of you. Standing firm against limits and facing them with courage.

  57. Dipaling, Jane Freyah V.
    STEM 12- Our Lady of Immaculate Concepcion

    Mr. Penn's poem "Lockdown" showcases a strong message about our experiences last year. The pandemic does affect us so much that people are beginning to lose their jobs, students and teachers cannot go to school anymore, increasing constant death, depression, and fear of the virus run through humanity. The poem shows emotions of anger, distress, and anguish that make the readers more related to it. We were living in constant fear for the possibility that we and our loved ones may get affected. It is our dark age. It was a nightmare.

    But then again, we cling to a hope of a new beginning. We are hoping to break this cycle of the dark age and continue to live normally again. We do miss those times. We pray that we are going to experience a new beautiful chapter of new life.

  58. Archie Mae V. Doroon
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem by Mr. Penn Larena talks about his challenges and the hardships that he had experienced during lockdown. His world turns upside down because some things were slowly falling into pieces. His friend's family was also suffering. He had encountered so many hard situations resulting him in losing hope and eventually losing someone that was really close to his heart. From his poetry, I could really feel the frustrations he felt because the day of bad luck came brought life changes not just to him but also to all the people. The situation was very unpredictable because suddenly, we need to live in a new normal state of living. In just a blink of an eye, everything that we had accustomed to would just gradually break and shatter. We were unprepared while dealing with this unpredicted event that really gives us misery. Like businesses and companies, even factories had been forced to close. Many employees were unemployed. We lost many lives at the same time we also struggled to fight. We were having empty wallets causing the people to struggle more in catering to their needs. This imaginary virus became evident to us that really covers the lifestyle of each and everyone. Because of this pandemic, everything has changed. Everything is falling and even hard lockdowns had been implemented.

    From this poem, I have learned that take your day to day as a challenge and always bring the time into most precious moments. Even though we are losing hope, we must still manage to stand ourselves from this pandemic and just feel the presence of God everyday because He is the only one who will always stay by our side that will give us light into our darkest times. Believing and having faith in Him is the most powerful shield that we can take as a weapon amidst this covid 19.We must continue living our life with passion because the right time will come where everything will be back to normal and the sufferrings that we had experiencing up until now will just come to an end and we can feel the brightest light again.

  59. Keah Criselle B. Bareno
    12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem by Mr. Penn is all about the things the he have experienced during the lockdown and that includes having no enough money for his needs, losing a loved ones, and attempting to kill himself. Some people really do have a good heart for they still helped those in need even if they are experiencing similar situations.Throughout the pandemic, life was terrible, especially in the early stages. I didn't have time to think about what was going on because everything happened so rapidly. I never envisioned a virus spreading so swiftly in the modern era of medicine.
    I expected the lockdown would be straightforward, comfortable, and temporary when it was imposed. Life was becoming more and more dreadful by the day, with the hope that it would soon be over.I learned a valuable lesson that I can apply to my personal challenges. One of the things I took up from the poem was the importance of remembering to pray to God. God will never let us down. You don't have a poor life just because you're having a bad day. Life may be challenging at times, but we must persevere in order to win our war with God.

  60. Jiselle Amaro
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem is just one of a gut wrenching story from this pandemic. A poignant reminded of the passing of time, and how fast it could fly. Every day of our lives has had its ups and downs. However, it appears to have doubled during these times.

    Sometimes we don't understand what and where this life is leading us. It seems like a big maze. Even with a map travelling, we sometimes get lost. You have no idea what will happen in the next few hours, what you will gain or lose as time passes. And sometimes, we seek help from the Almighty Father above. To lead us to a happy life. To help us during these times. To guide us to finish this dark path. The lockdown has brought the worst of our worst. It challenged not only the poor but also the rich. It challenged everyone. During these times, anxieties creep at the back of our mind because we are worried that we lost our loved ones soon. I know we all have the same ending, we all die, but not this soon. Not this kind of type where every minute in our life, we have to be careful of what is out there because that things could infect us or worst get us killed. The world might have turned upside down, but we still get the courage to get up every morning. Because every day is a fresh start, to start something new despite of the dark terror. Every day is a new beginning.

    To all the loved ones we have lost, we hope to meet them soon on the other side. To be reunite with them as we let ourselves be strong from the time being. Everyone has different timeline. It may come to others too early, but it isn't the same with everyone. We just have to wait for the timing, and continue to fight this challenges. Everyone has a story to tell, and in these times, we must be more understanding of others because we do not know their story.

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  63. Mae Danielle N.Alcancia

    In the poem Lockdown by Sir. Penn Tulabing Larena,I have felt the persona’s agony,pain, fear and despair throughout the piece. The lack of money, the idea of ending one’s life, being hopeless and the pain or fear of losing a loved is all conveyed in the poem which is also what most people experienced and felt during the lockdown.The darkness in the first line literally means all the negativities surrounding us during the pandemic.

    Pain,anger,sorrow and the triumphs in life is always inevitable specially during the COVID-19 pandemic.The most important thing during the lockdown is to not see it in a negative way but to see it as a silver lining.It is indeed very hard to see the light in every dark situations but we have to at least try to face our day with optimism because breathing alone is a symbol of positivity and a ray of hope.

    When I lost the person dearest to me in the midst of the pandemic it was immensely painful.Nothing even hurts more than losing the only person who truly loved and cares for you.Until now the pain is still visible in my eyes but I had to be strong and I had to believe that there’s always a reason behind every tear.We may not know what is God’s plans and purpose for us but he surely has.There is always a rainbow after the rain, all we have to do is to keep our faith and trust in God.

  64. The poem written by Mr. Larena tells a story of a person struggling during the pandemic. The anger, sorrow, and helplessness they felt, it made them lose hope. The lockdown made him felt sad and lonely. He gave in to God. Which reminds me of the struggles that me and my family encountered last year. Our family was exposed to covid and my cousin tested positive. We were quarantined. Negative thoughts were running wild in our heads during that time. God was the only hope we had and yes, he answered our prayers. My cousin recovered from covid. We should always remember that God works in mysterious ways and will always be there for us.

    Maychell Y. Ramirez
    Grade 12 – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    12- STEM Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    A poem that made me realized that not everyone is capable or in a good state during these crucial days. A lot of us suffered with things we can’t restrictly talking wherein all of a sudden things always get ruin savagely. I was not expecting that there are persons who has these huge effects as of the moment. The agony they are carrying were matters I can’t imagine if it will happened to me . When Mr. Penn was able to handle those circumstances , well that was considered as power.
    During these days God let us sacrifice and feel empty within a moment to realize something . Whenever we fell down we have to stand up and take away those negativites which forcefully embracing our kindness. Everything are challenges, to test our patience, respect , and how long can we find ways to solve situations critically. We should accept the fact even if it stab as hardly . All of these are temporary but always remember it keeps us stronger and prepared for other bigger obstacles that we will be facing in the near future. Therefore, be positive for a reason that we are Paulinians who were taught to take actions and deal problems mindfully.

    1. In addition when today’s vibe is not aline for you always remember that there’s always a tomorrow for your hopes to do.

  66. Mikylla Maelain G. Mohana
    Grade 12-STEM immaculate of Conception

    we all found the pressure that was placing on ourself was too much, and just getting through the day was enough. Tim now splits a day into non-negotiable and negotiable tasks to help get back to a stable routine. I could totally connect with the poem because as the lone days came I began to feel terrible about everything and soon recognized indicators of my sadness and anxiety resurfacing. I couldn't wake up on time, I ate more, I couldn't focus, and I kept breaking down."I was sad and Lonely". I've been up and down since the lockdown. At first, I felt a lot of pressure to emerge out of this period looking and feeling better than before. I had so much time on my hands that I needed to do something with it. All I was doing was placing unnecessary strain on myself.
    I felt really guilty about whether I should be enjoying myself when the world isn't in a great place, but then I realised that it’s ok. It’s nice to have something to look forward to, it’s important for your own mental health, and it’s no good punishing yourself, it doesn’t help anyone.”

  67. AJ Corrales
    12 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The pandemic has killed a lot of people and still continues to damage everyone's properties and hearts. It changed everything. Because of the pandemic, major lockdowns was implemented all around the world and it affected our lives in a way that we cannot go to work and earn money to sustain for our family's needs. The poem "lockdown" shows the frustration and struggle of the author during the pandemic

    Just by reading the title, we can really know the theme of this poem, it's all about sadness and pain. Sadness and pain that is caused by various frustrations and misfortune s the author faced that day.

    This poem by Mr. Larena is very timely and very relatable to each one of us. The frustration of the author is very evident because of all the thing he experienced. The lockdown really challenged his capacity and forces him to give up. It seems like he had all the misfortune a man could get in a year in just one day. He just wants to pour out his anger and frustration. The poem also showcased the goodness in every heart of each Filipino. Even though all of us were struggling, there are still someone that is willing to help and be with us in our darkest times. The poem also showed his faith, he offered everything to God and hopes that he'll get through all of this

  68. Edmon jon catubig
    Grade 12 ,our lady of immaculate concReading the poem, I could sense the author's dissatisfaction with the pandemic and the resulting lockdowns. This poem is dedicated to all those who have suffered as a result of COVID-19. Graduations, marriages, birthdays, Christmas celebrations, and even simple outings with friends and family are all being missed. Not only that, but the stresses of ordinary life have been amplified by the addition of loss, loneliness, grief, and apprehension about our safety. None of us could have predicted how our lives would turn out.

    The pandemic may be difficult and devastating to the point when we consider slashing our wrists, but we must never lose hope. Those who believe are given hope.

  69. Name: James Axel G. Jayme

    Section: Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The first time that I've read the poem of Ayla Lopez "EMOTIONS (BLACK TO RED HEART). I didn't understand it vividly what she meant because the words were so deep. But when I read her poem again and again, I realize that when was going something that made her very emotional. I feel like she wants to know and share to us readers on how our significant our emotions and how our emotions could change who we are. Emotions can make us do good and bad, it depends on the situation. There are many kinds of emotions it could be anger, happy, love, forgiveness, excited, peace and others. We are holding ourselves so we are the one who can control our emotions. The poem of Ayla showed how miserable she is because she felt so tired being angry, sad and hurt to the point that she wants or intend to die but Ayla really wants to have peace, feel loved, and be happy again. She have an idea that her black heart will turn into red again of she will be able to feel loved, have peace and be happy.
    We, individual, have different kinds of ups and downs in life. Burdens may causes us made our red heart turn into black because of how we handle emotions throughout the situation. That's why some people wants to die, they commit suicide because they believe that the solution to have piece and be happy in life is to die. A very great lesson and a beautiful reminder to all of us that we should never let our bad emotions be the hindrance of giving up and never let our bad emotions prevail. Have faith in God. Make as your motivation and inspiration to fight and fight until yo reach the light. God's purpose is better that ours. Think positive always. Do good, keep strong, trust His will and have faith in Him always and forever.

  70. Lornydith Siglos
    Grade 12-Our Lady of the Immaculate Concepcion

    Lockdown written by Penn talks about what is happening and what has happened the author talks about the things that has happened in his life because of this pandemic. For me, as a student I also experience through this current situation, but it is within us whether we complain or stay focused and still enjoy the little things in life. This situation will pass, and all is gonna be well.

    The poem taught me that no matter how hard the situation is, no matter how hard you're going through, always pray, don't lose hope, have faith in God for he will help and save us through everything.


    As what the title suggests, this poem entitled “Lockdown” shares the author’s series of bad experiences that happened to him during the lockdown. Based on my understanding, the first part talks about something unfortunate that happened to his job which then lead to him being short on money. I could really feel how awful the author might have felt that day. He also mentioned about a good friend of him who offered him help despite the fact that her family is suffering from a virus. If I were to have this kind of friend who is very selfless, I would be truly grateful and forever treasure him/her for it is very rare to have someone like this in our lives. It may not solve all my problems but just the thought of having someone that holds you dear would maybe at least lighten up my day and lessen my burden.

    At this point, the frustration and hopelessness of the author is evident. He even thought of ending his own life just to get rid of his suffering. I may not fully understand what he feel that day but these thoughts are understandable. There are really points in our lives wherein we just wanted to give up because we feel that there’s no other way to get out of our situation and that we are carrying the weight of the whole world in our back. During these dark days, we also tend to get impatient and easily annoyed which explains the way he thinks in the fifth paragraph.

    Lastly, the author mentioned about losing someone who is very close to his heart. It must have been really painful to lose someone on top of all the other bad things that happened that day. I would probably feel the same if ever that happens to me, however, the best thing we can do is to continue fighting. We must never give up no matter how hard it gets, we can always take a break and ask for help. This too shall pass.

  72. Kayce Joseph
    Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    Throughout our life, it is bound that there are periods of challenges that we must face, but the real challenge is how we grow and learn from overcoming them. This poem is all about the struggles of Mr.Larena experience during the lockdown. The author expresses his feelings and frustration during the lockdown.How lost he is during that time because of bad luck,lost of love ones and with no money inside his pocket. As we can see during this time it is not the author who struggles a lot.There so many people out there have the same situation of the author who experience badluck during this time of pandemic.We can see the people lost their job, closing of business ,no money left in their pocket and many people are hungry. This lockdown change the lifestyle that we usually do. Like instead of doing face to face classes we do it online then some works done at home we are just all staying at home because we are afraid that we can be affected of Covid 19.Because of this many people experience anxiety, depression and illnesses that affect our mental health.Some people just wanted to end their life so that they cannot feel the struggles that they experience right know but this not a good idea. Because life is precious it a gift by God and we need to treasure it. I know how hard it is when we faces challenges in life. When you feel that all the problems is given to you, when you feel left alone.I Know that every problems there is a solution. We just need to fight and do not lose hope. We know that everybody wanted to be happy no body wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a rain.So we need to think positive everytime even how hardlife is.I believe God give us problem in order to learn from it and to be stronger as time goes by.Sometimes, our circumstances are out of our control and things don’t go to plan. God calls us to trust Him in the midst of our lives and especially in the darker times. God hasn’t promised a life without hardship or trials.God is always there to give us what we need to make it through our most challenging times. He gives us what we need when we need it. He can help us when no one else can. He will always be there for us and will never forsake us.

  73. Nicole B. Alcampado
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem tells us about the frustation and the struggles of the author during the lockdown. The agony that we are continously facing.The lockdown brought so many changes in our society. It portrays not only the stuggles of the author but also the struggles and hardships of the Filipinos. It made us realize how difficult it is living during the pandemic. We were forced to make so many sacrifices in order to survive. I remember that during the pandemic, I was confused, scared and almost having depression. But it also made us realize that during the toughest times of our lives, we were able to meet people who will help us despite of the struggles he/she is also facing. Truly goodness and kindest from others will never fade away despite of the situation we are facing.

  74. Michael Gerard E. Sienes
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem tells us the grief of a lost loved one, the ways we grieve for our loved ones who departed was not the same, these days we grieve far away from our loved ones final moments as precautionary measures against the covid-19 virus which only makes a death of a loved one much more harder to bear. On the other hand, the last line still gives us some kind of hope that the death of a loved one is only an end of the story in this place of the universe, we will have to finish our own story first, on our own we make our own. When our time is finished in this earthly world, we will soon be able to meet them in the next life with the help of our Lord, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the prayers of Our beloved Mother of God.

  75. The Poem wrote by Mr. Penn called the "lockdown" points out a lot of points on of these is our current which is the pandemic that it is always lockdown and many people are suffering from this devastating illness and also he points out his experiences in that day that it is very hard one of this is one of his friend died and for me I've encountered this just last year two of my loved ones past away my grandmother and my cousin it was hard for me and my family because it was during last years lockdown me and my family is very down that time but still we fight it and also ask for God's guidance we fight it with all our hearts.

    1. Vince Gerilou Y. Bohol
      Grade 12-Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. James Axel G. Jayme
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem by Mr. Penn showed how he suffered a lot during the lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. It was like we have nothing left but sadness, grief and pain. Every person has experienced difficult situation in this trying times which is the pandemic. The author thought that ending his life is the solution to end his suffering. We all have different kinds of aspect that we've been through in this pandemic, quarantine, lose of jobs, no giving us financial assistance and cover us with sorrows. But this lockdown reminds us that we should hold tightly our faith in God. God won't allow His people to suffer such things that we can't make. He knows better than us. Instead of thinking negative or giving up about our prablems in the middle of pandemic, we must look for a better solution, convert your negative thoughts into positive and trust His will. One day we will understand why this is happening to us. Fight your battles even in the dark because we are the one holding our future with the grace of God. Trust and have faith in God, always and forever.


    The poem is all about the frustrations, loss, and problems faced during the lockdown. I understand that it is frustrating that we can only do things to a certain limit because of the pandemic. This pandemic took a toll on our mental health. To someone who lost all his hope, always remember to remain strong because it’ll pass. If you become hopeless you will lose everything, we all experience hardships and feel hopeless, yet it is how we choose to respond to our struggles that shapes us. I’ve had experiences where the sadness became unbearable, but I got passed it on my own by strengthening my faith, to always pray, and never lose hope. You’ll come out stronger when all you’re focusing on is yourself, to get through each day without falling apart. We are all people, and all people have problems. And I just want to encourage you not to lose hope.


    This poem, entitled "Lockdown," really shows us how a pandemic causes havoc in our lives. A lot of people would really relate to this, since all of us have experienced such a situation. Poverty rose as the lockdown started and was the biggest downfall for all employed workers. There were days I felt hopeless, thinking that I couldn't survive this situation. The worst part is losing someone you love. I didn't expect that would come into my life, but I couldn't stop my life from it. The only thing I could do was accept it, but before accepting it, I felt anger inside, asking why all of this should happen in my life. But despite everything that has happened, God really prepared someone for me to help me get through these trying times. At some point, because of the things we have experienced that we are not prepared for, we end up thinking about ending our lives, which is not a good choice, not a good idea that we should do. Because God did not give us these kinds of challenges just to commit suicide, but he has a purpose for everything. But because we don't understand, we tend to think that we should just end our lives. Those days you thought of ending your life, remember those things you have accomplished right now, and if you really ended your life, you would have missed everything you have achieved these days. It is not about you surviving because there are people who helped you. Yes, there are people who help us, but what really matters is the power we have inside us that makes us strong enough. Yes, we will miss those people we lost, but our lives don't stop there. We still have a lot of work to do. These poems made me reminisce about those times I felt everything. I thought about giving up my life, and I realized it's OK to feel that way but never do it. These things we have right now will pass away soon at the perfect time. Also, one thing I learned is that if our goal or purpose in life is just to be happy and like we want to satisfy ourselves with worldly things, we cannot value the challenges we have in life. That's when depression and stress start. But when our purpose in life is to overcome all kinds of situations with the grace of God, you will definitely understand why this is all happening. We may have had a lot of sad days, but let's admit it: it also made us the people we thought we would never be. From those challenges, it made us more resilient to face those kinds of challenges, knowing that we have survived everything before, and for sure, today, tomorrow, and the upcoming days we have, we can still survive, knowing God is with us. We can be lonely, we can be hopeless, we can cry, but don't think it's forever. You only have a bad day, not a bad life. Fall down 7 times, stand up 8 times because in life we can never stop learning and it's a journey. AJA!



    What I learn from Is that when the lock down hits us we where vulnerable and full of dough . we were hit like a truck leading us to struggle and face the new situation in our daily life, no matter if your a student,teacher,Adults,children or even A Public servant we where face in the same situation that question if it will ever end. But As time passes by we learn how to adopt and we learn to Face the situation slowly and carefully due to the fact lots of lives where lose during this pandemic. but we as people never gave up, we find ways and we grow as a person each passing days, we learn to adopt and initiate in leading to a better and safer future. And With the Help and Guidance from God we will sure to conquer this situation and be victorious. The End

  81. Gabriella M. Montebon

    The title gave away the majority of what the poem will be about. 
    I couldn't relate to the poetry, but I realize that as a result of the shutdown, many people have lost their jobs, businesses are closing, and things don't appear to be improving anytime soon until we change our ways. 
    It annoys my family as well, but rather than whining, we do our hardest to modify and adapt. 
    Either you adjust to your surroundings or you keep doing things the same way and grumbling more and more. 
    If you are worried and finding it difficult to do your task, you are doing it incorrectly. 
    Rather than giving up, make a change. 
    People who quit up aren't'relatable,' they're 'unrelatable.'

  82. SyLysdley L. Gutierrez
    Grade 12- Our lady of the Immaculate Conception

    There's a lot packed into this poem and from what I understand, the feeling it tries to convey is helplessness. Lockdown is literally being in a cage you cannot escape from. The feeling of time going by so slowly, having to stare at our own self and our shortcomings it's frustrating. There's money being lost through this, there's friends we haven't seen being stuck inside. But we have to make do of what we can. Do our best, do our part because we know it's for the greater good. Although it may hurt it doesn't mean hope is lost. It will pass, with God's help.

  83. Ellaiza Mae S. Lawas
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    Reading Mr. "Penn" Larena's poem shows and tells us what he went through during the lockdown. Having an unlucky day, not enough money, losing someone close to him, and worst, attempting to end his life. Despite those, he never lost faith in God. And there are still people who willingly helped him out.

    Each of us has faced various challenges in our lives, which we cannot deny the fact that they are a natural part of life.

    Lockdown has far-reaching implications in all aspects of our lives. Not only has the lockdown destroyed the people, but it has also destroyed their lives. Many opportunities were lost, as well as our social lives.This pandemic has been going on for years. Things happened so fast that we can't even remember what happened. But it has also given us time to reflect on what we are grateful for, who we miss, and what we might change when we emerge from this lockdown personally.

    Life can be difficult at times. We'd have no idea when everything would be fine. We faced a slew of challenges especially in this time of crisis. There are a lot of people who are struggling and can't even get through the day. But, even if we are at our worst, we should not give up easily. Still, we must stand and fight. We should remember that God is always with us and has his own ways to protect us. Also, we must not lose sight of the fact that there is still a good friend, good people who are willing to share and give. A friend who can be your arms and legs. And a friend who will support you and will not let you down.

    "Stay positive and keep going on."

  84. Kayce Joseph
    Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem entitled Penn(A Warrior Torn) was written by Dr.Gerard Jude C.Bumanglag talked about a warrior named Penn.He is given a magical pen to choose between war or peace.He experience struggles of choosing either the good path or the evil.It resemble us people that we have a freedom to choose what is right or wrong and we are fighting on our own battles in life.It is up to us how to deal to all the struggles the we may encountered whether we choose to go to the war or peace.So we need to think wisely to the decision we make because it may affect the other people's life.

    I also realized in this poem that we are are warrior on our own battle in life.No matter how tough or easy a person's life is there is always a battle with life.Many times people feel the whole world is against them.There maybe a lot of stress and internal conflict within everyone's battle.The reality is when a war is won,there eventually another battle to fight. Then we need to fight and face it and never give up even it is hard and how tired we are. Because this is life there is always a battled that we may encountered just remember to pray to God and don't lose hope.He will guide us and enlighten us to all the decision and choices that we made in life.

    1. Sorry sir nasayop nako ug send sa poem ni about a warrior thanks

  85. Princess Faith Magdalyn O. Rendal
    Grade 12 – Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    This poem shows how this pandemic changed the way we live. We have seen how much of the world is not prepared to handle a pandemic like this. We are in the middle of the great unknown and sailing into a sea of uncertainty with guarded optimism while expecting the worst. Going through this crisis is indeed not easy, and has never been easy with anyone else’s, too. We are fighting our own battles right now. Being cut off to see our friends and family and the outside world may have been a struggle. We are confronted with the true uncertainty of human existence and the true vulnerability of human life. The lockdown shows us how terrible it really is to waste our lives, embroiled in endless battles for wealth and status and power. It shows us the importance of recognizing the true purpose of all our lives.

  86. Carlos Fernando P. Tumaca
    Gr. 12 – Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem made by the writer expresses his emotions and explains to us how we have suffered during the lockdown. The word “lockdown” made me remember all the bad times that happened. The poem provides a lot of insight, particularly for those who are afflicted by the circumstancesituation. That is one of the reasons why individuals become melancholy; they are unable to meet their families' needs and wants, and as a result, they tend to terminate their lives as if it were simple to do so. I can’t escape from fear, It seems to like I lose the right to enjoy myself. Everyone has a burden to bear, and it is up to you how you deal with the challenges you've faced in life; while terminating one's life is not the solution to all problems, I can't blame them for being cowards or for having lost hope in life and not facing life beautifully. Suicidal thoughts, which are prevalent at the time, are also discussed in the poem. This demonstrates the importance of savoring every moment with those we love, appreciating everything we have, helping one another and always hope for things to get better. Always trust God.

  87. Chiendi Ilagan
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculuous Medal

    The friend who was with you when you need help is gone addition to what's happening in the world makes you want to just end your life but we just need to remember that killing cannot solve the problems we had, if we want to cry then we need to cry and then if we want to be sad then be sad because I think this is a better way to release our emotions and not pretending. Always be positive, have hope, and be brave that you know in yourself you can overcome this. We need to find a solution to our problems, so we asked God to guide us, and surely God will give us an instrument that will help us in our problem and I can see this in the poem of Mr. Penn Larena, he had a good friend that helps him even though they are suffering also. I can't deny the fact that in this part I felt emotional. The friend who was with you when you need help is gone addition to what's happening in the world makes you want to just end your life but we just need to remember that killing cannot solve the problems we had, if we want to cry then we need to cry and then if we want to be sad then be sad because I think this is a better way to release our emotions and not pretending. Always be positive, have hope, and be brave that you know in yourself you can overcome this.

  88. Chiendi Ilagan
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem made by Mr. Penn Larena is all about the title itself lockdown, on what he experienced during that time. When Covid-19 strikes in the Philippines, the president implements a lockdown. Some lives have changes on the way their living, in finding their basic needs, and also the mental and emotional health of other people are affected. The first part of the poem talks about the author's feelings about having a lockdown which is sadness. The next stanzas portray that what does lockdown had affected. I can see in the poem how the author's job was affected and also his financial status. This is a problem when lockdown occurs in our country that many people had lost their jobs and are not able to give the needs of their family due to the lack of finances. We need to find a solution to our problems, so we asked God to guide us, and surely God will give us an instrument that will help us in our problem and I can see this in the poem of Mr. Penn Larena, he had a good friend that helps him even though they are suffering also. I can't deny the fact that in this part I felt emotional. The friend who was with you when you need help is gone addition to what's happening in the world makes you want to just end your life but we just need to remember that killing cannot solve the problems we had, if we want to cry then we need to cry and then if we want to be sad then be sad because I think this is a better way to release our emotions and not pretending. Always be positive, have hope, and be brave that you know in yourself you can overcome this.

  89. Shieka Audrydel P. Barredo
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    Mr. Larena's poem clearly talks about the different challenges that we encountered during this pandemic, It's been difficult for me to adjust to what they've dubbed "the new normal," in which many of us have lost our jobs and many kids have stopped attending school because they can't afford to acquire gadgets to use for online classes. And a lot of people lost their loved ones due to covid 19 that we didn't expect it coming, that sometimes we wish we could turn back time and go back to when everything was still normal, when we still can hangout with our families and friends and talks about life, our dreams, the memories that we've created without wearing these face masks and face shields, this lockdown that the government implemented is really sad and depressing that it gives us anxiety attacks that we tend to overthink everything, but on the other hand this lockdown also helped us realized good things that helps us becoming a better person. In this time that full of uncertainty it is important to treasure our loved ones and let go of the things that stopping you from doing the things that you love and your passionate about. To be honest, this poem made me emotional in the sense that it made me reflect on the events of my life and how fortunate I am that my family is safe despite the situation that we can still eat 3 times a day. That is why, no matter how horrible or good the things that happening in our lives, we must remember to thank God because everything that happens to us has meaning, and it is our obligation to discover and seek out the goodness in everything.

  90. Brevin Calingacion

    The Poem is all about “Lockdown” due to this pandemic called “ Covid-19 “ and its affects all over the world many people lost their Jobs especially teachers and students lost their classes and we people we use masks and face-shields in order to protect ourselves in the Virus The poem tells us sadness while I’m reading it I’m full with emotions and not just the people who have lost their jobs are sad also those who are homeless and poor how they can find food if there is a lockdown. Only God can defeat this viruses and i know that God has many challenges to us and we should never give up and we people we must be Blessed even despite in our situation right now this Covid we can still eat 3 times a day and we must be Thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ for guiding us and we live and enjoy his creation even though in this Pandemic and we should never give up and we must move on forward and God will lead us his way.


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