Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Open Sea

The waves whispering calling me to the shores
The water touches my feet where I stand
The eyes wandering to the deep blue ocean
My heart missing and calling out to you
Memories of you keep on coming back
Like waves on the shore crashing and crashing

When I met a stranger under the dark hall
I told my self this is the person I going to love
Were probably not each other first love
But we had our moment walking under the Acacia trees
Going to church together and praise God
Think of us as starting from now onwards

Since compared to the number of days when we didn’t know each other
You are my everything   to Love and cherish
Forever I hope well be like this
If you’re willing to make this promise with me
I love you, No words can describe it

We both made a vision of our tomorrow, but why did you have to leave me far away
You promise that every sunrise and sunset on the beach you will be on my side
You took the wind right out of my skin and you turned out to be just a fairy tale

As I envision you like the sea, Tears fell from my eyes to my lips kissing the sand
I craved love so deep from you to the sea
I want to give you everything, let make a promise to walk till the next life
Love first and loving someone should not be passionate

The Open Sea 2007

Baisanon Poet Penn Tulabing Larena  some of his works influenced by family ,relatives and friends. Some of his works including Hacienda in 2013, Hometown 2015,Rizal 2016, Katacgahan 2005 , The space between us 2018 ,Spanish Bread of Jose Rafael  2018 and Pretty Girl  2018. He is a nephew of  Literary icons in the Philippines like Fr. Rudy Villanueva aka in literature Renato Madrid, Dr. Elsa Martinez – Coscolluela,Atty .David C. Martinez, Lilius Pinili,Dr. Tichie Saycon E. Baena ,Atty Arturo Valencia Umbac,  Simon Anton Niño Diego Galera Baena and his mother Leonaga Tulabing Larena .


  1. May Therese A. Aguila
    BSN - 1C
    Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

    From the writer’s tone, I can assume that the words stem from the pain of losing a loved one. In the phrase “my heart missing and calling out to you” we can understand that due to the character's loss, they are forced to turn to the memories they’ve shared for comfort. Instead of comforting the character, this does the complete opposite—reminding the character of what they used to have and how it’s gone. The character then proceeds to remember the promises they’ve made that have been left unfulfilled and can only be until their next lifetime— where the character is hopeful that they will meet yet again.

  2. Nell Ian Villanueva

    A persona is comparing the open sea and its waves with a person he loved who have already left. He is probably trying to move forward but their memories are trying to capture him. Instead of taking a glance towards a hopeful tomorrow, his heart are shadowed with pain and frustration as he remembers the promises they made and the plans they look forward. As he penetrates the heartache caused by her special someone, he eventually concludes that love should not be passionate at all because the more we dedicate ourseleves on love, the greater the pain it causes in the end.


  3. Alessa Marie Z. Badon
    Siaton, Negros Oriental

    "When I met a stranger under the dark hall, I told myself that this is the person I'm going to love. Were probably not each others first love but we had our moment walking under the Acacia tress, Going to church together and praise God." The poem explained that sometimes people come in to our lives and we already know that the are meant to be there to serve some sort of purpose, to teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. We met strangers that later on became one of most important person in our life. And life isn't always the way how we want it to be. In our life people either come as lessons or blessings. But despite the reason why they came into our life,we should not forget that once in our life they made us feel loved, broken and even stronger. The poem also talks about promises that was broken, the promise was not to leave each other behind. Without a doubt, the pain of breaking promises is unfathomable. In the last stanza "Love first and loving someone should not be passionate" I deemed it to be one sided only.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ma. Louisse Nicole Arpa
      Cagayan de Oro City

      The poem talks about a person who wants to go back to the memories that they built together with her special someone but it suddenly disappeared. They promise to each other, they planned for their future. The poem shows us that people come and go. People come in your life as a blessing or some come as a lesson. But despite of all the experiences learning valuable lessons in life is helps us to be strong and to grow as a person. Things happen for a reason, everything in our life that happens are for a valid reason.

  5. Edelyn T. Andaya
    Manjuyod Negros Oriental

    Love can be defined by the person who’s in love. No one can define what love is that easily, without experiencing it. Love is the feeling that we can’t control. Everyone has their own definition of love. For me, love is when you give your all to the one that you love. That no matter how many flaws he has, you will always love him unconditionally, and that sometimes you forget to love yourself as well as your worth as a lady.

    This poem talks about a woman who’s in love yet she was dump by the man of her life. Having someone in your life is one of the best feelings that every one of us feels. But being dump or left must be also heartbreaking. That every time you close your eyes you always remember him and the memories that you both made. That you just pray to God that “please Lord can you wipe this feeling away? I don’t want to feel this feeling anymore” and you always tell yourself that “I wish I didn’t meet you”.

    Sometimes if we truly love someone, we forget to love ourselves, we forget the worth that we have because the only thing that we always remember is to consider what they feel, that sometimes it’s more on begging than loving. You beg for his/her attention, you beg for his/her time, you beg for him/her to show some affection to you, and the like. But we can’t force someone to do those things just to fill up our satisfaction. Just accept what he/she can give you and not seek more. Do not change him/her just to achieve your standards but let him changed himself/herself to be worthy of your love.

    In loving someone, we must not give our all. Because if we do, we are the ones who will suffer from the pain when they left. It is much better if we put in our minds that if people will come into our lives, they will only leave us one day, that they will stay temporarily and not permanently just to lessen the pain because the lesser we assume the lesser the pain is. I honestly envy those people who feel love like this. That even in just a short span of time, they feel the love that they deserve. It is so good to feel that you have someone who cares for you, to have someone who will join you through your up’s and down’s, to have someone who will cherish you, to have someone who will listen to all your rants, and to have someone who will love you unconditionally. In love, there are no things that should be forced, whatever happens, let it be happened and accept it, for God have a reason why those pains, sorrows, and the like that you feel had happened. Just trust Him and His time for you.

    If breaking promises hurt us, moving on is twice as the pain is. Promises are made to be broken indeed. It will only depend on the person who made this promise if he/she will do that promise or not.
    Having someone that didn’t destine to you in the first place is heartbreaking at all. You thought that he/she might be your destiny or soulmate yet you still broke up. We sometimes question God about the things that happened. But we must always remember that God will cut us from those people or from those things that He knew in the first place that will only lead us to suffer. We just need to ready ourselves that every people that will enter our lives will vanish one day.

    Moving on is the hardest part because it will let you reminisced about the memories that you have with someone or it will let you think about that someone every day. And the most painful part is when you're trying to move on but the past, the memories from the past will hunt you each time, just always prepare yourself. Maybe, just maybe, in another life, you and the one that you loved will be together.

  6. Gerilyn Myls G. Sy
    Grade 12-Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    As I read the poem, I can feel the feelings that the author is trying to portray. It's a feeling of loss, pain, and longing. I find it bittersweet how the person he loves turned to a memory and all he can do now is think about that person and their happy moments. He expressed his love towards the person, even hoped that things would be like that forever, and made visions about their future just to end up parting ways. My favorite line in this poem is "You took the wind right out of my skin and you turned out just to be a fairy tale." It just feels so heartbreaking to me to have someone who you love so much then lose them. It's like your happiness is gone and that kind of feeling is like it takes everything in you to get up in the morning because you know that you'd only be feeling the pain. This is why I think the author stated that loving someone shouldn't be passionate because the pain that one has to endure because of love is too painful.


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