Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Dark Angel

 Ayla lopez  Tuesday, March 24, 2009 


Angel descend form the sky,

Going through the darkness of me,
Therefore the angel called the dark angel,
He enter my humanity and possesses me,
To bring melancholy in my heart,
To grant domination that kills me,
To guide me in the most critical way,
To drain my head,

Dark angel kill me as I say,
I don’t want to be here,
So that my darkness will be gone eternally,
There is no happiness that happen to me even a slight,

My heart shatter me,
My soul kills me,
My thought brings me to dilemma,
So what is the point of living in this world with no love? ? 

Poet from Tugas ,Tanjay City  Ayla Lopez Sedon

hi im ayla lopez! ! ! ! my freinds call me ling, ayling, and emoempress...... and i like to write poems........she started writting poems age of 15 years old

Major Works 

Long Time Crush Until Now 

Dark Angel 
Emotions ( Black to Red Heart )


  1. Kyra Claudette C. Saguban
    BSN 1-C
    Brgy.Nagbalaye, Sta.Catalina

    Every one of us has dark angel. Dark angel inside us. Dark angel are ourselves. Even how good we are, we have dark sides. Our life is like yinyang. We are balanced by good and bad. It is a matter of perspectives on how we see it, how we fight it and how we overcome our dark angel.

  2. Jether C. Rabanal
    BSN - 1C
    San Jose, Negros Oriental

    The poem Dark Angel by Ayla Lopez narrates a story of a person who is going through a rough patch in his life. He is surrounded by so much negativity that this opened an avenue for negative thoughts to enter his mind which eventually clouded his judgement. This is evident in the first four lines of the poem. We are introduced to the Dark Angel that takes over the person’s humanity. The Dark Angel here pertains to the negative thoughts running through the person’s mind. Instead of fighting against it, the person succumbs to these thoughts and pleaded for an end to all his sufferings. This tells us that the person is struggling with his mental health. He sees no purpose to continue existing in this world because he has not found anything that would bring him a sense of satisfaction.

    This is a reality that happens to a number of people in our society today. We tend to fixate on the negative aspects of our lives and we forget to focus our energy on the positive side of things. This poem shed light to the adverse effect of neglecting our mental health.

  3. Jonnalyn T. Rodriguez
    BSN 1-C
    Pamplona, Negros Oriental

    For me, this poem entitled "Dark Angel" is about a person who was in his/her dark moments in life in which his or her perspective in life became negative. We all have a good angel and a bad angel. It is up to us to whom we choose to listen, to whom we choose to believe, and to whom we choose to follow. The person in this poem is blinded by his or her struggles and challenges in life that makes it difficult for her/him to see the good side of life. The person can only see the dark angel because she or he let negativity eat her/his system. We all have the freedom to choose on which path are we going to take. We all have the choice to fight or to give up but the person in this poem choose to surrender in his/her trials in life.

  4. Abigail G. Ragay
    BSN 1C
    Siaton, Negros Oriental

    We have always known angels as human's guides and protectors. The dark angel (which was called by the angel) represents how the person in this poem is in deep need of spiritual wisdom and guidance, a reassurance that he is somehow not alone in his battles. But because he already let the darkness grow on him, let it feed on his sanity, and let it take over him, he already has the overwhelming urge to just disappear and be isolated without anyone trying to save him. The thought of being saved is only killing him and he feels burdened to continuously live in a world he no longer wants to be a part of. He feels that way because he no longer has anything that's keeping him alive. His soul is lost and wounded. And I don't think it wants to be found and cured anymore.

    The only thing I learned in this poem is that we all need to be sensitive on how we treat people around us. All of us are in constant battles, all of us are trying to survive on our own. The least thing we can do to save each other is to never invalidate someone for all sorts of way we tried so hard to survive.

  5. Janice L. Solamillo
    Valencia, Negros Oriental.

    The poem Dark Angel talks about a person whose thinking was swallowed by dark thoughts that make him or her suffer. The suffering drains him or her so much that he or she thought that his or her life is pointless. Instead of choosing to fight, negativity controls his or her life which makes him or her miserable. This kind of situation is very common to all people, we always choose to look at the dark side of our life without even trying to look at the brighter side. Because of this, we do regretful actions that ruined our life and even the life of other people.
    This poem tells us that life can throw mean punches at us and sometimes those punches will knock us down, but if we try to protect ourselves from all those punches, then we can limit the damage that it will bring us. We are in control of our own mental-well being so don’t let our Dark Angel drug us down, with this we can find the peace and love that we all wanted.

  6. Crista Elaine Jade S. Yuag

    What I have thought after reading the poem "Dark Angel" by Ayla Lopez is that it focuses on the person's tough life in which he is full of negativity in his mind. He criticized his own life knowing that there is a possible way to survive the darkness that made him suffer. He didn't think of any idea on how to fight against it, he just gave up in order to end his suffering. He just want to end it, disappear all along and to no longer exist in this world, it is because he don't see any purpose or hold on to something that will make him stay. This poem really happens in reality that's because if that person wants to give up, he/she tends to suicide to end his/her pain. Sad reality but that is the first thing that comes to their mind when they want to disappear in this world and no longer go back in this world of Life.

  7. Trisha Marie V. Ronquillo
    BSN 1C
    Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City

    After reading the poem “Dark Angel”, it focuses and emphasizes that the Dark Angel in the poem represents our negativities in life it also pertains the problems of a person is experiencing with. Meanwhile, if you have trust to yourself that you can overcome the “Dark Angel” into yourself then you will leave peacefully. As a matter of fact, this kind of poem is typically somewhat a reality, why? Because most of us is experiencing this kind of situation today. Us, we focus more to the negative aspects to our life but we tend to forget more that they are still a brighter side who is waiting for us. This poem helps and serves us to be able to realize that even though that they are challenges happening to us most especially right now, we won’t stop hoping that this will end.

  8. Jevine M. Sillo
    BSN 1C
    Mamburao, Pamplona Negros Oriental

    In my own interpretation this poem illustrates a person who came into the persona's life as it is stated, "He enter my humanity and possesses me". This probably implies of someone who enters the persona's life and controls her. In the preceding lines "To bring melancholy in my heart, To grant domination that kills me, To guide me in the most critical way, To drain my head" these implies that the person who came into the persona's life does no good for it only brings sadness and manipulation. Moreover, the persona plead to be killed by the dark angel as it says, "Dark angel kill me as I say, I don’t want to be here, so that my darkness will be gone eternally" this might symbolize that the persona already got tired of the dark angel's domination and control over her life. In addition, the last line of the poem is what made me think of this interpretation as it says, "So what is the point of living in this world with no love??" I assume that this person that the persona talks about might be her loved one, a family, a lover or anyone that is of great value to her—but also brings her destruction.

  9. Marinella Ramillano
    BSN 1C
    Masaplod Norte, Dauin

    After reading the poem entitled Dark Angel by Ayla Lopez I realized that in this world there are different types of angels that we tend to meet and most of the time we meet this thing called dark angel. These days, people are fragile, their emotional stability is not normal and tend to have issues regarding to their mental health. It is not easy to cope up with these type of situations especially we also tend to lose their self confident and self-esteem that lead to their selves that they rather choose to be silent while in pain than telling everyone about their mental status because people are quick to judge. It suffocate to feel that pain but they have no choice.

    And what hurts me the most, most of these dark angels can be their friends and families. Sad but true, this is how society work these days and this is how complicated life is. I cant say that they have to be strong because experiencing that feeling is very tough but hence look at the bright side because despite all of it there's always a meaning to live your life to the fullest. Fighting!!!!!

  10. Ferjie Grace Rosales
    BSN 1C
    Obogon Pamplona, Negros Oriental

    For me the word "Dark Angel" is also referred to "Depression or Anxiety". I think of this way becaues it has a similar definitions of the title, we may put our lives in darkness, we may put our lives into chaos, we may not implement happiness in our live, and we may not experience what is love. In this poem, it talks about how we build depression or anxiety that put us into chaos of our world and may experience hatred on ourself as a person it is not easy to conquer this things. We hurt ourselves emotionally and mentally because of what we think negatively, we build our world into darkness that we never mean to have. Yes, we build a barrier between the real world because of this kind of insecurities that we have. It is not easy to fight in this kind of world, it has lots of difficult challenges that we need to conquer. We need to fight for our rights and find a solution for everything. We are the only one who put ourselves and life to darkness, we are the only who put our lives into chaos, we are the only one who wouldn't dare to experience happiness, and we are the wo are not willing to feel or have about love.

    To sum up everything that I have understood, we should always remember that our life is just temporary and we need to cherish everything that we have on this wonderful world that God created us. It may have lots of temptations, discrimination, and failures in this world. The only thing in this to trust is ourselves, let us help ourselves to grow and experience peace of our world that we have.


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