Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Blossoming Gumamela


A falling Star

Ignites from afar;

A vision unravels

A presentment foretells

A seed within the womb

In still regrets entombed

And withered by forces tragic

But still rejuvenated by the magic

Of a motherly faith retained.

In Hopeful dreams regained.



A blossoming gumamela,

In bloom enchanting

With freshness everlasting!

Ever so sweet,my niece

Deliverer of peace;

Amidst the darkness thrown

Your petals reflect the dawn

Price of a forbidden game

Conceived in passion’s name.



A morning star

Enlights from afar

A vision unfolds

A presentiment foretold

A Flower so beloved,

In still innocence enshrouded

A flower so beloved .

In still innocence enshrouded

Whose purity is unmarried

With a delicate skin, yet unscarred


Ah, Daniela!

A blossoming gumanela

In bloom enticing

With freshness everlasting!

Ever so sweet,my dear,

Conqueror of fear,

Through flying kisses of love,

Swifter than a flittering dove;

Fruit of a forgiven love,

An angel bestowed from above


 By : Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD  1998 

Tanjayanon Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD. He grows up in Tanjay  City Negros Oriental . He is an Art Collector, Poet, Philatelist,Civic leader,  Past President of Tanjay Rotary Club,Chapter Commander of Knights of Rizal  Tanjay Chapter and Heritage & Cultural  Advocate 

In Tanjay City He is known as the Good Doctor.








  1. Dan Josue Rote Nursing 1-D
    Bayawan City, Negros Oriental

    The poem "A Blossoming Gumamela" by Poet Dr. Gerard Jude Bumanglag,MD made the Gumamela flower as a representation of an innocent child who is going to become a productive and a good member of society to accomplish their hopes and dreams. In my own opinion the poem's message is that the youth is the hope of our future, they are the next in line to become good and responsible members of society, they should be taught and educated properly when they are still young so that they can apply and carry these teachings when they grow up and pass it on to the succeeding generation. Like a Gumamela flower, the children and the youth should be taken care of so that they can bloom and show their beauty and potential

  2. Dorothy Rubio BSN 1D
    Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

    The poem 'A Blossoming Gumamela" for me really emphasized of today's common happenings, wherein, some unexpected pregnancy happens due to being uncertain and not being sure of what they're doing or sometimes it resulted from a 'pagkakamali' (Price of a forbidden game) but regardless of that, the gumamela flower (represents the child that was born) was able to bloom and still be considered as a gift from above despite of what happened in the past. The child was raised by a mother who has dreams and believes that her child would become a blessing to others and that the past doesn't define the child's future; that despite of what happened, the child could still live life with respect and he or she could still reach her dreams and could achieve things with flying colors.

    1. The poem 'A Blossoming Gumamela" for me really emphasized today's common happenings, wherein, some unexpected pregnancy happens due to being uncertain and not being sure of what they're doing or sometimes it resulted from a 'pagkakamali' (Price of a forbidden game) but regardless of that, the gumamela flower (which represents the child that was born) was able to bloom and still be considered as a gift from above despite of what happened in the past. The child was raised by a mother who has dreams and believes that her child would become a blessing to others and that the past doesn't define the child's future; that despite of what happened, the child could still live life with respect and she could still reach her dreams and could achieve things with flying colors.

    2. Dorothy Rubio BSN 1D
      Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

  3. Smile Tijadillo Nursing-1D
    Pob. Sta. Catalina, Neg.Or.

    Upon reading the poem entitled "A Blossoming Gumamela" by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, I felt this sadness, longingness but at the same time happiness and contentment within the words of the poem. For me, there is the presence of this one-sided love. There's a guy who loves a girl but that girl loves his brother (just an example to explain more what I understood in the poem). In the first stanza of the poem, the poet mentioned of regrets and withered as if something had died, assumably it must have been his heart or he is heartbroken. But, the light was regained once he saw that the girl he loved bore a very beautiful child which gave him this feeling of happiness and contentment. He wasn't able to have a child with the girl he loves, but he was happy that his brother and the girl he loves had a beautiful gumamela which sent out a positive atmosphere. The child or the blossomed gumamela gave him hope that it's not yet too late for him to find his sun that would also give rise to his own gumamela. The poet wants to remind us that life doesn't always stand within our favor, sometimes we have to fall, make sacrifices and learn from our experiences. It is never too late to rise, to love and to be happy because all of us also have our own gumamela that is yet to bloom in the right time. Contentment. For me, it was also highlighted in the poem because just like how the guy no longer pushed himself to a withered and tragic event instead became contented on what the girl could offer (maybe friendship and be a good uncle to his niece). When we are able to be contented and feel contentment within ourselves we are able to become better individuals who have gained a deep understanding to the world around us. Be hopeful but don't force yourself and be contented with smiles on our faces.

  4. Tiffany Joy G. Quiliope Nursing-1D
    Mabinay, Negros Oriental

    This poem was highly connotates childhood or might also be adolescence. Whereas, a highly use of metaphors to compare Daniela to a gumamela. Most importantly, gumamela is known as a symbol of young women and their beauty. Thus, the usage of word reflects the theme of the poem, such as "innocence", unscarred", "freshness" and "purity". Hereafter, it highlights Daniella's experiences in this dark and twisted world, wherein she served as the light of joy or the sparkle off hope lived with happiness and jubilant amidst all the struggles in her young life.

  5. Simon, Anele Angela R.
    BSN 1D
    Maslog Sibulan, Neg. Or.

    “A Blossoming Gumamela” By Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD.

    In a brother’s point of view, his sister got pregnant unexpectedly. There are hints of regret but, his sister kept the baby amidst the so called ‘tragic’. Because after all, the baby in her womb has nothing to do with the mistakes of the past. Hope sprung up for the future of the baby, making sure that he or she is going to grow up full of hope for the future.

    As time has gone by, an innocent baby girl was born, in which they named her ‘Daniela’. As the child grew older, love radiates from her. Like the Gumamela flower that bloomed with so much love and compassion. Amidst the tragic of the past, it bloomed full of hope for future with regards of the lessons of the past. And that she’ll achieved what she wanted to achieve in her lifetime.

  6. Arong, Chellsea Down T.
    BSN 1D
    Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte

    The poem "A Blossoming Gumamela" by Poet Dr. Gerard Jude Bumanglag,MD tells about a child, and a mother’s love and acceptance. For me, there is this mother who had an early and unexpected pregnancy but despite of what happened, she learned to accept and embrace it as it is a blessing in disguise (“An angel bestowed from above”). Amidst the darkness from the past, the child, Daniella, still blooms like a flower Gumamela with full of hope, who could be loved by everyone.

  7. Kcire Angel A. Tinguha BSN-1D
    Bacong, Negros Oriental
    The poem entitled “A Blossoming Gumamela” made by Mr. Gerard Jude Bumanglag, MD has a profound meaning and at the same time it is so inspiring. It actually touched my heart as I’ve realized a lot of things and one of these is to see the opportunities and blessings amidst every crisis. For in my own perception about this poem, it is actually representing a woman who got pregnant at a wrong time and most probably just by a mistake like what is very common in our society nowadays such as the thing that they called as a one night stand or even having this pre-marital sexual engagement in which there is a tendency that the guy would neglect his responsibility as a father. However, despite of this situation, people around her like her brother and even herself believes that this baby she is carrying in her womb has no single mistake nor a fruit of an accident but rather it is actually a blessing and an angel to their family. They’ve seen the vision that this baby will grow and bloom into a young and innocent lady named Daniella who is bound for a mission and that is not to shine for herself but to enlighten the way of other people. More likely she will become the lamp of those people hiding in sorrow or even staying in the darkness due to past mistakes and regrets in life. She will keep the fire burning and ignite the soul of each individual to stay out of their comfort zone and to leave behind their dark past and misery for everyday is a new hope and a beginning to make things right. She would also be the strength of those who are weak, voice for justice and for those who cannot speak and would balance everything by delivering peace that will help to reconcile those broken hearts like her parents. And so, as we leave behind our old wineskin and renew into a new one then each of us could actually reach the stage wherein we find peace, happiness and contentment as we bloom with tons of learning out of our experiences. Hence, this gumamela flower represent the hope, love, acceptance and peace as He brought life into this girl named Daniella who is His instrument to bring change in the mindset of other people and to spread love and comfort that will blossom in His glory. Indeed, based on my own interpretation as well, she is like an image of Jesus Christ who was conceived in a very unexpected circumstance but will enlighten and bring transformation in this world. So despite of her parents' past, she will be the living proof that everyone has a purpose and everything happens for a reason. We must not live life filled with regrets nor allow past to define our future because we just need to accept, move on and see things in a bigger picture for as to live our present better.

  8. Karla Salatandol
    BSN - 1D
    San Jose , Negros Oriental

    A poem written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD  entitled “A Blossoming Gumamela “ is really a kind of fascinating poem . By reading only the first few lines I really felt dazzle oh how he organized the words how he came up with a poem such a beautiful meaning.
    As what I’ve comprehended the poem talks about something that they least predicted to happen . Which they termed as tragic but still shine through magic. I think what they are referring to is an unexpected pregnancy which is very common now in our society and one of the major contributors of the poblems in the family and the in the world.

    But regardless of what happen they continue to instill in their minds that the child that is in the womb of the mother has no even the smallest mistake but rather a blessing that they should thank God for. From what is written in the poem they referred the child as “Blossoming Gumamela” which means that she will become their light amidst all the darkness that their family will face. She will become the angel in their family that will give them peace and love as time goes by. They hope that this child will bring them closer to happiness and will full their hearts with love and joy.

    I would like to relate this in what is happening in our world right now. We are experiencing this pandemic that neither of us is expecting. But amidst all of that we must always keep in mind to stay optimistic in life. To continue to find the light and continue to shine by also following the protocols given to us that would help end the crisis we are facing nowadays. We people should strengthen our faith and compassion to Jesus Christ because he will not give us problems that he knows we can’t surpass.

  9. Roxanne Ivy M. Sabado
    Dumaguete City

    The blossoming Gumamela pertains to Daniela. It was described in the poem how a forbidden action was conceived which resulted into a fruit in the womb - a baby. Daniela was the angel of that forbidden and forgiven love. She was pure and with freshness everlasting. The speaker of the poem could be the father of Daniela but she is known to him as her niece.

  10. Kaye S. Palongpalong
    Catamboan, Lazi, Siquijor
    After reading the poem of Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag entitled “A Blossoming Gumamela”, I was astonished by it. Obviously, the poem is about the purity of her niece. A consequence of the decisions we made. Every child is always a blessing. When a child is born it is pure and innocent. Amidst of the cruel world their innocence has not yet been blemished by earthly matters. I think the poem is all about the phenomena of a child where it will grow like a Gumamela. A child bursting with love and care by the parents and the people around will bloom beautifully.

  11. Hugh Vance B. Fernandez
    Lipayo Dauin,Negros Oriental

    The poem entitled “A Blossoming Gumamela” by Gerard Jude Bumanglag talks about how the world can be bizarre and how are choices can also affect our well-being and our roles in life. Taking into consideration about the saying “it is what it is”, we can’t always foretell if we expect something else to happen and sometimes things won’t always work your way, and we must be ready for the consequences that will make in life just like the mother in this story. The pregnant woman was at the brink of her life, because she was young and she beared a seed in her womb. Despite her life going downhill as what she thought it would come, she still fought with all the strength she had left to carry and give birth to the little one. Every precious being and every precious life we hold unto will always be a blessing no matter how you or other people envision their future to be. It is not up to use to predict what may come, but it is up to us to support and be there as a guide just like how our Lord guided us through ups and downs and never gave up on us despite us being such a failure, we are born with a purpose and each of us have different roads to embark on. Even in the midst of a pandemic, we can still shine no matter how dark the path may be, that bright shimmering sparkling faith that wields within us is the light that will shine upon the road which we think we won’t get through. Life may be tough and is filled with all these negative thought and emotions, but what is keeping us up is that God is with us, He is within us, He is the light that will brighten up our days when we are at our lowest in life, He is the strength when are at our weakest and at our most vulnerable state, He gives us all these positive why? because He wants us to bloom, He wants us to become the sun in someone’s gloomy day, He wants us to become the teacher in someone’s ignorance, and lastly He wants us to be that bright blooming gumamela in someone’s dull garden, all these things just for us to be acquainted with what potential we can inflict on ourselves and in someone’s life. So don’t ever blame and think that you are a failure, don’t ever be sad, because of a thought crashing into your mind that you can’t do anything, and don’t ever give yourself false hopes, because al of these negative thoughts won’t and will never bring you good in life. Always think of it as a blessing, a blessing that will potentially become someone’s greatest gift. Focus on the bright side of life and remove all those negative feelings, regrets, that winding thought of uncertain to yourself. Time will come when it will be your time to shine, so just hang in there and let the thought of success flow within your mind, body, and spirit.

  12. The poem “Blossoming Gumamela” that was written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, used a gumamela as a symbol or representation of a child who was born and loved by her mother.
    The poet is telling us a story about a girl who experienced a tragic event in her life which gave her an angel, a baby. She sees motherhood as a passion, and accepted the baby with all of her heart. The baby, gave her peace and light in the middle of the darkness. Despite that the baby was a result from an event that scarred her. The baby in the poem is the Gumamela, where she grew as a fine and ever loved woman.

    It is so romantic and sweet, this poem represents the love of a mother to a child. That whatever happened, if she is from a tragic event or from a forbidden love, the love of a mother outweighs for her child.

    Dinah Marie Ebarita
    BSN 1D
    Tanjay City

  13. The poem ‘Gumamela’ written by Gerard Bumanglag is about a child named Daniela. Initially, I thought that the poem was about the mother who was carrying a child she didn’t plan on having. I was quite confused when the focus of the poem shifted from the mother to the child in the womb. The mother had regrets because as what was mentioned, Daniela was a price of a forbidden game (that was conceived in passion’s name). I feel like the situation, or the pregnancy was a painful ordeal for the mother (and most probably her family) to experience, because I’m assuming that the mother is still young and has not yet achieved her goals in life. To make matters worse, I believe that the mother receives a lot of harsh criticism from people, considering that the year when the poem was composed was at the late 90s, people, and especially Filipinos, are very conservative. But as I read through the poem, the mother was able to face the reality, and accept the truth and the consequence of her actions. There was a realization that the child in the womb is innocent, and Daniela’s mother was able to see that Daniela is a blessing, an angel bestowed from above. With this poem, I was able to see how much a mother can love her child. I am not in any way supporting or romanticizing teenage pregnancy, but as horrible as this sounds, she could’ve aborted the baby, claim that she had a miscarriage, and then she’d be free of the responsibilities, but she didn’t. She made the brave choice of keeping the baby and she was able to forgive Daniela’s father, whom I think wasn’t man or mature enough to take responsibility for what they did. In her heart, she knows that she loves the child inside of her, despite the bitterness of lost love, hopeless dreams, and the painful reality. It’s like she’s saying that as Daniela grows older, she will make sure that Daniela blooms and lives her life to the fullest, and that her mistake in the past should not in any way interfere with Daniela’s future.

    Therese Joeann V. Japin
    BSN 1D
    Sibulan, Negros Oriental

  14. Margarito T. Ramirez III
    BSN 1D
    Bagacay, Larena, Siquijor

    The poem entitled “The Blossoming gumamela” which was written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglang, is very much captivating to read and to ponder on. In my point of view in regards of the poem, it is the representation of every child who are the light, hope, and a blessing to each parent. Nonetheless, it is being called as tragic for it was not planned to carry a child rather it happened with an unexpected situation. With that, the mother does not see things as a burden other than as a blessing in which she believes coming from God. The gumamela bloom on its finest, as it means that the angel is born to a courageous and with a beautiful heart of a mother. Now you can ponder, what kind of love has a mother for her children? Amidst with all the obstacles, challenges, and negative comments that a teenage mother carries all through her pregnancy, when the angel was born all those things were replaced by love and true joy that she deserves. This poem wanted us to be positive in any aspects of our lives, wanted us to find the true joy, know to appreciate the love from our mother and repaying it with the love that they deserve. For there is no easy way for you to achieve things and meet your objectives but with the guidance of our Lord and by having faith on Him then we will succeed.

  15. Jo-an D. Asentista
    Bais City, Negros Oriental

    The poem entitled “ A blossoming Gumamela” by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD emphasizes the actual happenings and situations in our society. In today’s world, It is very common for individuals to do something without worrying and knowing what the result of their behavior will be. On my point of view, this poem literally depicts a woman who got pregnant unexpectedly and perhaps by mistake. Yet despite the fact , instead of doing something that might add the problem, they did what was right. While this was done by accident, she and her brother decided to keep the baby. The baby is seen by them as a blessing who has done nothing wrong. The baby in the mother's womb becomes their hope that in the difficulties and darkness they have faced, it will finally give light. They believe in the idea that only the child can give them happiness and joy and the child will grow and flourish like the gumamela as an innocent, charming and pure child. No matter what her background was and how she was made, how beautifully she was formed and created with love by her mother can not be dignified.

    I found this poem inspirational because of a mother's unconditional love, and it teaches that no matter what our history was, we can all prosper and bloom like a gumamela at the right time.

  16. Ella Mae E. Cadiz
    Batinguel Dumaguete City

    The poem entitled ‘’A blossoming gumamela’’ by Gereard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD tells us about a pregnancy. The child in the womb of the author's sister represents a blossoming gumamela. The author talks about the innocent and fragile child in the womb of her mother. He tells us how the child is very much loved and soon the child will see the beauty of the world. In this poem he entails how the child will conquer the world with love in her heart. Like a blessing in disguise the author talks about how the child is very much like a blossoming gumamela and how she is a bright ray of sunlight bringing hope and is received by the mother full of love. I can relate this poem to a friend of mine who got pregnant at a very young age but despite her pregnancy being a problem her mother told her that it may be a blessing in disguise. Her mother accepted the child and when she gave birth to her she and her family loved her daughter very much. Teenage pregnancy is very common nowadays and although being very young and having already conceived a child it is truthfully difficult to take in but we must not choose the wrong thing to do. We don’t know what our life has in store for us and what surprises may come ahead. What may come unexpectedly may worry us but we don’t know that it may be a blessing and it may fill the emptiness inside us. Just like the poem the author talks how much he loved, adored, cherished, and treasured the child of his sister we must accept the blessings wholeheartedly even if it may come unexpectedly.

  17. Kylene Mae R. Cañete
    Bantayan, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

    "A Blossoming Gumamela" poem written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD is a kind of captivating poem. From its title to body, upon reading the poem there are a lot of emotions you will feel. There are some parts that you can feel yearning but mostly happiness and satisfy. The poem talks about on something they never been expected, even in our darkest days there is still light to guid and gives us hopes. As what I've understand it's referring to the common issue in our society which is the early pregnancy. In the case happened to Daniella, they keep it, accept and treasure the blessing given. Being pregnant early is not really the mistake rather than you wil make an abortion to it. "Blossoming Gumamela" reflect on how the baby in the womb becomes blessing, even they are in their darkest times there is a sign, the lights and reasons of their hopes in life. The blessing gives them the opportunity to have a truly joy within the hearts. From what we experienced right now the pandemic, the early pregnancy rate rises. Even we are in amidst of crisis, they still keep it, accept it and did not do anything bad for it because they know, even in our hardest time those blessing gives hope and make them strive hard to live and continues life to accomplish mission. Just like flowers they are true reflection on how people express the success.

  18. Flory Lyn Sedillo
    BSN 1D
    Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

    An exquisite poem entitled "A Blossoming Gumamela" by Gereard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD tells a story of a pregnant woman who is expecting a child. It is about the purity, the innocence of his niece which he relate to a gumamela, a beautiful flower. The poem seem to have a sad story, and as by reading it a couple of times I relate it to the uncertain questionable actions people make especially to our generation today. Sometimes we feel lost and undone but like in the poem the mother who regret is carrying a seed had hope in the midst of darkness, a star that dances hope and love, an angel bestowed from above indeed. That child is the deliverer of peace and innocence to the family's chaos world. And just like that, a falling star in different ways will ignite from afar in people's darkness.

  19. Joreline Sojerido BSN-1D
    Banilad Bacong, Negros Oriental

    The poem entitled ‘’A blossoming gumamela’’ by Gereard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD is a wonderful and meaningful poem to read. The Gumamela is said to be one of the sweetest – smelling flowers in the country. These flowering plants are widely cultivated as ornamentals for its very colorful petals. The message of this story is about a beautiful sweet child named Daniela. She is a very blooming child like a colorful Gumamela. You cannot wonder that bad things might happen to her because of her sweet voice and innocent face. She is a great and wonderful child, but her destiny had been put a wrong situation. Because of a little mistake, her life experience the unwanted things that is not suitable for younger age. She bare a fruit in her womb and carry it until it blooms. You cannot tell someone or something base on its physical appearance, just like Daniela she is sweet and beautiful like the petals of a Gumamela that releases an aromatic smell but still bad things happened to her, because you cannot tell or change what’s the destiny of that specific person. But even though Daniela carried a child in her womb, Daniela is still beautiful and sweet inside out like ever before. The child she carries is not a barrier of her life but it is a blessing that creates a joyful life for her future. The child may grow in the future like his/her mother, sweet and beautiful.

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  21. Xenia Kaspar
    BSN 1 D
    San Jose, Negros Oriental

    “A Blossoming Gumamela”
    by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD

    The poem “Blossoming Gumamela” that was written by Dr. Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD; shows the story of untold within the "Forbidden Love" within the Blossoming Gumamela that grows in wonder and lovely petals as it can be seen. With the interpretation of the poem, it would tell us a story that is untold of the love that is hidden, dark and the forbidden love at that moment. The first stanza ignites us all with the story of seeing a falling star, a far ; which predicts and prospect that when darkness may come, a light ignites with a vision or a dream that is not expected at that moment at that given time, like a seed in the womb that is covered with the result of the product of the said action given, but at that time, a star, like a falling star, still continue to shine as the girl at that poem, sees the light in that moment in a different perspective with the light of the seed she has in the womb. The second stanza, that points out of the name, Daniela, that like a "Blossoming Gumamela", when she has seen the world around her unexpectedly, dictating the darkness of the action made within her but the petals of her own speaks as peaceful as she is; like an angel that when you see her, everything will be on smile as you see the face of an innocent girl that unknowingly knew the tragedy that is happening at that moment and within her. With the purity of peace, you see in her doesn't tell or ignite of the said event that happened within the forbidden love that is given within her with the said unexpected moment in her life, it may be rape or any savage darkness that she passes in her life and in line with the bloodline connection she has that she is scared within like the word mentioned niece, speaks that she might be someone precious in the family and cherished that most as she is seen with the beauty inside. On the later, the third stanza, it would inline the poem in a perspective that like a morning star, a new star would shine shows the new light that is seen within the perspective of having something new to journey on despite the purity unmarried which inhibits the call that this seed of her own, the baby, the said blossoming gumamela would show different perspective within the forbidden love enacted by the said tragic event. Sweet as the mind of the innocent that symbolizes the gumamela flower adhere to the call of the said action that she is innocent like the gumamela that would blossom within the context of being her own and not to in line with the background of the story of the child of her own.

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    2. (Continuation)

      She is soft like a dove, as the fourth stanza would dictate the fruit of the forgiven love within that with the start of the forbidden love that would ignite in the context, it would differ on the forgiven love of the "Blossoming Gumamela" that would give a new echo, prosper in life that from above, like the face of an angel, sweet and innocent to all the happenings and the tragic that happened within that moment since the child she have is a blessing from above with the love that would ignite all to see the connectedness of the love which is forbidden yet this hold of the seed which is forgiven and doesn't have the said story of an untold one that would affect and bring within this "Gumamela" since it do blossom as the wind would blow in a different motion, that this child would bring another echo in life and the echo of a different life that would prosper within the life that is given within her, within the blossoming name and the said gumamela, which is Daniela the stem of it. The flowers of the petals shine as beautiful as it is and starts to grow fast which is manifested in the flower, gumamela in a different way rather than basing it on the stem of the vision that is not seen within the context of the forbidden love that happened in that moment of the life that the said “Gumamela” is affected within that even what happened or adhere within, she still chooses the new epoch of life to give the motherly love within for the child she has. In this personal context, I do see now the answer of the poet or what the poet is saying to all of us in this motion, that the past and regrets that the girl had at that moment that hinders her vision like the dreams in her life. I place my inner self in the story of what is truly happening from the start and till the end. It shows the true inner self of her own that the action is done unexpectedly and the person who might done it to her or the tragedy that darkness came, something that is unexpected that would transcend to the child, that feeling made me flustered and buzzled with all that is being said at that moment. It shows a different motion on how the poet speak that it shouldn’t affect her, just let her grow beautifully like a Blossoming Gumamela. Fluxing in the process of how it would end within the poem, it gave a new perspective that a new epoch can start within. It thought me a valuable lesson, to see on the consequences, the prospect on how we deal with our own actions, since this would eventually affect the dignity we have in our inner self and the dignity of what we have in life since it ripples the effect within the mouth of the people that would give the disturbance of the said dignity of this human being.

      This would entail that the poet reminds us with the love of dignity we have in our own self and within the scope of other that are part of our life that in misery or the challenges may uplift we would see the betterment of the freedom of choice we made throughout with the context of aiding the person whom we love and as one we should accept anyone despite all the cost of everything that happened and an unexpected tragedy that is done would eventually tell us to see the prospect of it rather than destroying the love made within the context at that moment like the innocent child like a “Blossoming Gumamela."

  22. Albert Evann Lee C. Enabe
    BSN - 1D
    Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental

    The poem “Blossoming Gumamela” is written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, MD. For me, the poem wants to show us that accidents happen in life. It could be in a form of unexpected pregnancy (which is used in the poem as the “forbidden game”), which is really common in this generation. But there’s a twist: the mother and father are related to each other (yet again from the phrase “forbidden game”).

    From what I have understood, the poem talks about how the “gumamela” grows as a person. Even with such circumstances and the problems she faced, she still bloomed and lit up the darkness that surrounds her life. She was able to do this and conquered her fears because she was loved by the people around her even though they never really did plan to have her. The “gumamela” who was once considered to be a mother’s regret, is now a blessing from the heavens.

    “It doesn’t matter where you come from or how you came to be. What matters most is who you choose to become.”

  23. Jaymhes Reel Galang
    BSN 1D
    La Libertad Negros Oriental

    A Blossoming Gumamela by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag MD

    The poem shows us how clean and pure a certain innocent child is. Just like a Gumamela, it would be such and aesthetic screnery when it blooms. We people can't control nor predict our destiny, that's why bad things really happen. And when we encounter that certain situation, we'll be in the brink of making decisions considering what's good and bad. But always remember that bad happenings will not always cause us bad, there are these learnings and lessons that we may learn form those.

    The poem tells us even though how bad or horrible your past is, it doesn't define you as a person. Let yourself be a ray of sunshine even though you may came from the depths of the shadows.

    Life gives us lessons that may hurt us but there are learnings along with it. It's up to you if either you run from it, or you learn from it.

  24. Armarie Elhaine D. Sagario
    BSN - 1D

    The poem entitled "A Blossoming Gumamela" written by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag MD symbolizes the future of an individual so young and pure that opened his/her opportunities in life for a better self and more things to learn. But this Gumamela in which the "forbidden game" was mentioned, it talks about unplanned pregnancy and regret and was the price that the mother and father had gained. No matter what they had in regret, this blossoming Gumamela is the fruit of their love and passion and ready to learn things from this world even though regret was already engraved into the offspring. Everything bad that is with you will always pull you down and insult you as a human but that does not stop you from blossoming or glowing into the darkness from where you have been because there are very many opportunities in life for you to reward yourself and escape from the darkness in your life. The freedom of choice is the main value that we need to reflect in this beautiful and honest poem.

  25. John Paul Sibul

    A Blossoming Gumamela
    by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag

    A falling star ignites from afar, this represents the tragic event of Daniella's mother and is answered by a seed of gumamela that represents Daniella which made her mother realize that she receive a beautiful gift, the seed of gumamela who is now a sweet and a blossoming gumamela that shed's her from her tragic past.

  26. A Blossoming Gumamela
    By : Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag ,MD 1998

    In the poem of A blossoming Gumamela by Gerard Jude C. Bumanglag, I can see the problems that we teenagers mostly face. It emphasis on teenage pregnancy, abortion, pre-marital sex and a forbidden love. The poem itself conveys different of emotions. We can feel the authors love, happiness and its fear of the world.

    For me, the poem tells us a story of a couple whose full of love and compassion on its relationship. But this couple is still young so their parents will not agree. Even though they are restricted this young couple will still sneak out to see each other which results to an unexpected pregnancy (“Price of a forbidden game, Conceived in passion’s name”). In this part of the poem “A seed within the womb, In still regrets entombed, And withered by forces tragic, But still rejuvenated by the magic, Of a motherly faith retained. In Hopeful dreams regained.” We can see that the mother was scared of the unexpected event that gives her an idea to abort the unborn child but her motherly instincts or its maternal instincts kick in. So in the end she chooses to love and accept the unborn child and face its consequences.

    Love is one of the most important things to the survival of the human race, because it allows humans to work together and connect with each other. To live life without love is not living a fulfilled life. But true love is nothing that can be found in possessions or anything that can be created through physical relationships. True love is having a respect, and a deep concern and care your mate or for your future mate. But most importantly true love waits. That’s what mostly all our elders would always say. Yes, indeed it’s true. When you are hurried about love, tendency is, it will fail. But when you pray for it, and you wait for an answer, you will succeed. Every perfect love is from God. It is during God perfect time that true love will prevail. Love requires patience. If someone is willing to wait for you and prove to you about his love and intention, then, it is real love. Love is not measured on how long you have been waiting; it is about the love that perseveres.

    Calindagan, Dumaguete City


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