Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Emotions ( Black to Red Heart )

 Is full with everything,

Unable to handle it no more,

For it surge like a blood of fountain by means of emotions,

I feel like I am replete like a fever rising,


I feel like I crave to slay,

I intend to die,

I desire to verbalize out,

I aspire to cry,

I would like to shriek,


Entirely of this emotions,

I want to be departed,

And replaced through new emotions,


I crave to love,

I yearn for peace and harmony,

I require to be ecstatic,

I want to chortle,


If this stuff will occur,

My emotions will wrecked,

And my heart will be different,

Commencing black to red heart……….


 Monday, March 16, 2009 

Poet from Tugas ,Tanjay City  Ayla Lopez Sedon

hi im ayla lopez! ! ! ! my freinds call me ling, ayling, and emoempress...... and i like to write poems........she started writting poems age of 15 years old

Major Works 

Long Time Crush Until Now 

Dark Angel 
Emotions ( Black to Red Heart )


  1. Jorizza Jean M. Vendiola
    San Miguel Bacong Negros Oriental

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart), written by Ayla lopez is a powerful and heartfelt poem. The first time that I’ve read her poem I didn’t quite understand what she really meant. For me, it was a deep and personal poem written by her. Like she was going through something emotional that made her wrote that beautiful piece of hers. She beautifully and creatively chose her words that makes it more interesting and deeper for the readers. I, personally, love to read poems like that. This is because I like poems that are mysterious and with deep meaning that challenges me to think hard what it really meant. I find it so astounding that how powerful words are and such talent coming from a person like Ayla.

    From what I’ve understood about her poem, I feel like she was talking about how powerful our emotions are and it could change who we are. It could drown us deep and could never reach the surface again. Our emotions can make us do things like good and bad but, it depends on what situation we are in. It could be for revenge, forgiveness, anger and many more. It really depends on what we decide to do because at the end of the day we are the ones who can control our emotions, no one else better can do it rather than ourselves. Ayla’s poem showed how desperate she is to change her emotions because she was tired of feeling angry, hurt, and depressed that it reached to the point that she wants to die. All she wants is to be loved, peace, happy and to laugh again. She thought that if she were able to do that again her black heart will become red again.

    Each one of us are going through something personally in our lives. It could be from a past that caused us a trauma and made our red heart turned into black. Because of that past of ours it is drowning us with our emotions. That’s why some people commit suicide. They couldn’t take it anymore and decided to end their life to end their problems. For them, that is the only way to achieve peace. This is a lesson and a reminder to us that we should never let our emotions win. We have to fight and fight until we reach the surface. Never lose hope and look on the brighter side. We are never alone, we might think that we are but, think again. There will always be some people out there who love and care for us. When the night falls, a brand new day will begin and we never know what amazing things could happen on that day of ours. So, live to see it, stay strong, positive and keep faith.

    1. *Each one of us is going through something personal in our lives.

  2. Jude Froilan T. Villamil
    Bolos, Siquijor, Siquijor

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez, it’s like that person is experiencing emotional turmoil. It's like he or she's filled with different emotions, negative emotions to be exact, and feeling like he couldn't handle it anymore. Sometimes people can experience that, the feeling of being so done of everything, so tired, so confused.
    Bombarded of different emotions. That's when you'll eventually realize how important peace of mind is. You want to like reset everything and just want to delete all of those emotions replacing it with positive ones.

  3. Crezanne Justine Villasan
    BSN 1 D
    Poblacion, Sta. Catalina, Negros Oriental

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez, is a poem of urging desires of a person. In total we have different perspective and longing desires to one emotion which sometimes we tend to feel those emotions as if we want to do it at this moment. We sometimes question ourselves on why we tend to aspire feelings that is inappropriate of a situation we are in and long for love and affection towards it. A man has tendencies to long for a moment where he wants to express himself to various emotions that he wouldn't understand why the want to express it. We are all confused why we have these aspects of life and why we are bombarded with a lot of emotions and sometimes these emotions makes us suffer the desires of our hearts. Nevertheless we also have experiences that trigger these emotions and let out the heart to be something it doesn't want.

    When peace of mind kick in positivity and control comes after, then we tend to normalize these emotions and the fire of wanting it to be expressed will be prolonged.

  4. (Di sya ka publish sa iyaa diri Sir, so ako nalang mupublish sa iyaa diri)
    Julius I. Vera Cruz
    Banilad, Bacong Negros Oriental

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez, There are a lot suffering from this type of emotions, she maybe depressed or what. She is experiencing deep sadness or maybe mix with some deep emotions. Everyone can be like that which ended a lot of lives. She is suffering but she wants to turn her world around to make her position better and that’s what make her stronger by being positive in her case. I am extra happy for what she wrote on the last part that she clearly craving for her heart turns red again. She may ask God for help and do things that can make her happy again and throw those bullshits away from her. Just think God is making things better for you if you believe in him.

  5. Christine Mae M. Vilas
    Bagacay, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez, is a deep, emotional and different kind of emotions were felt while I was reading the poem. I read the poem many times and each time I repeat it, it feels like I’ve been captured and absorb in the poem. It feels like I imagined the person described in the poem. The subject that has been described in the poem has gone through a lot of things and is now full of emotions. The subject is full of everything that has been happening within him/her and around. Everyone of us has different kinds of emotions based on the feelings and the events that has happening in to our lives. We all know that , deep in to ourselves that sometimes we experienced this kinds of emotions.

    Sorrow, pain, unloved, hurt, unwanted, lose the will to live are the things that triggers why the subject thought of giving up and wanted to rest eternally. All of those emotions are overflowing and the subject can’t handle it because it is too much for him/her. The subject wants to cry, to scream and to speak because the emotions that he/she is feeling is unbearable and he/she just wants to relieve all of that and starts anew. In the following lines, I felt that the subject poured out all of the negatives emotions he/she feeling that was replaced by positive ones. In this times, I believe that there is hope and faith in the subject’s heart and wanting to long for anew and positive outlooks in life. I experienced something just like this or should I say once in our life we experienced something like this, like we’re full of emotions, we can’t bare to handle those emotions and because those are negative we intend to think that there is no hope left and everything, everyone else is against our happiness and if that happens I hope that there is someone for us that would make us realize that we are worthy and we should have hope to continue living and fighting the battles of our lives. I want to hug the subject to this poem because of he/she has been through a lot and she/he decided to have hopes again and change his/her heart.

    Even for me, it feels like I’m inspired with this poem because it gives me a will to love, a hope and a desire for peace and harmony around me. We all deserve to have happiness, to receive and give love and to have peace within ourselves and around us. If this happens, those people with chaos emotions will find their hope and will to live. I want to share this poem to my friends who are unstable at this moment because of this pandemic. I want to tell them that everything will be back to normal and I want to enlighten their emotions that the emotions they are feeling right now can be changed when they find their purpose in their lives.

    At the end of the day, we will find our meaning and purpose in each of our lives. The feelings of despair and hopelessness will eventually fade and will be changed with desires and aspirations. If we have faith in Him, with God everything is impossible and all those emotions will transform into new hope and desire. The black heart of the subject will eventually become red because it is now full of love, full of hope and has peace and harmony in it.

  6. Kate Stefan B. Villaluz
    BSN 1D
    Bais City

    Some days will be terrible than the others. You'll feel discouraged and hopeless but you'll get through them and you'll learn. You'll pull yourself together and you'll understand how important it is to be kind to yourself. The poem is merely about seeking for ways to get oneself out of the hole she got herself into. It speaks on us on a different level where we have no idea what others are going through, the kind of wounds they are carrying under their skin and the scars they got on their soul. From what I have understood, it is a reminder that not everything is worth fixing. Some things are better left being the way they are because you’ll only continue to hurt yourself, and delay healing if you keep wanting everything to work in your favor. But I love how the poet points out that healing is our responsibility and the decision to replace our emotions to try and focus to something that will help us grow.

    All I wish is for our heart to remain kind and gentle even when the world is not. Be gentle and be an ear to each other.

  7. Eligio III J. Utlang
    Bais City, Negros Oriental

    Forsooth, it is inevitable in one way or another, we get vanquished by the palpable force of our emotions. The poem itself could and may manifest many things; from one fixed end and while the other has an uncertain end. The question is, why is there a fixed end and an unsettled end? The fixed end of the poem represents the ideology of the human nature. This is a nature that is universally acknowledged and recognized. This point represents the vulnerability and how susceptible humans could get; and with constant, unanticipated circumstances it shows how disturbing an episode of emotional turmoil could possibly be thereof especially if the situation is deemed unescapable which puts the latter on predicaments and/or dilemmas. In other words, this is the point where there is cognizance that humans are capable of apparent feelings and emotions. On the other hand, the uncertain end of the poem talks about what could have possibly happened if the series of emotions or events were incessant that could forcibly make the supposed character of the poem go the extent of having it physical. However, albeit the underlying point there—if read between the lines—is the urge to quench the thirst of being renewed or to be “reborn”, so to say, but the character does not have enough solidity of having it done physical.

    That is to say, there is suicide ideation in the play of the poem. Suicide ideation is the concept where an individual is preoccupied with the proposition of self-destruction and death for that matter—how it will be done, the presumed peace it could offer, and how an individual perceives the situation if it was in favor to him/her. Basically, the theme of the poem suggests how one could be in cloud nine if circumstances were to be manipulated in favor to the self. However, that is not always the case in reality. The character longed to be renewed and redeemed from the extreme depths of emotions brought about an assumed event; that is, a tragedy, trauma, or something of paramount importance has been lost. This is very true to life where, at some point, people wished there was a reset button. A reset button which could restore a previous that is rather wrecked and unlivable. Moreover, the concept of self-destruction isn’t simple. To solidify the claim, you could not just tell someone not to even think about it because death’s concepts are rather fallacies and there is no certainty what could happen or what exists in the afterlife. That would be an insult. The character of the poem or people in general could have distorted fantasies in which a certain world is created in their minds where they are autonomous and free to do whatever they want and this includes to love and be loved, to experience constant happiness, no tragedy, and devoid of pain. This world existing in their minds is borne out of how miserable their realities are. With this said, they would wish to eternally end the real time and live in their orchestrated paradise.

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    3. (continuation)

      There is also one point in the poem that is pivotal to be given emphasis—that is, mental fortitude. Even though the character thought of self-destruction, there was no hint that the idea happened physical. However, there was an assumption maybe with this choice or decision, everything could be collected to how it should be where the character is free to love, to be happy, where there is peace and harmony. The result likewise never had a definite solution, although the character wished how it would be perhaps if the idea physically manifested. It goes without saying the character was still fighting notwithstanding the fact of the concurrent ideation of suicide. It must be recognized because the character in its own episode experienced how everything was upside down and felt like there was no way out. The poem made it clear there was a struggling entity in which the character was exhausted and filled-up with how circumstances are. For the sake of argument, people should realize that mental fortitude should not be romanticized or be deemed as something aesthetic. It is not. Mustering mental fortitude is not an easy thing to do nor is it something that can be taken right off the bat. It takes time, courage, and strength to build it up. People are not obliged to show empathy, but in circumstances like this, there has to be a caring touch and a hand that’s willing to help and not expecting to be reciprocated. In the pool of emotions, maybe one could save another from drowning in the depths of nothingness.

      Lastly, the poem stresses the character should be heard, be vulnerable, and be able to cry—but there may be an impeding force that probably made the latter feel suppressed and decided to repress. As a case in point, the character was halted in verbalizing what has been kept inside which added up to the already-filled-vacuum. Another factor is the fear of being disregarded and neglected. The character may have wanted to express the self but there was none to go to or if there was someone, maybe that person did not have enough emotional intelligence to be able to gauge and have just the right pacing; or the person may end up falling short. The purpose of helping may be there but the approach could be rather jeopardizing and make things even worse.

      As a summary to everything, the author gives emphasis to two point ends in which one is a fixed end where humans are indeed capable of emotions; and the other end which is uncertain talks about what could possibly happen if the series of events were to be continuous. Second, the author stresses that suicide ideation is real and such is the concept where a person could be preoccupied by it and its assumed peace after that is considered a fallacy. Third, the character longed to be redeemed and renewed but to an option where it contradicts established human values. Fourth, people are capable of fantasies that it become distorted at some point—a world where they are autonomous and devoid of anything that causes pain. Fifth, how important mental fortitude is wherein people shouldn’t easily give in to what they think is paradise—but mental fortitude should not be romanticized. Lastly, the author stresses being heard, being vulnerable, and being able to cry are imperative as these could save you from the depths of emotions.

  8. Kyle E. Torres
    BSN 1D
    Bais City

    Ayla Lopez is a poet who procured Emotions (Black to red heart) that portrays internal strife with the feelings of the person. As what I’ve processed, the author had experienced a lot of baffling and unfortunate events that made her emotions stir. Overwhelmed by the sudden outburst of feelings, the subject is caught up by its very own noose. The unwanted mix of emotions is suffocating the persona to the extent that she cannot vent it out. As you grip the end of a running water hose, the water stays inside until you open and free your hand. The intensity of the author’s emotions prevents her from releasing the pressure inside her heart and head. This person is greatly anchored to perfidy or an immense heartbreak after years of being together.

    There are times when we feel drained and we are met with another situation that challenges us emotionally. The negative feelings that we feel can destroy us if left untamed. The emotions that linger inside us can either make us or break us. Some people are emotionally unstable to the extent that they break out when a certain event remind them of their dreaded past. Our daily activities are hindered by our emotions that we cannot function to our fullest extent. Others resolve to self-harm or suicide to escape from the thoughts that has been troubling them. This is a very melancholic poem that shows the struggle between our emotions and the difficulty of letting it out to alleviate the burden.

    The author does not want to stay that way; she wants to catapult herself out of that hole to a serene and hopeful environment. An ounce of hope has inspired the author to metamorphose from the chrysalis of degrading fervor. The author wants to be free from the emotions that tried to consume her. The euphoria that she has been longing can only be attained if she opens her heart to let the new and positive emotions in.

    Our emergence from the emotions that changed us is contributory to change. Opening a new chapter in our lives may not be easy, but the effects are satisfying. As we become our new selves, let us not forget about the lessons that we’ve learned from our past experiences. Sometimes we are afraid of change, thinking that it may not be suitable for us. But the excess luggage must be thrown out to allow extra space for improvement. We must learn to appreciate ourselves more to embrace the change that we once sought.

  9. Mar Zulkifle M. Zulkifle
    San Miguel Bacong

    In this poem "Emotions ( Black to Red Heart )" written by Ayla Lopez is about love. The author expresses her feeling of wanting to be happy and break free from the melancholic feeling in her heart. She is feeling the outburst of emotions of positivity. We all can experience this feeling that when we are in the dark for far too long and we want to break free from the shackles that is holding us back all this time. That need of happiness in our life is unavoidable and that will to do anything to achieve that said happiness. This poem "really do hit different" for me like how I have been to be able to move on from past situation of feeling this unending sorrow where my emotion just stood still and doesn't move at all. As time moved on I just can't stand being the same and thought to myself "I'm not getting anywhere if this goes on, I don't want to be sad anymore I just want to be happy again" so I crave that happiness that I once love.
    This poem is both simple and powerful and expresses the feeling of people in this day and age. And I really do appreciate of having the opportunity to express my self and reflect on myself through this poem. Just absolutely beautiful.

  10. Nina Noreen T. Vallega
    Tanjay City

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez. The mood and the use of words are heavy, the person felt uneasy and frustrated its like the world seems to fall on her. It represents how our feelings can lead us through in times when we are out of anger, in a way that we can wish for inappropriate thing just to ease the pain.

    as human beings it's hard to fight with unbearable feelings, and this poem delivered that it is not wrong to felt that way, we have the right to express how we feel towards something.

    At the end of the poem the person sees positivity in negativity, that leads to the line commencing black to red heart.

  11. Katherine Mae L. Villahermosa
    Bais City Negros Oriental

    It is understandable that everyone yearns for peace. The poem depicts from how the sorrowful, dull, and lifeless black heart turns bright red that is full of life.

    The first stanzas in the poem described the feelings that are running through one's mind as their emotions go into a very depressing matter. It is very quite relatable to someone who is struggling and being suffocated as all the negative emotions swarm inside. Wanting to create tantrums is an action one wishes to do, which in particular is important; releasing the bad energy can help soften one's mind and heart.

    When someone is down and hit rock-bottom, the way else someone is to go is up. At the mid part of the poem it showed emotions of desperation. Determine to see what is beyond such depressing emotions they have encountered.

    If they have released the tension inside of them, the empty space can be filled with bewildering emotions to enjoy.

    The last stanzas in the poem show hope for someone to feel new emotions. The emotions they wished to receive show the value of life. And can also be the reason for someone to find peace within themselves. Though these emotions are unfamiliar to someone that had faced such darkness in their hearts, it is why the last few words said 'my emotions will wrecked' since all the negativity inside their hearts are dispersed and will be replaced with something new. This new feelings will slowly turn all the negativities into positivities hence how the black heart turns to red.

    The usual scenario for the poem is creating new relationships (this does not mean it has to be a romantic relationship). The back heart turns to red as when the person open ups to someone and give mutual trust to each other.

  12. Gwyneth B. Samson
    Dumaguete City, Neg. Or.

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez, a poem about expressing one’s emotion of sorrow, emptiness, and being depressed. I personally think that at least once in our life we have experienced what is it like to be in this kind of situation, being helpless and unable to handle all the negative feeling may it be because of work, our studies, family or even in our relationship. When we are in this certain kind of situation we yearn for the day when we can finally break free from all these negative feelings, that our tears of sadness will be turned to gladness. And that is what the author is trying to tell in this poem. Hoping that one day her black heart would turn to red.

  13. Shannaia Luz R. Ynzon
    BSN 1-D

    I think this is all about someone who desires to escape from the chains of her overflowing emotions. It's like she want to escape from all that's holding her back to find her genuine bliss. All her life, her emotions got the best of her and it was overflowing out from her context. She wants to burst it all out and faced it with courage. However, to let go of her emotions means facing her demons and fight it with self-love. All she ever wanted was love, freedom, and happiness. She'd rather tarnished her past and make her new self amply grand. If she learns to put herself first, her hues will turn rosy and somewhat blossom into reddish hues. It's like she painted her skies with the darkest gray before and in order to change herself, she used her best colors for her own Portrait. This someone had walked through intense rainstorms and came out brazen. That someone can be me.

  14. Marianne Hassaram
    Gr. 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem portrays an internal strife in the life of poet Ayla Lopez. As evident in the title and symbolism, the poet struggles to change her black heart, filled with bitterness and anger, into a red one, filled with love and peace. We are first introduced to the negative emotions as overwhelming. The intensity of her emotions even brings in disturbing thoughts on suicide and homicide. The mood and choice of words are heavy, it reeks of anger, frustration, and desperation as if she carried the whole world on her shoulders. It shows us how much our emotions affects us in thought, word, and sometimes even deed. There are moments when we cannot control how we feel and so our feelings control us.

    However, the author wants to change. Like a cocoon, she wants to metamorphosize into a better version of herself. The poet expresses how dwelling on her thoughts would change her for the worse. This perpetuates the idea that is alright to experience negative emotions, but what's not alright is to dwell on them forever. All of us desire to love and be loved, to be happy, have peace, but none of this would be possible if we refuse to change our black and bitter hearts.

    To conclude, this was a simple poem with a powerful message for everyone. If we want to have better relationships with others and ourselves, we need to learn how to control our emotions. It's a difficult skill to learn, but it is never too late to start now. Let's declutter our hearts of all our sorrows and make room for improvement. We only have one life so let's make it worth the while.

  15. Darius Lloyd Tubo
    Gr.12- Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Emotions (black, red heart) written by Ella Lopez. When I started reading the poem, some of its part uses difficult words that you may not be able to understand. The poem has a deep meaning so, you need to deepen your understanding and use your knowledge to know something. But overall, it's quite interesting and challengeable for me. So based on my understanding about the poem she wrote, I think what she's trying to tell us, is how emotions changes the way we think and act that sometimes can lead into any destruction. Our emotions change every time we react. Example, if we feel disappointed about something, we don't think right or think about what's good for us, otherwise, we think of the bad outcomes of a situation that forefront trouble, that's why we think things which is not good. That's what the writer wants to articulate, we react every time when you feel like life is too tough to handle, and all of us experience that way. Yes, life is tough sometimes, and it's come to the point that you want to live peacefully that is far from exasperate place. But we can control everything we do, for life is full of obstacles that you need to vanquish. All you must do is be reasonable, accept the bad feelings that are occasionally unavoidable and think of ways to make yourself feel better. Forget those things that put you almost in darkness, restart yourself and cleanse your heart from all cynicism. This poem written by Ayla Lopez inspires a lot of people who experienced hardships. This is good for everyone and need to be appreciated. A writer like her is one of a kind, for its fascinating and heart-warming poem of her.

  16. Yasmine Sedillo
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Emotions ( Black to Red Heart) is a powerful and wonderful poem written by Ayla Lopez Sedon. As I read the poem, I was really amazed because some of us can relate to it and I was able to understand immediately on what she meant on her poem. I can feel her emotions while reading it and I can tell that this is written personally by her. I read the poem many times since it made me feel something.

    From what I’ve understood from her poem, these types of emotions is what makes a person depressed, longing for affection/attention from someone. Emotions are very powerful, it will make you do things, bad or good, depending on how you handle the situation. Once you just let your emotions swallow you, you want to cry and shout because you are not aware of the emotions that are building up inside you. These type of emotions are the reason why people will think of giving up and just want to disappear from this cruel world we are living in to end all of the sufferings, sorrow and pain. “I want to be departed, and replaced through new emotions, I crave to love, I yearn for peace and harmony I require to be ecstatic, I want to chortle” I can tell that she is already tired of crying, being angry, hurt and depressed. She wants to change her emotions and all she wants is to be ecstatic and she wants to chortle. She’s longing for love, peace and harmony. If she will be able to do this, her heart will be different. It will turn from black to red heart.

    This poem taught me to avoid making hasty decisions that may or may not cause everything to go down, to think thoroughly my decisions being accompanied by these emotions.

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  18. Izax Keanna Añosa
    Grade 12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Concepction

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) is a poet written by Ayla Lopez is emotional and deep. In my opinion, the poem talks about someone that can't handle his/her feelings. When people can't control their emotions, their responses may be disruptive or inappropriate given the situation or settings. Being unable to control their emotions can be temporary. It could be caused by something.

    Sorrow, feeling unloved, and pain are all factors that contributed to the subject's decision to give up. All of those feelings are bursting, and the subject is unable to cope since it is too much for him or her.

    To conclude, everyone has their way of expressing emotions and reacting to life circumstances. If you're having a hard time coming down from those emotions try to take a break. I also realized that in our lives, we are all packed with different emotions. Sometimes it may lead to anger or fulfillment. These emotions are normal for us, human beings for we are living in a world where there is chaos and joy. But what matters the most is how we deal with it. Sometimes, we tend to get along with our anger or sadness but deep down we know that we are longing for peace and joy.

  19. Ed Ryan C. Decena
    Gr. 12 – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    In the first few parts of the poem, we are introduced to how the writer seeks to express all her emotions that she is unable to hold no more. She then talks about how this is affecting her, how it is making her ache in a sense.

    Due to bottling up her emotions, she then talks about how she wants to slay, die, shout, cry, shriek. Having no understanding about her emotions and because of that, she wants to get rid of those emotions and change it into something else. Hoping to see change.

    To crave love, peace, harmony, ecstasy, and happiness, all of these she wants. All of it just to change her heart from something that only sees darkness to one that can see the colors of living a life freely and happily.

  20. Joanne Jamaro
    Grade 12 – Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart), written by Ayla Lopez is a very powerful poem filled with emotions. The first two stanzas of the poem tell us how Ayla’s heart is filled with anger, frustration and sadness. Her heart is filled with emotions that seems to be eating her alive and she just want to release all of it, all of the pent-up bitterness and anger that is raging inside of her.

    The third, fourth and fifth stanzas of her poem tell us that she wants to be release from her shackles of bitterness, she wants to transform her black heart, a heart that is filled with grief, anger and frustration and transform it into a red heart, a heart filled with love and peace.

    Her poem is very relatable. All of us desires to be love and cared for. We don’t want to be imprisoned in a heart-shaped cell that is filled with negativity and darkness. We want to be free and living happily, basking under sun filled with love.

  21. Allynn Cate C. Fernandez
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    Deep down the very core of our hearts, we seek for pure bliss and a serendipitous essence to exist. We wander around the vast areas of our emotions in pursuit of finding the things that makes us love life. However, we are not all ascertained to stick our feet on this path instantly. We can sometimes be defeated, a tormenting situation that impedes the progress we desire. Still, the littlest hopes in our heart yearns for genuine happiness. That is what the poem entitled, "Emotions (Black to Red Heart" written by Ayla Lopez, is all about.

    Bullseye. The only word I can recall saying as soon as I finished reading the piece. As someone who is battling her demons in a sombering atmosphere, dawned by the candelight emotions as my mind murmurs nothing but chaos, everything is in turmoil and the stomping arrival of misery kept getting huge. I was left with nowhere to run. I was left unable to see the broad daylight outside of this four-cornered-room and everything, including my senses have shut its way down for good. This is what the author must have felt. Often times, we are challenged by the world, ourselves, and even people who deemed significance to us. We aim to conquer, but dissecting something out of ourselves to produce results but ends up seeing nothing? It is an internalized disappointment that can leave us clueless of our purpose. This is where our emotions will start to foster.Our world just seems so monochrome that we can no longer find a single colour on it. We doubt our worth, we no longer acknowledge ourselves and label it as "worthless". It will make us feel like an actual trash. We tend to harm ourselves. But trust me, doing so won't make you feel any better. If you still do so, then the life you cherish isn't really something that you "cherished". On these verge of emotions, we are awoken by the reality of how atrocious living can be. Our unending regrets, asking why and how does it have to be us. Deep down we seek, we pray for...

    Happiness and contentment. We may scream to the world about how great living life can be. Our soul maybe swept with an ample amount of lapses and failures, but embedded in our little wishes is to finally be embracing the version we made for ourselves and be grateful that we exist. The author has now come to a concrete resolve. Even if it takes time and streneous means to get there, she will be there tomorrow, the next day, or even after a year. When we learn to recognize our failures and accept our capabilities just the way they were, then we can finally set our wings to fly to a horizon where our emotions can't even grasp us.

    The darkness that has once enveloped our lives yesterday, will slowly uncover into a colored binding lights that will overpower the remnant that was sculptured in your past. We are not new to change, rather, we are its pioneer. If we will be finally condensing ourselves from a black heart to a red one, true exaltation awaits at the end of the curvature. Only if we value and maintain the truest nature of our emotions, we won't be drowned with it once again. And if you are once again clasped by the bait, try again. Keep the shift from your black to red heart, but assure that what you value most is the latter.

  22. Jan Vincent B. Pialago
    Gr. 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem, "Emotions (black to red heart)," depicted the struggle of the poet, Ayla Lopez. It was delivered in contrast transition, emphasizing the desire to change her black heart into a red one, filled with love and peace, as stated. Depression was the first emotion that I felt from the reader as she expressed herself poetically. She emphasized negative feelings, where she had trouble coping up and had led to an overwhelming sorrow.

    As I continued reading, I visioned the writer's desperation to be well by expressing herself but she couldn't. She's trapped in her sadness, whining for help that will never go in her way. In addition, she craved change, hoping for love and peace to fill her heart, instead of the overwhelming negativity. She wants to be better.

    Truly, the poem was heartbreaking, yet virtue can be obtained from it, and that is "hope." as we face our battles in life, there will always be times that our emotions will take over, where we lose control and become hopeless. But our desire would be the factor that brings us hope and go on. Even if that hope is close to none, as long as we have the vision of what we can become, there will always be a reason to aim for a change.

  23. Gie Myles H. Zamora
    Gr. 12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) by Ayla Lopez. It talks about how our lives can be ruined by emotions. The poet’s feelings got caught up and the emotions she felt overwhelmed her to the point that she couldn’t handle it anymore. She wants to cry and to verbalize what she’s feeling but then she can’t.
    There are days when you just want to be alone and stay away from everyone because of what you are feeling and that’s okay. In order for you to be okay, you have to heal from all these emotions. The poem touched my heart because I once felt these emotions. When battling with these uncontrollable emotions, what we need is a time for us to reflect and think about how we can handle it. A time for ourselves gives us a moment to think about ways to make ourselves better.
    This poem shows us that we humans go through tough times where the only thing we can think of is to end that suffering. But we should never forget that there are people who are willing to listen to our rants and thoughts. Those people can save us from the misery we are feeling. We can tell them what’s bothering or hurting us. And I believe that one of the ways to lift this heavy emotion is by talking to God. When I was in my dark days, what helped me were prayers. I cried while praying and I surrendered everything to God. Overall, this poem clearly describes what people feel and how they deal with it. It’s a simple poem but it gives a strong message to the readers.

  24. I can feel the rawness of Ayla's poem as I read it. As I read the words being constructed, she made me feel emotions. The way she described it made me think about how I've had similar experiences to what she wrote. I wouldn't say I had a 'black' heart, but I did have a hurt, wounded, and confused heart. A heart that wished to vanish without being realised by those around me, but that was me years ago. I learned that you can take a break from the harshness that life throws at us, but you must also learn to bounce back at your own pace. You can't force yourself to be okay right away because it takes time. I like how she wrote "I want to be departed, And replaced by new emotions" and then added "I crave to love." It screamed "I want to change, to climb over these exhausting and drowning emotions," and I imagined how hard she worked to see the bright side of things in order to transition from having a black heart to having a red heart.

    It makes me think that with so many things happening in life, I truly believe that it all comes down to how we react to them. I wouldn't say that our reactions to such situations are incorrect, but we can learn to be more mature about them. This also serves as a reminder to not dismiss other people's feelings because they are their feelings, and you, as a witness and a friend, must be present. As we get older, the weight of our responsibilities grows heavier, and because experience is the best teacher, we just wing it, you know. We get used to it or know how to deal with it.

    To relate it to myself, I tend to express my rage to my friends and then laugh about it before deciding how I'm going to deal with it. Nowadays, I honestly avoid such stressful thoughts or issues in which I may become involved. I uninstalled Facebook and Instagram, and I occasionally log out of Messenger because I enjoy other platforms that allow me to escape harsh realities and focus solely on what brings me joy. 

    The poem I just read makes me think that one day, if I encounter something that shakes me out of my comfort zone, I just pray and hope that I will be able to handle it. As much as I want to be prepared, there are times when we simply cannot control what is going on around us, and for that purpose, people close to our hearts are there for us.

    1. Myanmar M. Gonzaga
      Gr.12 - Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

  25. Samantha Claire Tindoc
    STEM 12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
    Ayla Lopez's poem "Black to Red Heart", is a powerful and heartfelt story. For me, it was her own words that made it truly special. Her poem talks about how powerful our emotions are. They could change who we are and make us do bad things. It depends on us how we choose to handle our emotions. We have different lives, we encounter different storms, We could be suffering from a past trauma that turned our red heart into black. Grant yourself the grace that it is okay not to be okay. In life we all have up and downs, Sometimes we have to experience the bad, so that we can learn to appreciate the good things that enters your life. Self-love will heal you, empower you, restore you, and open up new world within you and all around you. When time comes that you’ll experience this kind of problem again you are brave enough to face and fight this because you have you the stronger version of yourself.

  26. Jane Freyah Dipaling
    STEM 12- Our Lady of Immaculate Concepcion

    Emotions are what make us human beings. We live for emotions, bond emotions to ourselves and other people. Sometimes, being alive could be heart-shattering.

    The poem Emotions (Black to Red Heart)by Ayla Lopez is a beautifully written poem. From what I understand, the poem is about how everything becomes overwhelming; we end broken with our emotions. Sad to say that these past few weeks resonate with the poem. Were you just caught up and tired of everything; you malfunctioned. It is mentally exhausting where sleeping doesn't help anymore. It is like finding a cure you don't know existed or intended to read a book but your just looking at it. The confusion and mixed emotions are there, both suffocating me.

    However, this poem also tells me that we do have the power to control our emotions. We can bring back the "red" pigment of our hearts. As for now, I am trying to pick myself up and try to be positive. It's hard however baby steps are an essence here. For those who feel the same way as me, don't give up just yet. We're reaching for it. We can fight this.

  27. Archie Mae V. Doroon
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    "Emotions (Black to Red Heart)," a poem by Ayla Lopez Sedon, portrays the author's struggle to express her inner emotions in the presence of her agony. She was devastated and couldn't bring to lift her voice saying what she actually wanted to burst out. As I continued reading her poem, I realized that the real essence of her poem was so deep that it gives me even heartaches since she was drowning in the waves of pains, anger, as well as other emotions that had enveloped her dark heart. She was stuck to the point that she couldn't handle it any longer as a result of her ought to change the surge of her emotions. It seems that she created this poem in order to pull herself out from that terrible circumstance. Those words she wrote were stamped emotional and mental tears in an attempt to overcome her state.

    From this poetry, I have understood that our emotions do have the power to dominate our hearts. Struggling between expressing our new emotions and keeping those to ourselves becomes our enemy. We yearn for such feelings that would make us feel better, but there are sadness, anger, sorrows, hurtings, pains even depressions that will wreck it and might cause us to death because we cannot prevail to be departed against such heavy situations. From the most difficult and painful times in our lives, we tend to find peace and harmony. Sometimes it is hard for us to articulate our real emotions because we've been covered by such affliction that prompts us to hide what we want to manifest. We've become invisible to our ownself. We've become fake to our own emotions. We tend to change, however, the voices we want to utter and the urge that we want to express are just stuck in our tongues. We seem to be unable to speak, cry, or shout because something is holding us back to just stop right there and to just remain silent.

    Apart from that, all those negative emotions might be replace by a positive one because we cannot really avoid encountering this type of scenario on our journey, hence we can overcome it by gradually adopting the new chord which has been linked within ourselves. We have the potential to control the sudden change we may experience and we can be tough and brave in our darkest times, which I believe is the most unique ability a person possesses.

  28. Keah Criselle B. Bareno
    12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Emotions (Black to Red Heart) written by Ayla Lopez, is a deep, emotional and different kind of emotions were felt while I was reading the poem. The subject that has been described in the poem has gone through a lot of things and is now full of emotions.They want to talk about everything on their minds, but they choose to cry and scream it all out into an empty room. As a result, people desire to get rid of the negative emotions and replace them with pleasant ones. They want to be liked, and they want to live in a more tranquil and cheerful environment. They want some excitement in their life this time. They want to be joyful, to laugh gleefully as if nothing is worrying them in the back of their minds. If this occurs, their feelings will be altered, and they will become a better person. Our emotions can drive us to do both good and terrible things, depending on the scenario. The lesson I've learned from the poem is that, we are never alone, we might think that we are, but think again. There will always be some people out there who love and care for us. When the night falls, a brand new day will begin and we never know what amazing things could happen on that day.

  29. Jiselle P. Amaro
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    Ayla Lopez's words in Emotions (Black to Red Heart) were genuine in emotion. Whoever reads the poem will be struck by the words she has chosen. Everyone who has lived and continues to live in this world understands that there are dark times in our lives that cannot be avoided. This is where we learned more about the world we live in, and how cruel it can be at times. It awoke our emotions to the things we are unaware of.

    Life is not always full of joy; we occasionally face adversity that tests us as individuals. Real life is not all innocent and carefree happiness; there is more hardship or suffering in reality than most people realize. And these challenges makes us think of giving up and not to fight, but what is life without a little hiccup? These challenges changes as a person, especially on how we feel. We'd like to be heard, to cry because it consumes us, and to die to end quickly. These things would creep your mind and heart causing you a change of heart. To become stranger to yourself. Emotions are a formidable foe to our system. It has the power to drive us insane or good. Where we make decisions based on our emotions because it is all that matter during the time. But just like the sun set, everything has an end. It may last long, but it doesn't last forever. This is where we realized that even though life is cruel to us, the sun would still shine upon us. That there is still hope at the end of the day. That this is still a war we can win. There will be tomorrow where we can start over. Everyone is capable to change if one would accept the faith he/she had in the past and learn to forgive oneself. And when one learns to let go, she/he feels loved, at peace, and in harmony. The heart will be joyful once more. The heart will be content. And happiness will return to your life as it once did.

  30. Tsix G. Bacara
    Grade 12 - Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    The poem written by Ayla Lopez is very well written . The poem tells us about the emotions clashing together inside of the persona . The poet faced struggles and difficulties trying to change her black heart, which is full of bitterness and hatred into a red heart, filled with love.
    Sadness , sorrow , feeling unloved , and pain , all of this are what the persona felt . It piled up, resulting to unable to contain and control them. Moreover , having your emotions and feelings rampage inside of you may lead to making wrong and unjust decisions.

    To sum it all up , we should be careful in handling our emotions . We should not always allow our emotions get the better of us . If it seems that it it will blow up , we should think again and take a break for us to come down . We are already at the age where we should not make mistakes or problems just because we lost control of our emotions . Because we also want a heart full of love and happiness inside of a heart full of hatred and sadness.

  31. AJ Corrales
    12 Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem was very genuine and very well written. The author uses words that were very powerful. She relays her struggle and difficulties during the darkest of times. She tries to change her bitter, sad, and full of hatred dark heart into something that is filled with love which she calls as a red heart. The author also is in a state where she cannot fully express her emotions. Negative feeling were all over the place and she is drowned in sadness.

    Our life is not as easy as picking shells in the sea. It isn't always full of happiness. Sadness and misfortune is always there and we cannot avoid it. This poem shows that even if we are facing problems, we still need to aim for change and not let sadness took over ourselves and eat up our hearts. Let us seek for guidance and talk to others. Talking to God and voicing out all our emotions to Him is one of the best way for us not to feel alone and depressed. In this trying times, let us always bear in mind that everything will come to an end, and one day, we can be happy and heal again.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Mikylla Maelain G. Mohana
    Grade 12-Our Lady Of The Immaculate Conception

    Ayla Lopez's poetry Emotions (Black to Red Heart) is about a person's desire ignition, the poem took me on a short journey and touched my heart, turns on my imagination that tickles your funny-bone somewhere along the way, in life we have situations that elicit these emotions and cause the heart to become something it does not wish to be. we have varied perspectives and longing wants for one feeling. We sometimes wonder why we strive feelings that are inappropriate for the circumstance we are in and long for love and affection towards it. we are all perplexed as to why we have these parts of life and why we are assaulted with so many emotions, which sometimes cause us to suffer the wishes of our hearts. we have situations that elicit these emotions and cause the heart to become something it does not wish to be.

  34. Edmon jon catubig
    Grade 12 our lady of immaculate conception

    Ayla Lopez's poetry Feelings (Black to Red Heart) is a beautiful poem full of emotions. Ayla's heart is filled with wrath, frustration, and despair in the poem's opening two stanzas. Her heart is bursting at the seams with feelings that seem to be eating her alive, and all she wants to do is let it all out, all of the bitterness and hatred that has built up inside of her.

    She then tells about how she wants to slay, die, shout, cry, and shriek as a result of her emotions being bottled up. She has no understanding of her feelings, and as a result, she wishes to rid herself of them and transform them into something else. I'm hoping for a change, to yearn for love, peace, harmony, and joy

  35. Lornydith Siglos
    Grade 12- Our Lady of the Immaculate Concepcion

    Emotions (black to Red Heart), written by Ayla Lopez is such a wonderful masterpiece. It has it's unique selection of words which are genuine and powerful enough for you to feel it. It's deep words makes you think what she's been through and for you to understand what she means she wrote it like she wants the readers to feel what she really wants, and that is, she wants to change her desires on what or how her heart feels.

    This just shows how powerful and strong our emotions are, we cannot control our emotions but we can control ourselves same as what she said in the poem, 'Unable to handle it anymore' yet she wants to be 'departed and replace it with new emotions'. Her poem is quite simple yet very difficult to understand if you don't feel what she wants you to feel when reading the poem.

    For me what I understand the most is you can't control your emotions, yet you can overcome what you feel and change it to what you really desire. Emotions change, nothing is permanent. For as long as there is love in your heart? You can overcome your emotions and you can turn hatred into love.

    12- STEM Our Lady of Immaculate Conception
    The first time I read the title it gave me the idea as to how the author would arrange her thoughts in the poem below wherein I can tell I wasn’t wrong! I’m really fond of reading piece contains a deeper understanding about a certain thing and this one is included.
    Reflected in the poem stated that the author was feeling emotional, having a dark day and a humor of sad stuff. She wasn’t able to get through with those and it’s really an awesome decision that she wrotes down for us to know what it feels in a day of sorrow.

    In addition , she want to be in a red hearted state. Craving for love , peace, harmony and for me that is so good to hear. We shouldn’t settle for something that could make us less. Aiming for great and uphold strength to reach satisfaction. If individuals are hoping for better life so there’s no need for us to worry because we both will surely cooperate just to make change. Change is consant but always considered those that will deliver you into happiness. Your emotions must be holistic and fair. Control it if necessary and beware of consequences if you failed to do so.

    Those that are mentioned are so easy to process. What we have to comply is our responsibility to have a good connection and bond towards each other. Since, emotions has a big part let us be professionals in our own because we are humans designed for greatness and humbleness. Always remember it’s okay not to be okay but it’s never okay to suffer in silence. Make friends to recover because world has a lot to offer.
    Thank you!

  37. Lieca Jean A. Cunanan
    STEM-12 Lady of Immaculate Conception
    Emotions (Black to Red Heart)

    The poem "Emotions (Black to Red Heart)" is full of strong emotions. It narrates the author's very personal feelings; she experiences so many strong emotions that her heart turns black. Emotions that were too strong for her soul. Her writing style is not that direct; rather, it is so deep that you must read it twice to fully comprehend this wonderful piece. I believe this poem reflects how deeply we can feel for someone we love, and how our emotions can completely destroy us if we become too attached to someone who does not feel the same way. Just as the author wrote this poem in very deep words, I believe she was hurt by someone she truly loved and that person did not feel the same way, which is why she felt those strong emotions that broke her soul and put some thorns and black ink in her heart. The author was desperate to get rid of these strong emotions in her heart, and she hopes to find the love she truly deserves, as well as someone who will appreciate her, to make her heart go red again. I believe that due to certain circumstances, each of us can experience strong emotions that can tear us apart. These emotions could be caused by being angry, sad, hurt, or broken. Our emotions drive us to do things that break our hearts. To think that these emotions might drown us as we desperately try to reach the surface. These emotions and experiences that is showed in the poem may help us realize that we should not allow our emotions to drag us deep down and turn our hearts black; instead, we must fight and find a reason to smile in order to be free of torment.

    1. Name: James Axel G. Jayme

      Section: Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

      The first time that I've read the poem of Ayla Lopez "EMOTIONS (BLACK TO RED HEART). I didn't understand it vividly what she meant because the words were so deep. But when I read her poem again and again, I realize that when was going something that made her very emotional. I feel like she wants to know and share to us readers on how our significant our emotions and how our emotions could change who we are. Emotions can make us do good and bad, it depends on the situation. There are many kinds of emotions it could be anger, happy, love, forgiveness, excited, peace and others. We are holding ourselves so we are the one who can control our emotions. The poem of Ayla showed how miserable she is because she felt so tired being angry, sad and hurt to the point that she wants or intend to die but Ayla really wants to have peace, feel loved, and be happy again. She have an idea that her black heart will turn into red again of she will be able to feel loved, have peace and be happy.
      We, individual, have different kinds of ups and downs in life. Burdens may causes us made our red heart turn into black because of how we handle emotions throughout the situation. That's why some people wants to die, they commit suicide because they believe that the solution to have piece and be happy in life is to die. A very great lesson and a beautiful reminder to all of us that we should never let our bad emotions be the hindrance of giving up and never let our bad emotions prevail. Have faith in God. Make as your motivation and inspiration to fight and fight until yo reach the light. God's purpose is better that ours. Think positive always. Do good, keep strong, trust His will and have faith in Him always and forever.

  38. Nicole B. Alcampado
    Grade 12- Our Lady of Immaculate Conception

    The poem was written very well by the author. It tells us the emotions clashing inside of us. It tells us the struggles of the author trying to change that bitterness and hatred inside her heart and turn it into a heart that is filled with love. A person may feel different kinds of emotion clashing together resulting to not being able to control them. From what I have understood, it seems to be a reminder that not everything is worth fixing. Some things are just better to be left behind because if you will continue to fix it, it will only continue to hurt yourself. I really like the part where it is point out that it is our responsibility to replace those negative emotions into positive emotions. We should be careful in dealing with our emotions and learned how to take care of our emotional health.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Ayla Lopez’s words were very deep and genuine. She beautifully expressed her emotional turmoil into the poem. Sometimes it can be overwhelming when dealing with our emotions. We should not make decisions when we are emotional. Negative emotions stop us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. We tend to see only what we want to see and remember only what we want to remember. When we feel overcome with negative emotions like hurt, frustration or anger, we shouldn't pretend to feel nothing, but also let us not dwell on negative feelings and ruminate. This only prolongs the anger or grief and prevents us from enjoying life. Making changes in your life can cut down on negative emotions is a start. And acknowledging your pain is also an essential part of healing.

  41. SyLysdley L. Gutierrez
    Gr. 12 – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

    The poem is very genuine. And although it is very short it does well delivering it's message to the readers. With metaphors and the way the author compares things to make it easier for the reader to think of the meaning of the poem, it is great. She wants change but change is scary. It is an eternal struggle she faces in her mind and heart. And I sympathize with her.


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