Wednesday, January 27, 2021


By : Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD   Jan  2021

 If a warrior were gifted a magical pen 

To change this world's chaotic arena 

Would one write down "Zen" Or invoke the Goddess Athena 

To battle - regardless of where or when –

 As cries extinguish the flame from a broken glass vitrine. 

When visions alternately brighten or dampen, 

Would weapons shine or get patina, 

As raging emotions either fade or deepen? 

No reckoning as to how eruptive or serene a Warrior whose name is Penn 

If one chooses to be as gentle as a puppy over a Hyena,

 Would this valiant being miss the chase out there in the open, 

Even though the prey is a gazelle ever graceful as a Ballerina? 

Tanjayanon Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD.He grow up in Tanjay  City Negros Oriental . He is an Art Collector, Poet, Philatelist,Civic leader,Past President of Tanjay Rotary Club,Chapter Commander of Knights of Rizal  Tanjay Chapter and Heritage & Cultural  Advocate 


  1. my interpretation of this poem is that it talks about a warrior and his views on war and chaos, if given the choice would he choose peace over chaos or would he miss the thrill of war. i think that the writer sees this warrior as too accustomed to the thought of battle that he would choose it over peace


    The poem by Dr. Gerard talked about what will a great warrior choose would it be the unending war or the peace that anyone around him have been wanted. Warriors do have a shield and weapon that will always protect them from anything or anyone. Warrior should choose the war or chaos for they are born to serve their people but they should choose between peace and chaos.
    The poem has a lot of meaning for it not only talk about the warriors instead it talked about the people in this world for we are having a lot of chaos, but we wanted to have peace. The world is a gift from our God for we need to take good care of it as well as His people for God command us to love one another. We all have to do our best to have peace for we only live once in this beautiful world so we should not miss our chances.
    I learned about this poem that some really struggle in choosing what would they wanted to have is it war or chaos or it can be peace. I learned that we people can change everything in this world if we have the will to do it, peace is all that we need so we must do everything in order for us to end the chaos and war in this world, we should speak ourselves and do our best in everything for the world that God gave us.
    Peace is everything that we need so we need to work on it and fulfill the things that we needed to do and that is to love and accept one another in this beautiful world for us to end the wars and struggles that anyone are experiencing right now and have the peace that we all wanted.


    Reflection on Penn ( A Warrior Torn):
    The poem written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD entitled “Penn(A Warrior Torn)” is quite an admirable piece. It depicts if ever this valiant warrior named Penn were gifted with a magical pen to rewrite the chaos occurring in the world, and the options as to what type of destiny or fate he would choose, wether to become a warlike man ready to battle any time and anywhere, to choose war and conflict or to choose peace and serenity. To choose wether to sharpen the blade or to choose to let it rot. To be overpowered by rage or to let his inner demons calm down. As far as everything that I have stated , it is still just my own opinion and understanding of the poem.
    I believe that this passage tells us that we all have choices in life ,to choose whatever path we would want to take. Options on wether to immerse ourselves with conflict , to let various situations and chaos ,or temperaments control us ,or not or to choose a peaceful and quite life. It would still be on our very own decisions in life. From the poem, it somewhat shows a metaphor, I believe that our choices portray the “magical pen” and us as the warrior “Penn”. Like “Penn” we too are struggling in our daily lives, be it at school, work, and even just at home, be it big or small. We are warriors of the modern day battling against our problems and issues in life. We are all torn be it financially, physically, emotionally and mentally, especially during this time with our own war against the Corona virus Pandemic. To lead our lives in choosing to be pessimistic or to be optimistic , it actually just comes down to our very our very own perspectives on how we accept a certain obstacle that comes along the way, would you choose to go beyond and overcome it, or would you choose to give up?



    The poem talks about a warrior who is bestowed a power to change the world as he wills with a ‘magic pen’; whatever event that is going to happen will happen according to his will. The warrior also has a choice in his two hands: peace or chaos. Whatever he chooses will have a slippery slope of consequences, good and bad. He also has a task of rewriting bad events into good by his pen to lessen chaos and harm for other people.

    In my experience, i have developed a mature mind (mostly) and make decisions mostly on my own and how i see a situation fit. In my good judgment, i choose the best option, one that will benefit the most, and less harm or any negative outcome. I too have my own ‘magic pen’ in life, as long as i know what is best for everyone. My judgments arent perfect of course (only God has the perfect judgment), but they are the best of my abilities. Sometimes there were instances where something bad happened and i made the good out of it by solving the problem or finding the little good things within a chaotic situation.

    I am the warrior in my story and i try my best to make good and sound decisions based on how i see fit, and make good out of a bad situation. Our mind is our magical pen, and its the best to one’s capacity. Problems are everywhere and they never stop coming. They only make our strong, and therefore, making our magic pen more magical, more capable of solving similar or other problems.

    When we make sound decisions, we require peace and presence of mind to achieve the best decision for a particular outcome. It is ideal to think about things at your pace without external pressure before taking actions so you won’t regret what you’ve done and take full responsibility for it. Rational and critical thinking also helps. The more mature we are as a person, the lesser the chance of us making unwise decisions, as we have gone through a lot in our lives and have learned from all the mistakes and failures we had initially.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. the poem talks about a warriors strength, mentality and strategy, it emphasizes the thought process on what a warrior is from the perspective of a warrior named penn.

    (Alex Schmidt XII - O.L. of Mt. Carmel)

  7. Name: Dan Michael F. Malla
    Grade: 12 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem is have many symbolism and has a deep meaning. To summarize my understanding of the poem, first I think the poem is talking about a warrior which symbolizes every living thing mostly humans and how they can choose to decide their paths if given the choice. For example, the writer mentioned that the warrior could write Zen which means peace or invoke the goddess of war, which symbolizes to go in a war world or peace. Additionally, on the last paragraph it talked about a puppy or a Hyena, although it says that it would miss the wild hunt as a hyena even though the prey is a gazelle. I think its basically talking about people, that they can choose their paths.

    But seriously, I'm not sure if a hyena with 64mph can chase a gazelle with 97mph speed.


    The poem, "Penn, A Warrior Torn" by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag , MD. talks about a valiant being named Penn who has gone through a chaotic arena. The battles he encountered ensued him to choose over deciphering his emotions or to let his rage reign over him. The usual response of a human being after being ran off by a storm is depicted in the poem. The protagonist might have been able to fulfill that behavior in the poem but the thing to be reckoned is not a hyena. It might have been difficult for someone to choose peace over war but they must remember that their life choices will become their fate.

    The character in the story is sometimes, the person inside of us. When we got into conflicts, temptations come. When we're blinded with rage, only bad things satisfy us. And when we finally reflect upon ourselves, the regrets flood over us. It is important to always choose peace no matter how uneasy we are on our situations. Problems are inevitable and it's part of each of us. To become blissful and to acquire a serene life, one must remember that rage is not the answer to every hindrance. May optimism win over pessimism.

  9. Name: Justin O. Montecillo
    Grade & section: 12-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem which is titled “Penn” that is written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, talks about a warrior that has the freedom to choose a path, is it the good or the evil, peace or war, harmony or chaos. A true warrior will always choose the right path. What if the warrior choses war to fight for what’s right? What if the warrior choses peace for the sake of people’s lives? Even us don’t know what’s the right path. Just like the last paragraph says, “If one chooses to be as gentle as a puppy over a hyena, would this valiant miss the chase out there in the open”. Which means we are the one who chooses our actions, and it reflects our personality. Will you be the Predator? the prey? Or you could be like Gandhi?

  10. Name: Vince D. Calingacion
    Grade 12 – Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    In my reading of the poem. I believe it tells us something about the crossroad of choices that we have to face in this chaotic world. It shows how difficult it is to be nice and gentle in this harsh society. In this world, we are fighters, and it is our responsibility to maintain peace and order. From the times of yore up unto this time, peace has always been the pursuit of men. Also, peace is not gained when the end result is catastrophic, when there are those who suffer, or when an injustice is served with another injustice. But what would one do if attaining peace means to be violent and wild?

  11. Harvey T. Miral
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem is all about a warrior whose name is Penn. Penn is facing a lot of problem and he has a freedom to choose a path whether it is good or bad. On the first paragraph says, "If a warrior were gifted a magical pen to change this world's chaotic arena" it means that if Penn had a chance to have a magical pen he would choose the right path, which is to change the world to be better and full of harmony. Also, it symbolizes our freedom to choose or to decide in which paths we would like to accomplish or what we desires.


    The poem Penn (A Warrior Torn) by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD is a masterpiece that talks about being a warrior. If ever this warrior named Penn was gifted a magical pen that could change this chaotic world that we're living in, would it choose to fight or to be a coward and do nothing to change the world. Or.would it be a kind of warrior that will choose to fight in war anytime and anywhere or a kind of warrior that would choose to stay delicate and be calm. If a warrior is given a magical chance to change the chaos in the world, would the warrior choose to be gentle or be tough and bold. What would a valiant warrior choose in order to change the world for the better.

    In addition to its deep meaning, the poem suggests that we can all be warriors in our own ways. In order to live a calm and quiet existence, we all have to fight our own conflicts. It's a decision we have to make with every struggle, whether to give up or not. In life, each of us has our own style of battle. It's our prerogative to decide what's best in every given situation. Nobody can judge you for whatever decision you make, as long as you fight with courage in every battle you've had and will have. Each person has the freedom to choose whether to be brave and battle with grit and determination, or to choose to be calm and enjoy their own tranquility in life.


    The poem entitled “PENN (A WARRIOR TORN)” is all about being a warrior with wise choices and floating opportunities. If Penn was given the chance to make his choice for the world where he can change this chaotic world, would he choose peace or ignite war? Would Penn, the warrior, choose to be gentle when he is threatened, missing the chance to be a brave and courageous? Knowing that the threat is small like a bug compared to his huge state. What would a warrior do to obtain a better world?

    We ourselves are warriors, we have our own battlefields in life that needs to be brawled. And we have the freedom to choose which path to take: whether to live in peace or to fight with courage. In my experienced in life, whenever I’m struggling I tend to give up. I questioned myself, my perception in life if there's still hope. Would my weapon shine or will it rust? Like how my emotions fluctuate, fading and deepening whenever I encounter problems. Sometimes, it depends on the situation, if we either fight with power or lay low and refrain to solve it peacefully. It is up to you how you handle your own battles, would you fight with valor or choose to be serene.


    The poem PENN (A WARRIOR TORN) talks about a mighty warrior named Penn. If he will be given a magical pen that he will use it to draw a better place, and transform it into a wonderous world, would he be able to withstand the challenges that he'll encounter? Would he will be brave enough to take that kind of path? Would Penn can change the world with his solid ground that is built with courage and commitment? Or he will just stay still, be a calm warrior, and take the peaceful road with great moments? All of us are warriors in our own battleground, we are looking for peace in order to take away the troubles. We can't live away from chaos if we don't have the courage to fight. We need to face the hardest times and should overcome from it rather than dodging these things. However, it's still our choice on what path we want to take because this is our life, and we are the one who will grasp the steering wheel towards peaceful world.


    The poem entitled "PENN (A WARRIOR TORN)" was written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, which talked about a warrior who has a freedom to choose between an ending war or peace everyone wanted in a chaotic world. It also show how good and bad our decision can be. This poem talked about not just a single warrior but a person making a decision that can either change his/her life, or maybe can change someone's life. In this world, we are fighters, we are tasked to decide which path to take, what stories to tell , what decision to make, in order leave a peaceful and quite life. We tend to fight with our own wars inside us too. We have freedom to choose whether to be brave and bold, we speak for ourselves, we light our own ways, we stand on our feet, because WE ARE WARRIOR, WE ARE TASKED TO CHOICE PEACE AND UNITY WITHIN US.


    The poem Penn (A Warrior Torn) by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD discusses about a warrior named Penn would choose peace or battle if he were given the option to be bestowed with a magical pen. By reading this poem I believe it teaches us that we can all be warriors in our own ways, that we all have our own battlegrounds in life, and that we all have choices to make. This poem encourages us to choose our battles wisely; while we may feel tempted to give up when faced with adversity, we must remember that life is measured not by how many battles we win, but by how many times we stand up to fight and how many times we turn away and choose to look in a better direction.

  17. Name: Allysandra Marie G. Cual
    Grade 12 STEM Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem entitled, "PENN (A WARRIOR TORN)" which is written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag. This poem tells us about Penn a warrior who is gifted with a magical pen. In this poem Penn can symbolize "anybody" it can be a student, a teacher, a police officer and etc. while the magical pen symbolizes "power". This tells us about the choices one makes when he or she is given power. Would they invoke peace or would they create war. When a person is given power this can happen anytime and anywhere. It is their decision with what they do with the power they received. The poem teaches us about the possible outcomes when in making decisions, it teaches us to think carefully of the choices we make because we may not know how this will affect our lives in the future.

  18. Name: Mary Nicole T. Villo
    Grade 12 STEM Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    The poem is all about this warrior named Penn. He is given a magical pen to choose between war or peace. This reminds me on how we people must think critically in every situation we face in this world whether that decision of ours may cause war to others or may brought peace. But, of course us people will always choose peace but some find this hard to choose due to so much pain a person felt in a certain situation. We must always remember that our minds are too powerful and whatever decision we'll make, we must see it first if it will benefit everyone and add more peace in this world or it will it start chaos or war. We must always see if the outcome of the decisions we'll make will not hurt anyone or is offensive.



    The poem is composed by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD, it is a very wonderful and unique piece. In my understanding, the poem talks about the "choices" that an individual have. A choice wether a warrior will pick a peaceful and calm world or to pick a chaotic world. Just like in our life, having a chaotic world inside of us is our choice, where in fact we could do something, we could find a solution to have a peaceful and calm world, (it will depend on how you handle it). It is ver normal to have a problems, all of us have problems in life that we deal everyday, just like in the poem, would you rather be a gentle as puppy over a hyena? Let's just put into this, the gentle puppy is you and the hyena is you problmes. Would you rather be coward and weak and let those problems overcome you? As I stated, we have choices, we have the power and we have the control in our choices. It is our choice to be a weak person, our choice to be valiant to overcome those problems that we have.

  20. Name:Chrisavil A. Silva
    Grade 12 STEM- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem entitled “Penn (A Warrior Torn)” . A warrior that possibly given a chance to be gifted with a magical pen,
    where he can choose tranquility or just stand by this chaotic world. He could be a warrior that would to fight with his dignity to make a better world for everyone? The hardest battle that we could probably face is our own self. How we choose, we think, we act, is always connected. We are the warriors in each battle that we may face.

    Our mind is our magical pen. If we always think negative, then the outcome is not good. If we have a positive mindset then the outcome is really good. We all know that problems are everywhere and they never stop coming. So.. we need to be strong enough by praying and supplications.

    When we make some decisions, we need to prepare ourselves first so that there's no regret at all. Anyway, we will learned from our mistakes and help us more capable of solving problems.

    Mistakes and failures is part of our daily living. We need to be wise enough to think for taking some actions. The more mature we are as a person, the lesser the chance of us making unwise decisions.

  21. Bryan Tim Z. Malahay
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    In this chaotic world a fighter has an option to choose between a tranquil society that can bring peace and harmony to the community or a harsh environment resulting to pessimism. As I interpret the poem, it made me think about some qualities that this great warrior has. A brave personality perhaps, that could help him throughout struggles or a good mindset that could give him a clearer perspective throughout his life’s journey. In our life, being a warrior entails a lot of decisions and duties that we must manage. This poetry urges us to make critical choices because we never know how they may affect our future.


    The poem “PENN (A WARRIOR TORN)” by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD mainly talks about a warrior who have gone through a battle and those challenges he is facing forced him to choose whether to keep calm and gentle towards his emotion or to allow his wrath to rule over him. We are all facing our own battles. We are indeed a hidden warrior. Just like a warrior, we fought for peace. And to obtain that peace, we must face our own conflicts. We are given the freedom to make our own choices, whether to fight fiercely or choose to be calm. We should put in mind that every choices there is a consequence. No one knows how your decision will turn out. All you can do now is make the best decision you can.

  23. Audrey Moirah Rubio
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    This poem “Penn (a warrior torn) written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, is truly captivating. In the first paragraph, it said, “would one write “Zen” or invoke the Goddess Athena” if gifted with this magical pen and to write Zen, which means the state of calmness or in this context, to choose peace. And in “Invoke the Goddess Athena” is to choose war, chaos, and havoc. To live in peace and harmony or to let blood lust take over. With rage as the fuel, the warrior is prepared to battle anytime and in any place. In battle, the innocent will always get tangled along; let be the cries of the innocent and screams of the conquered enemy douse the warrior’s flaming rage which broke the glass vitrine of his kind heart. Either let his days be filled with sunshine or feast his eyes on damped scenery in chaos. If our warrior chooses war, he shall sharpen his sword or choose peace and let the weapon rust. To choose between feeding his rampage or letting it die out. There is no knowing how destructive or how calm our warrior can be. Will he choose to be as innocent as a puppy? Or be the hyena – a savage in the fields and would even prey on the graceful gazelle which I believe represents the innocent.

  24. Ciarra Kim Z. Dipaling

    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal.

    The poem, PENN ( A WARRIOR TORN ) is all about a warrior who chose peace over a fight. Peace indeed is very important for us to achieve great harmony without fighting and using violence. Having peace also makes us agree and communicate effectively to other people. We can have our freedom away from fear and brutality. Wherever we are right now, we need to be kind and good always for us to not get into fights and cause trouble to other people. We need to act and speak out when it is most needed to protect our rights as a human being. Naturally, we have the feeling of anger, but we need to set that aside and instead of confronting the person we are mad to, we can just ignore them and pray to God to remove the feelings of rage and irritation. We need to also look on the brighter side and avoid making quick decisions that later you will regret doing or making. In the poem, it has been asked, 'As raging emotions either fade or deepen?' let us not always carry such burden and anger inside. We need to let that all out and forgive that person you are having issue or problem with. You can also pray and talk to God about your problem to help you overcome your actions and emotions in a way that you cannot hurt that particular person. Lastly, be gentle and compassionate always to avoid having misunderstandings and quarrels with other people.

  25. Jim Philip S. Pis-an
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem that is written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag entitle Penn(A Warrior Torn) is all about the choices that are given to the warrior named Penn who is on the great battle of between himself. He was given a Magical Pen who have an ability to change this World’s Chaotic Arena.He experience struggles of choosing, Its either he will choose the good path or the evil one.

    From the poem itself, It merely talks about the freedom of each individual to choose a path in this Jarring World we have. So specify the word “warrior” from the poem, I do think that it describes Us, the human being because everyone of us is the warrior and the hero of our own Story. We have freedom to pick, choose and decide what path are we going to do to make this world nice and beautiful, so as a warrior we should decide what path are we gonna handle or face, it might be good for ourselves or good for our community. We as an individual experience struggles in term of deciding because we are keeping ourself in a safe place first than to face any chaotic battle. In short, we sometimes playing safe. We tend to forgot our Purpose as a warrior which is to fight this Chaotic World and to fight evils thats spreads in our community.

    Lately, I experience struggling in choosing what path am I gonna take since the choices are so picky. If I choose the other one, my life might be on a critical situation and If I choose the other one, I might lost something. It takes more time for me to decide what I am gonna pick, but through the learnings that I learned from our teachers that you should what’s in your heart, so I pick the one that my heart thinks is right. Even though both of them are so picky, I always bear in mind that there is a reason why God let me choose among those picky decision I made.

    If sometimes we are struggling in our decisions, always bear mind that you should follow what your hearts desires because our heart keeps on leading us in correct path. Choose the right path which you think it is good for you and also to others. Thats all.

  26. Laiden Jill M. Anoos


    Dr. Gerard's poem discussed whether a great warrior would choose an endless war or the peace that everyone around him desired. Warriors have a defense and an armors that will always protect them from whatever or whoever comes their way. Warrior must choose between war and chaos because they are born to serve their people, but they must choose between peace and chaos. The poem has a meaningful message because it doesn't really talk about warriors, but it also talks about the people in this world since there is a lot of chaos, but we want peace. The universe is a blessing from our Creator, and therefore we must care for it and his people, as God wants us to love one another. We must all do so.

  27. Name: Kathlea F. Bendaño

    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, entitled, "PENN (A WARRIOR TORN), is all about a warrior who is capable of making a change in the whole wide world. It's either a change in silence or a change in noice. Changing the world's chaotic arena, a warrior needs a weapon. If ever this warrior named Penn were gifted a magical pen, he can choose between two options, to be in peace or to be in war. Its up to him, wether he wants to be a man of war out of blood or to be gentle as a puppy. Its up to the warrior if he wants to battle or not, if he will let the force of evil overpowered the goodness and calmness that he could give through his weapon. Its up to Penn how he will bring the world's future and destiny.
    Notwithstanding, I believe that the message of the poem tells us not to be controlled by anybody. We have our freedom to choose if what path we want to pursue. We have our own decisions to make in life. Decisions wether we will let ourselves sink into the deep ocean or rise up above the sky. Our life depends in our own hands. We are the one who will be molding ourselves. We are the drivers of our own car. Our future depends on us, how we will handle the present and how we will face the future. Let us together make decisions for ourselves especially during this pandemic. Just like Penn, we are all new warriors in this generation. We have one enemy, we have one fight, and that is to win against the Covid-19. We are the world's warriors, let us continue to battle. Be a warrior, do not settle to be a civilian.

  28. Merry Jel Ambrona
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem entitled “PENN (A WARRIOR TORN)” talks about how a great warrior faced his own battles in life like PENN. From my point of view, Penn symbolized as the people in this world. Because each of us are facing our own battles. As what like Penn did, he thinks that if we as a warrior gifted with a magical pen, could we possibly change this roguish world into peace? Could we be able to choose the right way in order to help things to be good? We tend to overthink these kind things that could may possibly or impossibly happened to us. Our mind is full of curiosity and chaos about what will going to happen next. But let’s just normalized of having those kind of feeling because life is made up of choices. But the best solution for that is to choose the right choice because that is the way to our success. And whether real or imagined, we must acknowledge that the decision will impact our lives forever in some way. Although we have been through a lot of difficult situations but at least, we’re still able to accomplish the battles we’ve fight for. That’s our role as a warrior, to fight and to face any challenges in life.

    I have realization to this meaningful poem. Before, I always think that I am just the only one who’s struggling in this chaotic world. But when my mind started to be matured, I learned that each individual are also struggling from their own battles. But this poem teach us how to be a great warrior, we should not be afraid to fight for our own good and also to others. We must fight this chaotic world instead of letting ourselves down.

  29. Penn (A Warrior Torn) is a poem written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag about a warrior who is given the opportunity to decide peace or war, or being gentle or harsh. Penn, the warrior who was given a magical pen, represents us, humans, who have also been given the ability to choose by God, that we have the freedom to do and choose what we want. We are all warriors in our own lives, fighting our own battles in various fields. It is only up to us how we deal with those, our strategies, whether we choose to go to war with our raging emotions or go the other way and talk to peace. Our decision matters because it has the potential to bring about peace or further chaos. It's entirely up to you how you deal with it.

    Name: Elaine Jean Ladera
    Grade&Section: STEM 12 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

  30. Marc Anthony Del Valle


    The poem by Dr. Gerard talked about what will a great warrior choose would it be the unending war or the peace that anyone around him have been wanted. Warriors do have a shield and weapon that will always protect them from anything or anyone. Warrior should choose the war or chaos for they are born to serve their people but they should choose between peace and chaos.
    The poem has a lot of meaning for it not only talk about the warriors instead it talked about the people in this world for we are having a lot of chaos, but we wanted to have peace. The world is a gift from our God for we need to take good care of it as well as His people for God command us to love one another. We all have to do our best to have peace for we only live once in this beautiful world so we should not miss our chances.
    I learned about this poem that some really struggle in choosing what would they wanted to have is it war or chaos or it can be peace. I learned that we people can change everything in this world if we have the will to do it, peace is all that we need so we must do everything in order for us to end the chaos and war in this world, we should speak ourselves and do our best in everything for the world that God gave us.
    Peace is everything that we need so we need to work on it and fulfill the things that we needed to do and that is to love and accept one another in this beautiful world for us to end the wars and struggles that anyone are experiencing right now and have the peace that we all wanted.


    Dr.Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD's poetry "Penn, A Warrior Torn" is about a brave being named Penn who has been through a terrible field. The conflicts he faced forced him to choose between understanding his feelings and allowing his fury to rule him. The poem depicts the typical reaction of an individual after being chased away by a storm. The protagonist of the poem might be able to demonstrate that conduct in the poem, but the object to be dealt with would not be a hyena. Perhaps it was tough for anyone to decide harmony over war, but they should keep in mind that their decisions will determine their destiny. It is necessary to constantly choose peace, no matter how difficult our circumstances are. Problems are unavoidable, and they are a part of every one of us.
    Sometimes the protagonist in the tale is the one within us. Distractions arise when we are involved in a struggle. Only negative things please us when we're distracted by wrath. And when we finally look in the mirror, we are overcome with remorse.


    "PENN" by Gerald Jude Bumanglag is about the magical pen of the warrior which can change the world. He have two choices which is war, or peace. Would Penn choose the thing he is good at, or would he choose peace?
    We all know that warriors are people who go to battlefield to fulfill what they needed to do, in short they are made for war. Penn is a warrior and since his home is the battlefield, anyone who crosses the line without his permission will be persecuted, at all costs. It doesn't matter who or where the trespassers came from. He must protect those near his heart first, even if it costs his life. That is what a warrior is, to kill or be killed. For me, this poem is not about a warrior making choices between chaos and peace. In fact, these two things are actually the result of what a warrior does. When he kills his enemies, its because he is protecting something very important in his life. And when he does, he gets peace. The moment he became a warrior,he has a path laid before him that he cannot escape. Whether he likes it or not,he must do what a warrior have to do.It's like his calling. And by doing so, peace is attainable.This is on his own point of view, and he doesn't care about those around him.So, chaos and peace always go side by side and there's a thin line between it.

  33. Jan Kevin H. Carimat
    Grade 12- Our Lady Of Miraculous Medal

    My thoughts on the poem are that it is intriguing, simple, and has a prominent impact. It tells the narrative of a hero named "Penn," and how he possesses the pen — a pen that can control the narrative and represent fate and destiny. This pen has the power to either make everything in the world hostile or to make everything in the world peaceful. It's as easy as that, yet it has a deeper significance, and this is where my revelation emerges. I've learned that I'm a 'Penn' in my universe; I have a magical pen that shows my future and destiny. What I'm writing now, in the now, will be my future I create my own tale, storyline, and finale; therefore I must carefully pick the appropriate measures that will not hurt me in the now or, more significantly, in the long term. We may not always be able to stop ourselves from making poor mistakes, but if we learn from them, that is all that matters. We are life's soldiers, combating evil; life's difficulties and troubles - never giving up and never submitting to the evil of the world and whatever life throws at us. Remember that what we do now will affect us in the future, so conduct your life such that you don't have regrets and make positive decisions for yourself.

  34. Zaira Mher P. Siglos
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    Penn(A Warrior Torn) is a poem written by Gerard, talks about a warrior who will be given a magical pen. In life we all know that we have the will to choose whether it is good or bad, just like in the the poem the author or the writer states that if a person is given a chance to change the world then what will he choose? Will he choose chaos over peace? That's what the author really wanted to express, would you rather choose to do bad or to do good amongst others. An unending world of chaos from different parts of the world with different perspectives or a world full of love?

    For me, if I am given a magical pen, I would rather choose love over chaos, I would change the world starting with myself, cause if I don't love myself and I can't love others, and if I can't love others I can't change the world. We all have a choice, and that is up to the person who has their own understanding and perspective in life. If whether they are contented or they want to see a better world.

  35. Mae Danielle N.Alcancia

    In the poem PENN (A WARRIOR TORN) by Dr.Bumanglag conveys a warrior torn between two choices in his life.The first choice is to fight using the sharpest blade to achieve the victory of freedom or to let love prevail instead of anger in order to attain peace and tranquillity.The soldier is torn between using the mind or the heart to achieve and see the peace in humanity.Does a soldier have to be aggressive as a hyena or as gentle as a puppy?

    The pen depicts the choices we make and in life we are also torn between choices.If I was gifted with a magical pen to change the world’s chaotic arena I would fight for freedom and peace not by using blades,or swords,or guns nor canons but by preaching from the heart.I believe what makes a truly good warrior is not only his skills in fighting but the intelligence of his mind and the purity of his heart.


    This splendid poem is about a warrior named Penn and what decisions would he make if ever given a magical pen. The first thing that came into my mind as I read this poem is that Penn is probably a writer as well. If he was gifted the skills and talent it takes to be a recognized writer would he use his abilities in order to write something that would make a great impact on our society and help people change the way they think? Or ignore the chaos happening in this world and just write about whatever he pleases? There are a lot of prominent writers in our history who are known to fight against any prejudice they have faced, whose notable works became the catalyst of change and provoked people to not be passive about what they think is not right. Just like these warriors, Penn can also be one of them if he chooses to do so.

    Literary pieces are timeless. They can awaken our inner voices at anytime or any place. They can be as old as an artifact displayed in a museum but they would still forever hold a powerful meaning as well as tales of the past. After years, people’s raging emotions could either be gone or grow even deeper. That is how influential a single writing could be.

    No one knows how eruptive or serene Penn might be, he could be like a gentle puppy who doesn’t live in the wild, or a Hyena who basically hunts and fights for its survival. But one thing I know for sure is that a puppy, no matter how brave it is, wouldn’t stand a chance against a gazelle. Even if they appear to be as graceful as a Ballerina, gazelles are very territorial and could be aggressive at times. Literal interpretations aside, I think if we want to chase or do something, we have to break our usual silence, get rid of our coward self and be courageous and bold instead. Even if the goal or problem looks easy, if you choose to be weak you will never make it. Be valiant, be a Hyena and go for a chase.

  37. Jamier Justin Moreno
    Gr 12- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem Penn (A Warrior Torn) was written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglang. It talked about a warrior named Penn who had lived in a chaotic arena. Penn had been gifted with a magical pen and had a choice to pick peace or war. He had a choice to restore the chaotic arena that he’s living in and bring peace or he’ll continue the war and be brave like how a warrior is.

    Penn is symbolizing us who had a hard time on what choices are we gonna pick. But immediately when we talk about choices the ones that we choose are the ones that are gonna bring peace to us and the people around us. I do believe that every other option has a reason, not every hyena could be wild and can cause chaos, and not every puppy can be peaceful and be cute. Decision-making is hard, we all have our choices so we need to choose what our hearts and mind want. It is gonna be your choice if whether you wanted a new life or the same life that you have been living.

    The poem struck me as an everyday real-life choice. Like in the poem, a magical pen can be our choices to write something that can take affect like our decisions, where each decision we made have consequences. Continuing with the poem a warrior named Penn who was given a choice to change his chaotic world to have Zen or peace or constant war. If the warrior chooses peace over war, he will miss the dance of war and even if he chooses war, he will not experience a peaceful life.
    This poem really depicts our choices as human beings living in the same world. It is in our hands if we want peace or war, with both having its own merits. It is hard to make this decision, even as a student such as myself who is pondering either to finish a task or play games. Although it does not seem big as peace or war but these small choices, we made can be the defining factor of how we like our circumstance to be, some choices can be alter but most of time it can change our lives forever, we as human being strive to take the choices that we deem beneficial but it differ from each other, as we go along our lives, as it states in the paragraph of the poem, we either be a gentle puppy or a vicious hyena. It is the choices we made that pave the path we want to uncover.

  39. Kate Ashley Ligutom
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    My interpretation of this poem is that it talks about a warrior and his views on war and chaos, if given the choice would he choose peace over chaos or would he miss the thrill of war. I think that the writer sees this warrior as too accustomed to the thought of battle that he would choose it over peace.

  40. Kyla Marie Sido
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    The poem, which is entitled Penn (A Warrior Torn) by Gerald Jude C. Bumanglag, MD, talks about a warrior named Penn and what he would do if he were gifted a magical pen and given a chance to change his chaotic world. Would he choose chaos over peace or peace over chaos?

    By reading this poem, I realized that the author teaches or educates us about our lives. That we are also warriors on our own battlefield, and in life we can make choices. In life we always want peace and serenity over war and chaos. We want a life and a world with a peaceful mind, body and heart. But sometimes our choices in life come out worse and that will lead to some consequences. If you make a choice in life, it is better to keep ready for what the result will be. If it comes out that your choice came out worse, then fight for it and face it. Just like in the poem, we are warriors that are ready to fight anytime and anywhere.

    This poem encourages us to choose our battles wisely and effectively. Also, it gives us hope to never give up in life, even though sometimes we think that it is unfair and we are exhausted and tired of continuing our journey. But we should always remember that if you're tired, then rest, but don't give up and always pray to God that He will guide you and enlighten you in all the choices and decisions that you've made in life, because we all know through darkness comes light, through fear comes love and through pain comes triumphs. (Lilly Atlas)


    The poem is about a warrior who is allowed to change the world as he wishes using a "magic pen"; whatever incident occurs will occur according to his wishes. The warrior also has a choice between peace and disaster in his hands. Whichever he selects will have a slew of positive and negative effects. He is also tasked with turning negative occurrences into good using his pen to reduce confusion and harm to others.

    In addition to its profound message, the poem implies that we may all be warriors in our distinct ways. We must all face our battles to enjoy a peaceful and quiet life. It is a choice we must make with each battle, whether to surrender or not. Each of us has our fighting style in life. It is our right to decide what is best in every particular scenario. Nobody can condemn you for any decision you make as long as you fight with determination in every conflict you've had and will have in the future. Each individual has the choice to choose whether to be courageous and battle with strength and determination, or to be quiet and enjoy their peace in life.

  42. Marie Rubea Gezl Gana-an
    12- OL of Mt. Carmel

    A warrior will be granted a magical pen, according to the story. In life, we all know that we have the ability to choose whether to do good or terrible things, exactly as the author or writer of the poetry states in the poem, "If a person were given the chance to change the world, what would he pick?" Will he prefer turmoil to peace?

    If I were given a magical pen, I would choose love over chaos, and I would begin by changing myself, because if I don't love myself, I won't be able to love others, and if I can't love others, I won't be able to alter the world. We all have a choice, and it is up to the individual with their own insight and perspective on life to make that decision. If they are satisfied with their lives or wish to see a better world.

  43. Ellaiza Mae S. Lawas
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem written by Gerard Jude Bumanglag, tells us about a warrior who, if given a chance, would change the world. To choose between an endless war or the peace and harmony. On the other hand, also thought the thrill of war.

    We, ourselves, are warriors. We encounter different battles in our lives. Chances acts as our pen, allowing us to make decisions wherever and when. For we are the only ones who know what is best for us and for the world. Our decision depends on us. The future is in our hands.

    Our world today is very chaotic, when there are so many leaders leading our nation. We used to be a band but now we're scattered everywhere. People changes from time to time. It's the cycle of life. We faces so many problems that sometimes can drag us deeper in the dark. But we are strong. Even when the lights are slowly fading, piece by piece glasses are cracking, we still dance with the music. Like a little kitty turns up to be a wild beast. We may be weak and fragile, but we can be strong on our own way. We stand tall and fight through the battles of life. Because even a single pen can write hundreds of letters, more over to a human who is great and strong. If life is chaotic, dance with it. Go with flow and don't ever stop.

    During this pandemic, we are fighting an invisible foe. Our warriors are the frontliners who put their lives on the line. In this situation, our only option is to fight and live our lives. We must protect ourselves while also aiding and abetting in the healing of our world.

  44. Gabriella M. Montebon

    Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD's poetry "Penn, A Warrior Torn" is about a brave being named Penn who has gone through a tumultuous arena. 
    The conflicts he faced forced him to choose between understanding his feelings and allowing his fury to rule him. 
    The poem depicts a person's typical reaction after being chased away by a storm. 
    In the poem, the protagonist may have been able to exhibit that behavior, but the entity to be reckoned with is not a hyena. 
    It may have been tough for someone to choose peace over conflict, but they must keep in mind that their decisions in life will determine their fate.

  45. Nathalie Angel A. Gimony
    Grade 12- Our Lady Of Mt. Caramel

    As I read this poem, it's all about the warrior called "Penn". Penn is confronted with many problems and he has the freedom to choose a track. When he receives the magic pen, he chooses to change the chaotic world into a better world. It shows us how chaotic our world is, it makes us realize that in the midst of chaos, he always chooses his inner goodness. Everything that goes on in our world is our responsibility. We are warriors, and through the power of our love and kindness, we can change our fate and others.

  46. Kayce Joseph
    Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    The poem entitled Penn(A Warrior Torn) was written by Dr.Gerard Jude C.Bumanglag talked about a warrior named Penn.He is given a magical pen to choose between war or peace.He experience struggles of choosing either the good path or the evil.It this resemble us people that we have a freedom to choose what is right or wrong and we are fighting on our own battles in life.It is up to us how to deal to all the struggles the we may encountered whether we choose to go to the war or peace.So we need to think wisely to the decision we make because it may affect the other people's life.

    I also realized in this poem that we are are warrior on our own battle in life.No matter how tough or easy a person's life is there is always a battle with life.Many times people feel the whole world is against them.There maybe a lot of stress and internal conflict within everyone's battle.The reality is when a war is won,there eventually another battle to fight. Then we need to fight and face it and never give up even it is hard and how tired we are. Because this is life there is always a battled that we may encountered just remember to pray to God and don't lose hope.He will guide us and enlighten us to all the decision and choices that we made in life.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Princess Faith Magdalyn O. Rendal
    Grade 12 – Our Lady of Miraculous Medal

    In Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag's poem Penn (A Warrior Torn), a warrior is given the ability to transform the world as he wishes with a magical pen, and whatever happens will happen according to his wishes. A great warrior who must choose between an endless battle and the peace that everyone around him desires. It also demonstrates how excellent or awful our choices may be. This poem was about more than just a warrior, it was about a person making a decision that may affect his or her life, or even the life of someone else.

    Thorough out life we need to choose a path in life. This is the most difficult decision we will ever have to make since it will define our future, and making the wrong choice might lead to prosperity or unhappiness for the rest of our life. Choosing what is best for us is difficult since we have no idea what will work out wonderfully and what will not.

  49. Gian Xavier B. Colina
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    Gerard Jude Bumanglag's poem "Penn" is about a warrior named Penn who has the power and the decision to change a chaotic world into a peaceful one.

    Reading the poem, I understood that we are all Penn, who have the power and are given the opportunity to choose what we believe is right and true. We have the power to change the chaotic world we live in, and we should utilize it to make the greatest possible decision, bringing peace and harmony to the world. When we have a lot of problems and make a lot of mistakes, we can either give up and keep making the same mistakes, or we can face our problems, solve them, and fix our mistakes so that we can live a better life.

  50. Stone V. Rabina
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

    The poem written by Gerard Jude Bumanglag is a about a warrior named Penn who has the ability to change a chaotic world into a peaceful one.

    Penn represents all people. We all have tbe ability to make this world a better place. We have the choice to make this world a little bit peaceful. Sadly not everyone wants peace. Some use their magical pen to make chaos in our world for their own entertainment. Luckily for us, there are those who use this magical pen to stop those who seek to destroy the world. Now it is up to everyone how to use their magical pen.

  51. Windy Claire Baligasa
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
    The poem "Penn," written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, is about a warrior who has the freedom to choose a path, whether it is moral or immoral, harmony or war, unity or chaos. The right path is always the path that a true warrior will take. I believe that this passage, tells us that we all have choices in life, and that we can choose whatever path we want to take.It may have been difficult for anyone to choose peace over war, but they should remember that their decisions in life will define their future.

    Something struck me after reading this poem. That everyone has their own battles to fight in order to overcome the challenges. We are all struggling in a chaotic world, but our differences are in how we respond to it. In a chaotic world, it is preferable to fight for the good of not only ourselves, but also of others, than to remain seated and do nothing. The only way to solve everything is to face the chaotic world.

  52. Syron Binobo
    Grade 12-Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel

    The poem is about a warrior who is given the ability to use a "magic pen" to transform the world as he wishes; whatever happens will happen according to his wishes. In his two hands, the warrior also has a choice: peace or mayhem. Whatever he picks will have a cascade of positive and negative repercussions. He also has the responsibility of using his pen to rewrite negative occurrences into good in order to reduce turmoil and harm to others. This chapter, I believe, teaches us that we all have choices in life, and that we can choose any road we wish to take. We have the choice of immersing ourselves in conflict, allowing various situations and chaos, or temperaments to govern us, or choosing a serene and quiet life. It would still be up to us to make our own choices in life.

    The poem "Pen", written by Dr. Gerard Jude C Bumanglag, is about a warrior named Pen who has the power and the decision to change a chaotic world into a peaceful. By reading this poem I believe it teaches us that we can all be warriors in our different aspects in life. Being a warrior is not about the act of fighting, it's about being so prepared to face challenge and believing so strongly in a cause that you are fighting for that refuse to quit.


    "Penn (A torn warrior)" is the amazingly motivating poem of Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag. He is an unbelievable guerrilla poem who speaks of a warrior if a magic feather is given to choose peace or war. It speaks of us humans existing on earth simply that if we are given a choice to do havoc or peace for the globe. In life, we meet many challenges, the majority of them are difficult and we are either trying to remain calm or fight yourself against it and start a conflict. In life, we confront so many challenges. It is often difficult for us to select chaos depending on the situations. We are looking for peace in this time, both for the good of the planet and for the individuals around us. I learnt that although the world has to offer everything to make me select a chaotic, I'd never choose it because it's difficult in this lifetime even if there is a trophy or something. I know that if one stops choosing the turmoil, we are peaceful, but as long as there are those who pick the disorder, we would never have peace, that'll be why we need support each other and not let anyone be left in the world and do something. We should never ignore the world which God has given to us, and this is a gift from us, so that we cease the battle. If someone has the opportunity to opt for chaos instead of peace, let's select peace for the best of ourselves and for everyone around us as well.

  55. Chiendi Ilagan
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Miraculuos Medal

    The poem conveys a meaning of some sort. Disguise as other things for the reader to interpret the poem themselves. Its truly a piece of art. It tells us that we as human has our own resolution. Our choices affects the balance of the world. The author talks about Zen which means peace and Provoking the Goddess of War (Athena), these are only some examples of choices we hold. Consequences can be the beginning of a war or peace. The pen symbolises our rationale, our sense of choice.This world's fate depends on how we choose to write it.

  56. Brevin Calingacion

    So the poem is all about a brave warrior named penn the poem tells us the strategy the warriors strength and bravery penn gone to the chaotic arena and in real life we people is like the warrior we faced bad times and wrong timings that we panic and full of emotions but we have to be ready and be brave for the battle that we face in real life.

  57. Giann Alejado
    12-Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    The poem is about choice, about questioning the right thing to do. As I see it Penn, a warrior is given the choice to bring peace or war to the world. Most people would choose peace without a second thought, but Penn is not most people. Penn is a warrior. His whole existence is for battle, and war. If he chooses peace and eradicates all fighting, then what is his purpose? Why does he exist? He is torn between the crossroads of doing what is right and just at the cost of his own existence, or choosing war and suffering but living out his purpose in life.

  58. Urzina Marcel S. Dela Cruz
    12-O.L. of Mt. Carmel

    The poem uses a lot of metaphor. The one that really caught my attention is "The Magical Pen", this means that we are the writer of our own story. To be more realistic, we are the ones who create our past, present and future. The warrior in the poem is being given the chance to choose between war or peace. Our world today is already complicated, damaged as it is. Therefore, we wouldn't want to add fuel to the fire right? We should start contributing and spreading peace within ourselves and within others. The world's fire is starting to take over, and we need something to cool it down, and that is peace & unity. Think thoroughly before choosing a path, because that path, will lead you to your present and future.

  59. Darvin June M. De Los Santos
    Grade 12 - O.L. of Mt. Carmel

    The poem is about a warrior who is granted the ability to use a "magic pen" to transform the world as he chooses. A great warrior must choose between an everlasting conflict and the peace that everyone wants. I believe that reading this poem shows us that we can all be warriors in our own way. We are warriors, and we have the power to change our own and others' fates via the strength of our love and kindness.


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